Israel Palestine Conflict is almost a 100 years old and recent development is only a precursor of what was planned a long time ago. Sheikh Imran N. Hosein has written the Book "Jerusalem in Quran" some two decades ago. The Book comprised 02 Parts; the first part is all about the Holy Land Jerusalem. The 2nd Part is about the repercussions of return of Jews to Jerusalem and likely fall out on the world's politics. Here is Chapter-1, for the readers of Bangbox Online, for understanding the great game being played on the Holy Lands of Al Quds / Jerusalem and positions to be taken in light of Quran and Hadiths.
By Imran N. Hosein
Chapter 1
“We gave Moses the Book and made it a Guide to the Children of Israel, (commanding): Take
not other than Me as (Supreme) Disposer of (your) affairs.”
(Qur’an, Banu Israil, 17:2)
(Shirk is the worship of any other than the God of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam). Any corruption of that
worship of that one God is also Shirk. Kufr is the rejection of Truth.)
Israel is a modern secular state located in the Holy Land. Its political system is
based on political secularism. What is the religious legitimacy of such a modern
secular state when judged according to the religion of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam)? And
does such a secular state, established in the Holy Land, conform with, or violate, the
Divine conditions for inheritance of that Holy Land? This chapter attempts to answer
those questions.
The World Order today
It is strange that in a world that still comprises many great non-European
civilizations none today has control over territory. Everywhere in the world today
mankind is subjected to the rule of European civilization and has been embraced by
the European model of a secular state. The European system of secular states
eventually produced a novel international political institution called (initially) the
League of Nations later resurrected as the United Nations. In the name itself, ‘United
Nations’, was enshrined the goal of the New World Order created by Europe to unite
the world under European political influence and control so that Europe could
eventually rule the world. At the time this book is being written Europe stands at the
very verge of final and complete success of that political strategy. All the non
European civilizations in the world appear helpless to liberate themselves from the
secular European stranglehold.
The ultimate consequence of this European effort, however, was to make possible
the return of the Jews to the Holy Land and to deliver the rule to the Jews so that they
may rule the world from Jerusalem.
The Qur’an (al-Anbiyah, 21:96) had very plainly declared that when Gog and
Magog were released into the world by Allah Most High they would “descend from
every height”. In consequence of such, a people who had been expelled from a ‘Town’
which was destroyed by Allah Most High, and whose return was prohibited, would
now return to that ‘Town’ to reclaim it. This book has argued that the ‘Town’ is
Jerusalem! When Gog and Magog descend from every height it would be impossible
for the rest of mankind to resist them because of the Divine declaration:
“I have brought forth from among My servants such people against whom none will be able to
fight; you take these people safely to Tur, and then Allah will send Gog and Magog and they
will swarm down from every height.”
(Sahih Muslim)
It is clear from the above that European civilization (after the advent of Prophet
Muhammad) is the civilization of Gog and Magog.
Genesis of the modern secular state
The modern secular state emerged after Euro-Christian civilization was
mysteriously attacked from within and was subjected to ominous and revolutionary
change causing a civilization that was ostensibly based on faith in Christianity and
Judaism to be transformed into an irresistibly powerful, essentially godless, amazingly
deceptive and appallingly decadent civilization. This was one of the most unique and
momentous events ever to have occurred in European history.
The godlessness of modern European civilization was plainly apparent in its
embrace of ‘materialism’ which was the logical culmination of the adoption of a new
‘one-eyed’ epistemology that insisted that knowledge was derived from only one
source, i.e., external observation and experimentation. The other ‘eye’, i.e., internal
intuitive spiritual insight, was rejected as a means through which knowledge could be
The modern secular state emerged in consequence of the application of that new
European godlessness to political philosophy and political theory. But while the
secular state appeared previously in history, it was only in the modern age that it
became a universal phenomenon embracing all of mankind in a new secular world
order. And the modern age emerged in consequence of that European revolution which
embraced all of mankind in its godless secular embrace, and proceeded to transform all
of mankind into a single, global, godless, secular and decadent world. Is there anything
that explains it? Our claim is that only the Qur’an explains it!
