Muhammad Asif Raza 8 months ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #global

Summer Vibes; Sunshine Vibes

"Summer Vibes," refers to the collection or combination of different sensations, experiences, or impressions that collectively represent the spirit or mood of summer. A perfect summer day offers "Sunshine Vibes" and is about shining Sun, the blowing breeze, the when birds are singing. It must be June, and the world must be smelled of roses. The sunshine is like powdered gold over the grassy hillside. This write up is to excite readers of Bangbox Online about the Summer Season.

Summer Vibes; Sunshine Vibes

During Summer Season, the earth's spin axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane. This is what causes the seasons. When the earth's axis points towards the sun, it is summer for that hemisphere (Northern in June). When the earth's axis points away, winter can be expected (Southern in December). The season between spring and autumn comprising in the northern hemisphere usually the months of June, July, and August or as reckoned astronomically extending from the June solstice to the September equinox.

Harper Lee says that " Summer was our best season: it was sleeping on the back screened porch in cots, or trying to sleep in the treehouse; summer was everything good to eat; it was a thousand colors in a parched landscape."

Summer is the hottest and brightest of the four temperate seasons, occurring after spring and before autumn. During our summer, the Northern Hemisphere leans toward the sun in its revolution, there are more daylight hours, and the sun's angle is more perpendicular to us than at other times of year. The longer days and more concentrated sunlight and results in more heating. When the Sun is tilted towards Northern Hemisphere, the sun's rays are more direct and intense. These longer days and direct rays cause the Earth to absorb a greater amount of heat in the region under its rays.

Let us dance in the Sun

" Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair and let us huddle together as darkness takes over. We are at home amidst the birds and the trees, for we are children of nature; " says Susan Polis Schutz.

As summer rolls around, we are more exposed to the sunshine. While some foods can help us keep our levels up, there's nothing that can quite replace the natural power of the sun's warmth on our skin. Our bodies soak in the nutrients and immediately begin producing vitamin D, which delightfully boosts our mood. Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain's release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused. At night, darker lighting triggers the brain to make another hormone called melatonin.

Katie Lee says " If summer had one defining scent, it'd definitely be the smell of barbecue.

Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you."

Hans Christian Andersen describes Summer vibes as " Just living is not enough; one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." "Summer Vibes," refers to the collection or combination of different sensations, experiences, or impressions that collectively represent the spirit or mood of summer.

Summer Vibes is actually "Sunshine Vibes"

Summer Vibes is actually "Sunshine Vibes" and is an embodiment of radiance and warmth to bring the essence of sunlit days into lives of we humans. Fire Element and Summer is the season that holds the energy of fullness, light, passion, heat, flowering, maturing, and fun. It's the full bloom of the flowers and the bursting color everywhere.

Summer is synonymous with outdoor adventures. From picnics in the park to hiking through lush trails and enjoying a refreshing swim, the warmer months provide ample opportunities to connect with nature. Heat waves forcing closure of schools and making every body run towards beaches; with bathing suits, floaties, smoothies and watermelons in the day and BBQ's, pool parties in evenings and nights. 

One of the most significant risks during the summer months is dehydration and heat exhaustion especially in parts of world where temperature goes above 40 C. The hot weather and high humidity can cause our bodies to lose fluids more quickly than usual, leading to dehydration and its associated symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and fatigue. 

Wilma Rudolph says that " When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome" but this is about only some part of the world.

Summer afternoon, have always been the beautiful opportunity to enjoy in some part of the world like Europe but it is also the most feared part of the day as it may cause heat stroke and severe dehydration to people moving with out caution in the after noon, as during these hours the intensity of ultra violet rays are very high. 

If one is dwelling in Europe that follow Roxane Gay advice who said that " Long walks on the beach are the supposed holy grail of a romantic evening. The beach becomes a kind of utopia - the place where all our dreams come true."

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