5 months ago 632

Zionist Israel Genocide in Gaza

The Palestine-Israel Conflict is almost a hundred years old, although it intensified with...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
5 months ago 200

"رمضان مبارک: "مرحبا صد مرحبا پھر آمدِ رمضان ہے; Ramazan Mubara...

اسلامی کیلنڈر کا نوّاں مہینہ رمضان المبارک ہے اور پوری دنیا کے مسلمانوں کے لیے ایک مقدس حی...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
6 months ago 315

اسرائیل؛ سال کا اختتام 12000 معذور فوجیوں کے ساتھ کرے گا: عسکری تجزیہ...

The Palestine-Israel Conflict is almost a hundred years old, although it intensified with...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
6 months ago 334

شب برأت: عبادات و مناجات کی رات

Islam is the youngest religion of Abrahamic Faith. It emanated with the 1st revelation of...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
6 months ago 285

Holocaust; Auschwitz! Gaza Genocide is worse than that?

The Israel – Palestine Conflict is century old and it is impossible for a common man in th...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
6 months ago 381

الیکشن 2024

دنیا میں جب سے جدید ریاستوں کا دور دورا ہوا ہے تو جمہوریت کو بہترین طرز حکومت گردانا گیا ہ...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
6 months ago 817

14 February: Valentine Day: محبت کا دِن

Valentine Day is celebrated across the globe through out the world on 14th February. It ha...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
6 months ago 420

Valentine 2024: نظم: حسنِ عالم تاب ۲۰۲۴

Valentine's Day is celebrated across the globe through out the world on 14th February. It...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
6 months ago 758

محبت کی ایک نظم "میری ویلنٹائن؛ تم ہی تو ہو"۔

Valentine's Day is celebrated across the globe through out the world on 14th February. It...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
7 months ago 339

Kashmir Solidarity Day 5th February

The Kashmir Crisis was implanted on creation of country Pakistan. It is impossible for a c...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
7 months ago 273

خیبر پھر ہوگا؛ حق و باطل کا فرق واضع ہوکر رہے گا

The Israel – Palestine Conflict is century old and it is impossible for a common man in th...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
7 months ago 572

Khyber was your last Chance! Is It So?

A few years ago, some Israeli youths looked in the streets with a plaque in their hands, w...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
سردی کا موسم اور شاعری
9 months ago 1.1K

سردی کا موسم اور شاعری

In the four seasons of nature, after the rainy season comes autumn and winter. All the sea...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
Miracle under Rubble caused by Israel Bombing
9 months ago 375

Miracle under Rubble caused by Israel Bombing

The Israel – Palestine Conflict is century old and it is impossible for a common man in th...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
Gaza; Donkeys and Arab Rulers
9 months ago 409

Gaza; Donkeys and Arab Rulers

The Israel – Palestine Conflict is century old and it is impossible for a common man in th...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
غزہ: گدھے اور عرب حکمران
9 months ago 527

غزہ؛ گدھے اور عرب حکمران

The Israel – Palestine Conflict is century old and it is impossible for a common man in th...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
امریکہ اور جی 7 جنگ بندی کا لفظ کیوں نہیں بول سکتے؟ : گلوبل ٹائمز کا اداریہ
9 months ago 386

امریکہ اور جی 7 جنگ بندی کا لفظ کیوں نہیں بول سکتے؟ : گلوبل ٹائمز کا ا...

عرب اسرائیل جنگ ایک صدی کا قضیہ ہے اور اس نے سارے مسلمان ممالک کو اپنے لپیٹ میں لے رکھا ہے...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
10 months ago 460

Hamas-Israel War in Gaza; Glimpses through Camera Lenses

The Gazan Palestinian Hamas did a heroic attack of Israel on 7 October 2023 and its contin...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
غزہ میں نسل کشی: کیا مغربی طاقتیں جنگ مخالف آوازوں پر کان دھریں گی؟
10 months ago 440

غزہ میں نسل کشی: کیا مغربی طاقتیں جنگ مخالف آوازوں پر کان دھریں گی؟

The Gaza Palestinians are facing a genocide as the world watches. This war has jeopardized...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
Israel – Hamas War; A Commoner’s Opinion
10 months ago 543

Israel – Hamas War; A Commoner’s Opinion

The Israel – Palestine Conflict is century old and it is impossible for a common man in th...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
10 months ago 679

حماس کو اسرائیلی فوج کے راز معلوم تھے؛ کیسے؟

Hamas; the Palestinian Resistance Group based in Gaza managed an unprecedented attack insi...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
10 months ago 736

US Dollar has slaved Muslim Rulers; Israel-Hamas War

Ever since the rise of West as a Ruling Force in the world; the majority of rulers of the...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
10 months ago 802

The Israel- Hamas War; Zionist, Western Nations & Muslims in Religious...

The Hamas led Palestinian contained in Gaza attacked Israel on Saturday 7th October 2023,...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
10 months ago 871

The Israel- Gaza War; Zionist State, Palestine; Religious War

These are strange times. The Hamas led Palestinian contained in Gaza attacked Israel on Sa...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
11 months ago 455

سالانہ 2023 کا "رنگ آف فائر"; "آتشی انگوٹھی"سورج گرہن آن پہنچا

The Solar Eclipse is an annular event but for watchers of sky 'ring of fire' annular solar...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
11 months ago 635

جشنِ آمد رسول صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم ۱۴۴۵ ہجری

Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was born in the Islamic month of Rabi Ul Awwal; and every year Musl...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
1 year ago 376

India- A Continent, A Country and A Nation

India celebrates its 77th Independence Day on 15 August 2023 as a country and a nation wit...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza
1 year ago 408

Afghanistan- Heralding Sunshine

This article is to summarize the happenings on the Lands of Afghanistan for the last centu...

Muhammad Asif Raza
Muhammad Asif Raza