The godless European revolution was an even more mysterious phenomenon since it
was accompanied by a scientific and technological revolution that empowered godless
Europe with a ‘power’ that seemed invincible, and gave it such ‘glamour’ that made it
irresistible. The steam engine, trains, motorcars, trucks, mechanized tanks for warfare,
ships powered by steam and oil, airplanes, etc., completely changed the way the world
travelled and waged war, changing the way people lived. Electricity changed people’s
lives. Telephones and telegraph made instantaneous communication over long
distances possible and this, in turn, changed the way people lived. And a feminist
revolution gave to woman the freedom to embrace the functional role of men in
society in defiance of the functional difference established and ordained by Allah,
Most High (Qur’an, al-Lail, 92:4). That was heralded as women’s liberation! It
resulted in the most momentous and ominous change of all in the way people lived.
The new Europe directed a sustained attack on mankind by appealing to base
instincts of greed and lust. A sexual revolution promised to make sex – natural and
unnatural – as readily and freely available as sunshine. Marriage was increasingly
considered to be redundant and people could choose to live together without being
married and yet be considered to be leading respectable lives.
Homosexuality and lesbianism were defended as alternate sexuality and became so
acceptable in the popular consciousness that a homosexual or lesbian priest or Rabbi
could emerge out of the closet to claim respectability and continue to function as a
priest or Rabbi. Indeed, even the word ‘homosexuality’ was secularized in order to
remove the social repugnance attached to unnatural sex. It was replaced with the word
‘gay’. An unsuspecting public accepted the apparently innocent change of name.
A consumer revolution gave to mankind an insatiable appetite for acquiring more
and more of the new consumer goods that dazzle the eye.
The new godless Europe proceeded to use ‘power’ to conquer the rest of the world
and to colonize it, and then to use ‘glamour’ to seduce all of mankind into imitating
the godless decadent European way of life and new consumer culture. The godless
European revolution witnessed its political turning point in the American, French and
Bolshevik revolutions in 1776, 1787-1800, and 1917. The economic turning point was
the emergence of the usurious economic system based on Riba, and it was fully
achieved through the Protestant revolution. And the cultural turning point was the
emergence of the feminist revolution with its struggle for women’s liberation. But
none of these revolutions would have been possible without the accompanying
scientific and technological revolutions.
Shirk and Kufr of the modern secular state
At the end of those revolutions Euro-Christian civilization, which used to be based
on faith in God and in His Sovereignty and Supremacy no longer recognized the God
of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) as Sovereign, nor His Authority and His Law as supreme.
The ‘modern secular state’ was now recognized as ‘sovereign’, and that was Shirk!
The authority and law of the ‘modern secular state’ were now recognized as
‘supreme’, and that was Shirk! The state had the authority to declare Halal (i.e. to
declare legal and permissible) that which the God of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) had
declared to be Haram (illegal and prohibited) – and it proceeded to do so – and that
was Shirk!
Shirk is a very great sin. Indeed it is the greatest of all sins. It is the one sin that the
God of Abraham, Most High, declared that He would not forgive:
“Surely Allah does not (or will not) forgive Shirk. But He (can) forgive everything else
to whomsoever He wishes. And whoever commits Shirk has committed an awesome
(Qur’an, al-Nisa, 4:48)
Whoever commits Shirk, and dies in that state, can never enter into heaven:
“ …. Allah has made it Haram for whoever commits Shirk to ever enter into heaven.
Such (people) will dwell in hell …. ”
(Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:72)
The worship of idols is the most overt form of Shirk. This form of Shirk has largely
disappeared from the world today.
But there are other forms of Shirk that are also described in the Qur’an. Pharaoh, for
example, declared to Moses (‘alaihi al-Salam): “I am your Lord-God the Most High”,
and he declared to the Chiefs of his people: “Oh Chiefs! No God do I know for you but
myself …”. That was Shirk! The worship of Pharaoh by the Egyptian people required
them to submit to his authority as the supreme authority in the land of Egypt, and to
recognize his law as the supreme law in the land of Egypt. That, also, was Shirk!
