Muhammad Asif Raza 10 months ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #global


The world today has been shaped during last two centuries and there has been a term used as “Great Game”. The fact of the matter is that the great game has been played in Eurasia and the Muslim Lands have seen the worst part of it. Pakistan lies at a most geostrategic location in the above referred great game. This article is discussing a part of the great game wrt to Pakistan, Iran and Turkey.

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ




1.        After the issuance of last White Paper, by the British Empire in 1934 which stated that though we (non-Muslims especially Christians funded by Jews) have defeated the Muslims OTTOMAN EMPIRE but to have complete control on the Muslims WE shall keep them economically strangulated, subsequently the IMF was institutionalized. Since then, Muslim countries have been economically blackmailed using various means, including but not limited to puppet governments.


 2.       In the last 2 decades, all Muslim countries in the MENA have been neutralized, and now only three countries; Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan are left, which are still considered Torch-Bearer of Islam. Amongst these 3 countries, Pakistan and Iran are nuclear capable states.


3.        Pakistan is targeted first, unfortunately, being the economically most weak and corrupt nation. The international indicators of corruption are evidence of this. The US, despite its withdrawal from Afghanistan, is using the excuse of monitoring Taliban activities through Pakistan, to which our innocent and corrupt people are showing their agreement. In fact, the game is more far than their wisdom. US's actual interest is to make strong hold in Pakistan while negotiating the card of economic development and support, which unfortunately has become Non-Sue-Qua due to poor public policies over the last 4 decades but actually USA wants to grip Iran. It may be mentioned here that the US has already established very strong footholds in the neighbouring countries of Iran, i.e., Iraq, Azerbahijan, and Turkemanistan.


4.        By installing a puppet government in Pakistan, which apparently is presented as the will of the public through constitutional procedure of No Confidence Movement, Pakistan will be made to bow down in front of IMF and from now onwards funds will be released through VENTILATOR to our economy against tough conditions so that Pakistani public institutions shall only be worried about their day to day life and there should be no thoughts of Muslim unity to support Muslims around us in Kashmir, Palestine or any part of the world and even should never think of making any forward block with Iran, Turkey and Malaysia. The economically strangulated Pakistan with slave mindset will lose its WILL to even deter INDIA who will be supported more to become economically strong despite US interests being overlooked as being done in case of imports of Defense and Oil products from Russia; and finally, INDIA will be made Sub-Super Power of this region. And thereafter, Pakistan puppet governments will themselves present their nuclear assets for economic relief as they are being done by UKRAINE just a few years after the fall of the USSR.


5.        After dealing with Pakistan in 2-3 years through economical strangulation and increasing strong foot holds, then Turkey will be dealt which in absence of support from Pakistan and Iran will have only two options either follow US instructions or to be ready for sanctions followed by the small-scale threating war. It will be a tough rather very tough defining moment for Turkey in the absence of any diplomatic support from any Muslim country.


6.        Once these two Muslim countries will be dealt thoroughly and public of both the nations will be made convinced that to live their life, they need US supported VENTILATORS through IMF then IRAN being sole nation will be forced to bend in front of ISREAL who will be made Sub-Super Power of MENA.


7.         Now, this is the time for Muslims to revisit their strategic alliances with a focus on independent economics and, if not independent but should not be dependent on IMF and Western/European Countries.


Written by Captain (R) Muhammad Shafique TI (M) PN. Please share your comments & queries freely.

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