Ramadan is the 9th month of Islamic calendar and occupies a holy status for the Muslims of the entire globe. Ramadan occurs during the month in which the Holy Quran began to be revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on a special night called Lailatul Qadr. It is month for fasting and attaining purification of soul; called Tazkia or Taqwa. This write up is a brief explanation in the same regards.
The Ramazan Purifies the Soul (Rooh) of a Muslim. Why is it so important to purify ones soul?
Quran says in ” سورۃ الشمس “
قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَن زَكَّاهَا) He has succeeded who purifies it,( Rooh) (9)
وَقَدْ خَابَ مَن دَسَّاهَا) And he has failed who instills it [with undesirables].(10)
The above verses clearly indicate that he will succeed who possesses purity and one who is contaminated will be doomed/ failed. Ramazan is the fasting month and ALLAH the ultimate sovereign has described the purpose of the same as
O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, so that you may learn self-restraint. Quran 2:183”.
TAQWA / purity may therefore be termed as the ultimate goal of Ramadan, to be among the righteous.
Mechanics of Purification of Soul
Let’s draw a parallel with an example to comprehend the mechanics of the purification process.
As we know that sea water is very contaminated with many dissolved and un-soluble impurities. The sea water corrodes even a living soul dipped into it. However, the same water is distilled and used for human consumption. The distilling plant purifies sea water into potable water. The process of distilling is explained in the following:
Distillation is the production of pure water from sea water by evaporation and re-condensing. Distilled water is produced as a result of boiling and evaporating sea water. This evaporation enables the reduction of the 32000 parts per million of dissolved solids in sea water down to the 1-2 PPM in distilled water. In this process, sea water is filled in the distiller up to a desired level and then heated up to boiling point. This results in production of water vapours, which are made to pass through filters for restricting undesired salt particles. The hot vapours are condensed to liquid and then collected to pump into Fresh Water Tanks. The distilled water is used for human consumption. The left over concentrated dense liquid in the bottom of plant is called brine which is discarded / thrown away.
Marine Boilers require a continual supply of feed water to provide high energy steam to the associated Steam Engine, which in turn propel the ship.
The distillation process if not carried out carefully may result in the undesired output; carrying more than 2 ppm of solid particle. The higher solid content may occur due to malfunctioning of process, due to leaking seals or joints. The malfunction therefore results in the failure of the desired result, i.e. pure water.
Ramazan / Ramadan for Purifying the Soul
The month of Ramadhan has been granted to purify the soul and body of a Muslim.
We the Muslim believe that ALLAH has created us as an amalgam of spirit (Rooh) and body (earthen material). HE has also directed to observe Taqwa, which can be defined as keeping the journey of the Man’s life free from worldly pollutions to reach hereafter.
“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, so that you may learn self-restraint / ward off evil / guard against evil; Quran 2:183”.
TAQWA / purity may therefore be termed as the ultimate goal of Ramadan, to be among the righteous.
In the month of Ramadan, all Muslims fast from first light until sundown, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations. If they are physically unable to do this, they must feed a needy person for every day missed.
Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (رضی اللہ عنہ) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ) said: “When Ramadan enters, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hellfire are closed and the devils are chained.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
On the first night of the month of Ramadan, the devils are chained, the jinn are restrained, and the gates of Hellfire are closed and none of its gates are opened. The gates of Paradise are opened and none of its gates are closed. A caller announces: O seeker of good, come near! O seeker of evil, stop short! Allah will save them from the Hellfire and that is during every night of Ramadan. [Sunan al-Tirmidhī 682, Grade: RSahih]
It means that the outside bad influences are shunted and the process of cleansing may begin. ( the contamination of soul be stopped)
Holy Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said:
"Surely, the month of Ramazan has been named so because it scorches away the sins." [Kanz al-Ummal, H: 23688]
Holy Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) has said:
“It (Ramazan) is the month, whose beginning is mercy, its middle, forgiveness and its end, emancipation from the fire (of hell). “ [Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 93, pg. 342]
The 1st 10 x days are mercy, in which the process of (boiling) separation of sins from the soul takes place. It is surely ALLAH’s mercy that HE grants this separation in this world, otherwise the hell fire will carry out this function.
The next 10 x days are forgiveness, in which sins (brine) are ejected. Holy Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) has said: “Whoever stands (in the voluntary night prayer of) Ramadan out of faith and in hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
The filters (demisters) are the guide lines and actions provided in Quran and Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) (which if followed properly) will restrict the bad deeds in polluting the soul.
The last 10 x days are emancipation from fire. The pure Fresh (Feed) water is required for human consumption (boilers and steam engine); similarly a pure soul will be able to live a contended life after the end of this process, which begins with celebrations of Eid ul fitr.
Hazrat `A'ishah (رضی اللہ عنہا) reported:
“ The Messenger of Allah (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) used to strive more in worship during Ramadan than he strove in any other time of the year; and he would devote himself more (in the worship of Allah) in the last ten nights of Ramadan than he did in earlier part of the month.”” (Muslim)
The practical actions while performing the worldly tasks are operational hiccups which can take away the blessing and therefore should be taken care off. The fasting is for ALLAH so the entire purpose of fasting shall be to please the Creator. The month of Ramadan is blessed since a Muslim can receive forgiveness for his sins due to the prayers and fasting out of sincere faith in ALLAH and following the Sunnah of The Messenger of Allah (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم).
The five prayers, Friday to Friday, and Ramadan to Ramadan will be expiation for the sins between them, so long as major sins are avoided. [Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 233AMAD]
Abu Huraira (رضی اللہ عنہا) reported: The Messenger of Allah (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said:
“Allah said: All the deeds of the children of Adam are for them, except fasting which is for me and I will reward it.”
“Fasting is a shield. If one of you is fasting, he should avoid intimate relations with his wife and arguments. If somebody fights or argues with him, he should say: I am fasting. By him in whose hand is my soul, the unpleasant smell coming from the mouth of a fasting person is better to Allah than the smell of musk. There are two pleasures for the fasting person, one at the time of breaking his fast and the other when he meets his Lord; then he will be pleased due to his fasting. [Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 1805, Grade: AN KARMuttafaqun Alayhi]
My dear fellows / followers of Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم), let’s take this mission and succeed as follows:
Hazrat Abdullah ibn `Amr (رضی اللہ عنہ) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) said:
“Fasting and the Qur'an will intercede on behalf of Allah's servant on the Day of Judgment:
Fasting will say,
"O my Lord! I prevented him from food and desires during the day, so accept my intercession for him."
And the Qur'an will say, "O my Lord! I prevented him from sleeping by night, so accept my intercession for him."
The intercession of both will thus be accepted. (Ahmad)
قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَن زَكَّاهَا)
He has succeeded who purifies it,( Rooh)
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