The Qur’an has repeatedly admonished those who establish Hukm, i.e., the system
of law and justice, on the basis of ‘other than’ or ‘contrary to’ Allah’s authority and
Allah’s law. However, when the divine guidance reaches a people (such as Jews,
Christians, Muslims), and they accept that guidance, then the situation is quite
different. If such people have an opportunity to establish their control over territory
and they then fail to establish law and authority on the basis of the revealed Divine
Law, then the Qur’an unequivocally condemns them and accuses them of Kufr
(disbelief), Dhulm (injustice) and Fisq (wickedness and awesome sin):
“ …. And whoever fails to judge on the basis of that which Allah revealed has
committed Kufr (disbelief).”
“ …. And whoever fails to judge on the basis of that which Allah revealed has
committed Dhulm (injustice and oppression).”
“ …. And whoever fails to judge on the basis of that which Allah has revealed, has
committed Fisq (wickedness and enormous sin).”
(Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:44 - 47)
Since the declaration by Pharaoh and its concrete application in the land of Egypt
were acts of Shirk, it followed therefrom that the same declaration by the modern
secular state was also an act of Shirk! Since the God of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam)
declared that: “Whoever fails to judge on the basis of that which Allah revealed has
committed Kufr (disbelief), Dhulm (injustice and oppression) and Fisq (wickedness
and enormous sin)”, and the modern secular state has done precisely that, it followed
therefrom that Jews, Christians, Muslims etc, who establish the secular state after
having received the Divine Law through the Torah, Psalms, Gospel and Qur’an, would
be guilty of having committed Kufr, Dhulm and Fisq!
If a Jew, Christian, or Muslim, were to cast a vote in a national election in a modern
secular state, that vote would imply that he considered that party he voted for to be fit
to govern over him. And if that party as government committed or commits Shirk,
Kufr, Dhulm and Fisq, then the implication would be that the Jew, Christian, or
Muslim, would follow his Party and his Government into Shirk, Kufr, Dhulm and Fisq!
The Qur’an has also denounced as Shirk the act of making Halal whatever Allah had
made Haram (and vice-versa). Thus revelation came down from the God of Abraham
(‘alaihi al-Salam) in which He denounced Jews and Christians of such a monstrous sin:
“They took their Priests and Rabbis as Lord-Gods beside Allah; and (they did this in
respect of) the Messiah, the son of Mary (as well). But they were not ordered other
than to worship and serve one God. Glory is to Him. He is far and above the Shirk
which they commit.”
(Qur’an, al-Taubah, 9:31)
When the Jews acted in this way, David (‘alaihi al -Salam) and Jesus (‘alaihi al -Salam)
cursed them:
“Curses were pronounced on those among Banu Israil who rejected Faith, by the
tongue of David and of Jesus, the son of Mary, because they disobeyed and persisted
in excesses. They did not enforce the prohibition of that which was sinful and evil
which they committed: evil indeed were the deeds which they did.”
(Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:78-9)
Whoever dies with a curse of a Prophet upon them have no chance whatsoever of
ever escaping from the burning flames of the hellfire! In fact it is the height of
hypocrisy for a people to declare that they worship the God of Abraham and to then
proceed to legalize that which He had made illegal, and to prohibit that which He had
made permissible:
“The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an understanding) with each other: they
enjoin evil, and forbid what is just, and are close with their hands. They have forgotten
Allah; so He hath forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites are rebellious and perverse.”
(Qur’an, al-Taubah, 9:67)
If it were an act of Shirk when Priests and Rabbis made Halal that which Allah
declared to be Haram, then it would also be an act of Shirk when a government does
the same thing now. And if it earned the curses of Prophets at that time, it would do
the same now!
