Muhammad Asif Raza 2 days ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #events

Shahadah! the Ultimate Goal of A True Believer

The Palestine-Israel Conflict is almost a hundred years old, although it intensified with establishment of Zionist Jewish State in 1948. The Gaza Jihad which completed a year on 7th October 2024 has severely affected the sentiments of the Muslims and the world is witnessing the ugliness of Zionist Jews. This write up is a tribute to the martyrdom of Hamas Mujahedeen including Sheikh Yaseen, Ismael Hania, and Yahya Sinwar.

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

In the name of ALLAH , the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful


Shahadah! the Ultimate Goal of A True Believer


ALLAH  subhanahu wa ta'ala did a favor to this Earth and to the creatures living on it, and especially to the Progeny of Adam, by sending his beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last of the prophets. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH  be upon him) took part in Jihad in a practical way and highlighted its superiority and importance in such an exemplary way that as a result of which his honorable Companions (may ALLAH  bless them all), carved those manifestations of Jihad in the way of ALLAH  in human history, that they will be part of the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) until the end of the world. So they became a beacon.


The Quran narrates in Surah As-Saf in verses 10-11: " O believers! Shall I guide you to an exchange that will save you from a painful -punishment?

˹It is to˺ have faith in ALLAH  and His Messenger, and strive in the cause of ALLAH  with your wealth and your lives. That is best for you, if only you knew.


It was narrated from Abu Hurairah (RA) that someone asked the Prophet (PBUH) that which work is better? The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Belief in ALLAH  and His Messenger." He was asked, "And then after that?" He said, "Jihad in the way of ALLAH ." The Hajj which ALLAH  has accepted". (Sahih Bukhari: Kitab al-Hajj, Chapter Fazl al-Hajj al-Mubarur; and Sahih Muslim) (Agreed upon)


Sayyiduna Umar Farooq RadiyALLAH u Anhu said, "By God, even if I have only wood, I will fight against you." We know how Maula Hazrat Ali (RA) continued Jihad for the glorification of ALLAH 's name and character? Then we saw how Imam Hussain (AS) gave a new spirit to Jihad? And then the history of fourteen hundred years that have passed until today; Ummah is full of prideful examples of mujahids, ghazis and martyrs emerging from the followers of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).


In the history of the last two hundred years, Muslims have been enslaved in a strange way. The crop of traitors among the Muslims has been flourishing a little more than past years. On our lands, Mir Jafar; Mir Sadiq and many others are seen as Nang-i-Milat, Nang-i-Din and Nang-Watan (despiteful shameless characters) . But despite all these conditions, the prideful examples like poet of the East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah; and person like Syed Qutb are also shining stars.

Such a Spark, O Lord, was in these ashes!


There has been a period of continuous conflict and disasters in Muslim territories during the last hundred years. Palestine and Kashmir are constantly burning and a large part of the Ummah is just watching the spectacle. But the Mujahideen are not giving up. Every day a Mujahid is sacrificing his life somewhere. Last year, on October 7, 2023, the Mujahideen of Hamas in Gaza launched the Storm Al-Aqsa campaign against the world's most powerful army; IDF. And we see how a terrible war is being fought there? The history of humanity has hardly seen a war of this kind before. On the one hand, there is the Israeli Armed Forces, which has the political, economic and military support of all Western Nations, and on the other hand, there are surrounded and .... Hamas Mujahideen.


Yesterday, the Israeli army itself released a video that depicts the concept of a mujahid of this war. Only a few months ago, Yahya Sinwar was appointed as the leader of Hamas. The cowardly Israelis and the Western world have claimed and propagated that Hamas fighters are hiding. But the Muslim Mujahid fights for the sake of ALLAH ; Death is dearer to him than life. The Qur'an has called the desire for death to be the difference between a believer and an unbeliever. So time saw whom the Jewish and Western powers had been searching for in the tunnels; He, the mujahid of Islam; Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas; Along with two Mujahideen, was martyred in direct combat with the enemy on the most dangerous front line of Rafah in Gaza.


According to Israeli media, an IDF force spotted 5 Hamas fighters in Rafah while carrying out their 'duties'. Then, their tanks were ordered to open fire on these fighters. All the fighters died, except one, who was Yahya Sinwar. So, the IDF fired a shoulder-launched explosive missile at the building with Sinwar, which also did not kill him. After this, the IDF launched an FPV drone in Sinwar's direction, who stood up, gathered some stones and tried to hit the drone. Then, eventually, after more than 15 minutes, it was an IDF sniper that shot Yahya Sinwar in the head while he was out of cover, engaging the drone. This explains the bullet wound seen in the images. Carrying the heritage of a Muslim mujahid, he fought till the end. He kept the faith intact and rejected the greed of worldly desire.


O Ye! the Martyrs of the right path, images of loyalty!

The mothers and sisters of the Ummah solute you

You have gone drinking the jam of such martyrdom

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) may have taken you in his arms

Ali (RA) may be swayed by your bravery

Hussain-e-Pak may have prayed for you too

May ALLAH  bless you


Yahya Sinwar is the second Hamas leader, after Ismail Haniyeh, to be martyred by Israel. Hamas is an organization created by martyr Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who taught resistance to the caged and besieged Muslims of Palestine for fighting in he way of ALLAH  despite all the constraints and hardships; He encouraged them about the importance and excellence of jihad in the cause of ALLAH . And he showed it by sacrificing his life to the traitors among the political elite of the entire Muslim world, and proved to them what is said in the Qur'an.


"And there are some who say, We believe in ALLAH  and the Last Day,” yet they are not ˹true˺ believers." (08) Al Baqarah

The Messenger of ALLAH , peace and blessings of ALLAH  be upon him, said: "The dust flying in the way of ALLAH  (Jihad) and the smoke of hell can never gather in the stomach of a True Muslim. And miserliness and faith will never gather in the heart of a servant." Al Nissai 3112, 3113, 3114


Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniya and Sheikh Ahmad Yasin sacrificed their lives to set the record of Muslim history of martyrs and proved that they belonged to the ummah of lions. They distinguished themselves among the ummah of the slaves of Muhammad-e-Arabi (peace be upon him). The Mujahideen of Gaza are proving that how self-indulgence and the imperfection of earthly life alienate the heart of the Mujahideen from the two worlds? According to Iqbal, "A wonderful thing is the pleasure of falling in love of Creator"; So do we know that what is this pleasure of falling in love of  Creator? How the death becomes more beloved than life?


Those doing jihad are doing their duty, but what is the rest of the Ummah doing? What are they in love with? What hopes are they keeping? What neighborhood do they live in? O Ummah of the Prophet of Mercy and Khatam-ul-Nabieen (peace be upon him), from whom do we hope for intercession tomorrow when we see that our innocent brothers and sisters are suffering painfully in the hands of the enemies of Islam in Kashmir and Palestine? When will we finally wake up? Muslim history has been mostly kind to its traitors; But for how long? Isn't it time that we start teaching our traitors a lesson without which they will not be properly expelled from our ranks?


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