Now the usual method of approach for studying this subject is to weigh the ‘pros’
and ‘cons’ of participation by believers in the electoral politics of the modern secular
state. The defenders of the secular state wax eloquently about its merits. Some argue:
“If we do not participate in electoral politics then we will have no political
representation – no one to struggle for our rights.” At a more serious level of thought
another argument is raised: “Participation in electoral politics is the necessary
condition for any successful struggle to change the godless political system.” The
matter of Shirk is addressed by way of a subterfuge: “We will participate in elections
but will do so on the basis of a public stand that we do not accept the secular
constitution and the secular state which it preserves. This escape clause will protect us
from Shirk.”
Our response is to point out that participation in electoral politics in a secular state
ipso facto signifies acceptance of the secular character of the state. The secular state
makes the same decla ration that Pharaoh made to Moses (‘alaihi al-Salam). That
declaration is: The state is sovereign. Its authority is supreme. Its law is supreme. That
is Shirk! When people vote in elections in a secular state they thereby accept the claim
of the state to be sovereign. They accept its claim to supreme authority, and they
accept its law to be the supreme law. When believers vote in such elections, therefore,
they cannot escape from committing Shirk.
Secondly, when believers vote in elections in a secular state they have to vote for a
political party. If that party, as government, declared to be Halal what the God of
Abraham, Most High, made Haram, or enforced laws as such, then that government
committed Shirk. Around the world today governments and parliaments of secular
states have already declared Halal nearly everything that Allah declared to be Haram.
When believers cast their votes for such political parties and governments that have
already committed Shirk upon Shirk, such votes would imply acceptance of such
people as fit to govern over them. Thus believers follow them into Shirk, Kufr, Dhulm
and Fisq!
Thirdly, this method constitutes a violation and an abandonment of the Sunnah of
the Blessed Prophet of Islam (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).
Political parties and governments around the world today are comprised of those
who disdainfully persist in declaring Halal that which Allah declared to be Haram.
When a people disdainfully persist in Haram they pay a dreadful price. It is as plain as
daylight that the modern secular world is already paying precisely that price. What is
“….and then, when they disdainfully persisted in doing what they had been forbidden
to do, We said to them (i.e., We ordained for them) Be as apes despicable!”
(Qur’an, al’Araf, 7:166)
What this implies is that they would now live like apes, so incapable of exercising
any restraint over their gross appetites and passions that, by the ‘End Time’, they
would be committing sexual intercourse in public like donkeys.
The modern secular state legalized the lending of money on interest (Riba). An everincreasing
number of modern secular states have already legalized gambling (and
lottery), the consumption and sale of intoxicants (e.g. alcohol) and pork, the use of
paper money that constantly loses value. Abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism,
adultery and fornication.
Around the world today most modern secular states no longer recognize Allah’s
Law that a son must inherit twice as much as a daughter. They declare such a law to be
discriminatory against women, and they establish their own laws that, they claim, are
more just than Allah’s Laws. In fact their law is no law. A man can leave his entire
estate to a jackass and leave nothing for his wife and children! The modern secular
state has prohibited a man from marrying more than one woman at a time since they
claim that such would be discriminatory against women. Rather they have made it
mandatory for a man to have no more than one wife at a time, and such, they claim,
removes the injustice against women that is present in Allah’s Law. This alternative
has resulted in a sexual revolution that is making a mockery of marriage itself! A wife
no longer has an obligation, legal or moral, to be obedient to her husband since such
would discriminate against the equality of the male and female. The sun has never
risen on a stranger world than the modern, relentlessly godless, and awesomely
glamorous modern Euro-world, and that is surely an ominous sign!
The defining characteristic of the religion of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) is that there is
no place whatsoever for Kufr (disbelief) and Shirk (corruption of, or rejection of the
worship of One True God) in it. Yet the secular political system of the new essentially
godless Euro-Christian civilization – now known as modern western civilization, is
based on Kufr and Shirk. The United Nations Organization was founded on Shirk. The
UN Charter declared that Allah Most High is not al-Akbar! Articles 24 and 25 of the
Charter declared that the Security Council has supreme authority in the world in all
matters pertaining to international peace and security, the authority of the Security
Council being higher than the authority of Allah Most High and of His Messenger
(sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). That is Shirk.
How then do we explain Banu Israil’s acceptance of a modern secular state in the
Holy Land? And how do we explain the acceptance by Muslims around the world of
the modern secular state as a valid substitute for the Caliphate? Perhaps this is the right
moment for us to explain what was the Caliphate and then compare it with the modern
secular state. The ignorance of the world today is such that even Muslims are unaware
of the subject.
The Caliphate and the modern secular state
The Islamic Caliphate was precisely such a conception of a state and political
system that recognized Allah’s Sovereignty, Supreme Authority and Law, and
enforced Haram as Haram and Halal as Halal. The Caliphate emerged in consequence
of precisely that divine imperative demanding obedience of Allah, His Messenger, and
‘those in authority amongst the Muslims’.
“Oh you who believe, obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and (obey) those from
amongst yourselves who are in (positions of) authority …. ”
(Qur’an, al-Nisa, 4:59)
Islam refused to recognize divided loyalties – that one could deliver supreme loyalty
to the state and yet, also deliver supreme loyalty to Allah, Most High. The two worlds
(the worlds of religion and of politics) were not to be separated from each other since
the Qur’an proclaimed, “Allah is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden.”
(Qur’an, al-Hadid, 57:3). Supreme loyalty must be delivered to Allah, not to the state,
since the Qur’an asked the believers to proclaim:
“Say: Verily my prayer, and my service of sacrifice, and my very living and my very
dying are all for Allah the Lord of all the world.... ”
(Qur’an, al-An’am, 6:162)
Europe destroyed that Islamic model of a state and political system when the
Ottoman Caliphate was targeted and destroyed. Europe went on to ensure that the
Islamic Caliphate could never be restored. It did so when it assisted in the creation of
the secular State of Saudi Arabia in the Hejaz, and then went on to ensure the survival
of that state by way of guaranteeing its security. The Caliphate could never be restored
for two reasons. Firstly, the Saudi-Wahhabi regime that controlled the Haramain the
Hejaz and Hajj would never claim the Caliphate. Secondly, so long as they controlled
the Haramain, the Hejaz, and the Hajj, no one else could claim the Caliphate!
There are a number of reasons that explain why Europe targeted and destroyed the
Islamic Caliphate. The first was to facilitate the achievement of the goal of liberating
and returning the Jews to the Holy Land. The second was to make possible the
universal embrace of Shirk of the new European model of a secular state. When the
Caliphate was destroyed, the modern secular State of Turkey replaced it; and the
secular State of Saudi Arabia in the Arabian heartland of Sunni Islam. Following this
Indian Muslims were exquisitely deceived into embracing the secular Republic of
Pakistan. Thirdly, the Caliphate had to be destroyed because it obstructed the
realization of the ultimate goal in the new godless European agenda. That European
goal was to establish Jewish Israel as the ‘Ruling State’ of the world – ruling the world
from Jerusalem.
Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) prophesied that the Caliphate would
disappear. He did so in the following Hadith:
“How will you be at that time when the son of Mary descends amongst you and your Imam
(i.e., Amirul M’umineen or Khalifah) would be from within your midst (i.e., he would be a
(Sahih, Bukhari)
This Hadith revealed three things:
Firstly, it informed us that the Caliphate would be present in the world in the ‘End
Time’. This amounted to a prophecy that the Caliphate would disappear from the
world but would one day be restored. Secondly, prior to the restoration of the
Caliphate, Muslims would live for a period of time under the authority, control and
rule of those who would not be Muslims. That is precisely the world in which we live
today. Thirdly, the return of the Caliphate would be an event that would be
contemporaneous with the return of the son of Mary. And since we know that when
Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam) returns he will rule the world from Jerusalem as a Just Ruler
enforcing Allah’s Law, the implication is that the modern secular State of Israel would
be replaced in the Holy Land by the authentic Islamic State which would be free from
the Shirk of secular Israel.
Those who adamantly defend the status quo of secular Islamic nation-states should
pause to reflect over the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
concerning the restoration of the Caliphate.
Merits of the modern secular state
The secular state could not have won acceptance amongst a Euro-Christian and
Euro-Jewish people, or amongst Muslims, had it not camouflaged its Kufr and Shirk
with certain obvious merits. The modern secular state emerged in Europe in response
to a dominant and oppressive Euro-Christian theocracy, and in order to challenge the
‘temporal’ power of the Euro-Christian Church. It challenged the Church when it
proclaimed a fresh and exciting new gospel of complete and unfettered intellectual and
religious freedom and human rights for all, and religious tolerance of all. It also
established the political conditions that preserved peaceful coexistence amongst
different religions within the same territory. It thus put an end to all the bloody
religious warfare that had plagued Europe for so many centuries.
It also skillfully bribed its way into the bellies and the hearts of mankind through its
inventive creativity. It discovered or produced most of that which has been joyfully
embraced by mankind, regardless of religious beliefs, as an indispensable necessity of
modern life. Whenever anyone embraced modernity with all its wondrous inventions
one also embraced the secular state and the secular way of life. That was no mean
Reality of the modern secular state
But these obvious merits of the secular state did not change that basic foundation of
Kufr and Shirk. Indeed the modern secular state slowly began to reveal its real hidden
agenda of rivalry when it began to wage a relentless war on the religious way of life
Indeed religion slowly became a receding force in the new essentially godless secular
The democracy of the modern secular state turned out to be a sugarcoated pill of
poison. The ‘political’ democracy worked in such a way as to sustain a usurious
system of economic oppression and exploitation of the masses based on Riba.
Economic oppression was oft-times supplemented by racial and ethnic oppression. The
impoverished masses could never wrest real political power from the rich predatory
elite, and hence could never have the power with which to end economic oppression.
The new gospel of the modern secular society was that the rich shall inherit the earth.
And that is precisely what has happened.
The new Europe proceeded to use its invincible military power and awesome
powers of deception to dominate and brainwash non-European humanity. The new
godless political philosophy with its godless conception of a sovereign state,
exploitative economic system, and corruptive culture, eventually embraced all the rest
of the world. That was no mean achievement!
Western colonial rule was now imposed upon the rest of mankind, including the
Muslims, and through this means the new godless political system, based on Kufr and
Shirk, was deceptively and subtly introduced. Thus the ominous prophecy of Prophet
Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was fulfilled! He prophesied that his community
(of Muslims) would imitate and follow Jews and Christians to such an extent that even
if they were to go down into a lizard’s hole, his community would do the same!
The result was that the world of Jews, Christians and Muslims entered into a
collective trial of all trials (fitnah) and failed miserably in obeying the command of the
God of Abraham, Most High, when He ordered:
“Follow what has been sent down unto you by your Lord-God, and follow no Master
other than Him. How seldom do you keep this in mind!”
(Qur’an, al-‘Araf, 7:3)
The new modern secular state devised a system of electoral politics for constituting
Parliament and Government, and sometimes for electing Judges. Citizens of the
secular state, regardless of their religious beliefs, voted in democratic elections. They
were obliged to submit to its authority and be obedient to it. If the elections were to
produce a government dominated by idol-worshipping Hindus who were openly
hostile to those who worshipped the God of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam), or a government
which declared to be Halal (permissible) everything which Allah Most High had
declared to be Haram, then the principle of democratic elections required that Jews,
Christians, Muslims etc., who were citizens of that secular state, recognize that
government as their lawful government, submit to its authority, and be obedient to it.
There is nothing in the revealed scriptures (Torah, Gospel, Qur’an) or the Sunnah
(example or way of life) of the Prophets that can be used to justify Jews, Christians,
Muslims, etc., participating in such elections in which they freely vote for such a
government as lawful to govern over them. On the contrary there is very clear
condemnation of such conduct!
The alternative for believers to electoral politics in the modern secular state
The Jewish, Christian or Muslim reader is likely to ask: Is there an alternative (for
believers) to electoral politics in the secular state? The answer is: Yes! there is. The
alternative is to struggle to restore the sovereignty of the God of Abraham, Most High,
in the political system – to struggle for recognition of His Authority as Supreme
Authority – and to struggle for recognition of His Law as the Supreme Law. That is
the most noble of all struggles any one can ever wage, and it is a struggle that must be
pursued until the end of time.
The alternative for believers is to uphold whatever Allah made Halal as Halal, and
whatever Allah made Haram as Haram, regardless of the price they may have to pay.
Also, when a people commit Shirk, Kufr, Dhulm and Fisq, then believers should
condemn such conduct, oppose it, struggle against it, and turn to Allah and ask Him to
separate them from such people:
“So separate us from this sinful rebellious people!”
(Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:25)
The Qur’an refers to this mission of believers as “amr bil ma’aruf” (enjoining the
right) and “nahi ‘an al-munkar” (opposing the wrong). If the struggle to restore the
sovereignty of Allah Most High and the supremacy of His Authority and Law (in any
territory) were to succeed, then that territory would become Dar al-Islam. Muslims
would rule over that territory. But there is an alternative plural model of a state in
which Muslims would share control over a territory with non-Muslims on the basis of
political equality and through a constitutional agreement that would allow Muslims to
recognize the sovereignty of Allah and the supremacy of His Authority and Law over
‘them’. Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) established that ‘plural’ model of
state in the city-State of Madina wherein Muslims, Jews and pagan Arabs shared
control over territory, and over the state, on the basis of political equality.
Mankind has the freedom of choice to accept or to reject the religion of Abraham
(‘alaihi al-Salam). However, once the religion of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) is accepted,
believers do not have the freedom to choose between either a government of believers
or a non-believing government. When they are denied that freedom in any territory
they must search for some place where that freedom exists and then migrate to such a
territory! Thus the God of Abraham, Most High, has commanded believers to:
“Oh you who believe, obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and (obey) those from
amongst yourselves who are in (positions of) authority….”
(Qur’an, al-Nisa, 4:59)
When they no longer have the freedom to establish their own government anywhere,
and they have to live under non-believing rule, believers in the religion of Abraham
(‘alaihi al-Salam) ‘submit’ to that rule until such time as they can once again choose
fellow-believers to rule over them. But ‘submission’ to such non-believing rule cannot
involve their participation in establishing that non-believing government. Believers
will submit to such rule on the condition of religious freedom, i.e., that nothing is
forced upon them that violates the Law of the God of Abraham. While such a
government will not be ‘their’ government, they can advise and assist the government
in all that is true, good and virtuous, while warning, resisting and abstaining from all
that is false, evil and harmful.
It is in the very nature of the modern secular state that it would never allow elections
to be used to transform it into a different model of a state – such as a state that would
recognize the Sovereignty of the God of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) and the supremacy
of His Authority and His Law. Electoral politics was meant to sub-serve the godless
secular state.
The Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) declared that the world of Kufr constituted an
essential unity (al-kufru millatun wahidah). And this is precisely what has now
emerged in the world. The Jew and the Christian should ponder over the fact that when
the Muslims of Algeria used ‘electoral politics’ to seek to restore the religion of
Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) in Algeria and won 85% of the votes in the national elections,
the godless world all came together to ruthlessly punish that 85% of the electorate
which dared to seek to transform the godless secular foundation of the state.
Thus rather than voting in elections and legitimizing the secular model of a state
based on Shirk, Muslims should protect themselves from Shirk by disconnecting from
the secular state. They should also respond to it by arguing that the ‘plural’ model of a
state established by Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) is a superior model
of a state when compared with the modern godless secular state.
A Qur’anic explanation for the universal Shirk of the modern secular state
Our view is that only the Qur’an can, and has, explained this momentous political
change that overtook the Euro-Christian and Euro-Jewish world, and then the rest of
mankind. What is that explanation?
The Qur’an has taught that the historical process would one day come to an end
when Allah Most High ordains that the ‘Last Day’ should come upon mankind and the
world. Before that ‘Last Day’ can occur, however, there would be a Last Age that
would be filled with numerous Signs from Allah indicating that it is the ‘Last Age’.
Among those events that would take place in the Last Age would be the release into
the world of Dajjal, the False Messiah – and of Gog and Magog. When released into
the world they would eventually become the dominant actors in the historical process,
and it is they who would be the masterminds orchestrating this unique and ominous
transformation of mankind and the world. The Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam)
declared that the age of Dajjal, the False Messiah (Antichrist), would witness the
universal appearance of Riba. It would also be an age of Kufr since Dajjal has ‘Kafir’
written between his eyes. And it would be an age of Shirk since Dajjal will ‘play’ the
role of God and deceive mankind into accepting him as such. It is as plain as daylight
to this writer that Dajjal is the mastermind behind the creation of the modern
essentially godless secular state and its system of electoral politics.
This writer has based his arguments on the Qur’an and Hadith to the effect that
participation in electoral politics in the modern secular state constitutes Shirk and Kufr.
In the event of disagreement with the view expressed in this book scholars should
respond with arguments based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the blessed Prophet
(sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). They should declare the specific conditions in which it would
be Halal for believers to vote in national elections.
The blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) declared: What is Halal (permissible)
is clear, and what is Haram (prohibited) is clear, abstain from whatever is doubtful. It
now remains for the scholars, who are the guides of the believers, to declare whether it
is Halal to participate in electoral politics in the modern secular state. In order to
deliver a satisfactory positive answer the scholars must demonstrate firstly that it is not
Haram to do so, and secondly that it is not ‘doubtful’ to do so. And they must establish
their response on the authoritative foundations of the Qur’an and the authentic Hadith.
The secular state of Israel in the Holy Land
It is now possible for us to arrive at some conclusions concerning the legitimacy of
the secular state of Israel that has been restored in the Holy Land. Did the success of
the Zionist Movement in restoring the State of Israel represent a validation of the
Jewish claim to Truth? Was it an act of divine grace?
The secular State of Israel, like all secular states, is an abomination since it is
founded on the foundations of Shirk! The most basic characteristic of the religion of
Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) is that it is free from Shirk. Secular Israel, therefore, most
certainly violates the divine conditions of inheritance of the Holy Land. Thus it cannot
survive in the Holy Land. It will be destroyed. Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam) has explained that a Muslim army that would emerge from Khorasan would
destroy the State of Israel. That army would emerge after Imam al-Mahdi emerges and
with him the Islamic Caliphate is restored.
The restoration of the Islamic Caliphate would thus result in the destruction of Israel.
This would be the third and last such event. The first time a Babylonian army was used
to destroy Israel. The second time it was a Roman army. And now for the last time it
would be a Muslim army.
But there are many other political reasons for rejecting the claim that the restoration
of the State of Israel in the Holy Land was an act of divine grace representing a
validation of the Jewish claim to Truth. Firstly, it would be a fundamental
contradiction that a godless modern European people who live a decadent life, and
who oppress others, should be the means through whom divine grace should reach the
Jewish people and through whom Truth is validated. ‘Means’ must conform to ‘ends’.
Secondly, the method through which Israel was restored involved the expulsion,
from the Holy Land, of a people who worshipped the God of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam).
They were expelled for no reason other than that they were not Jews. This constitutes
oppression. In addition, since the creation of Israel, oppression against the Arabs,
Muslim as well as Christian, who live in and around the Holy Land, has constantly
increased. An act of divine grace is incompatible with such oppression!
Thirdly, when Israel was created it was clear that there was no respect for the sacred
in the consciousness of those who created the state. The godlessness, corruption,
sexual immorality and decadence of Israel in no way differ from that of the godless
European civilization. This cannot be conceived of as an act of divine grace. Indeed,
the secular State of Israel has brought into the Holy Land such unparalleled corruption
and decadence that even sexual slavery now thrives. This is the opposite of
righteousness. Indeed it is a pagan society that now exists in the Holy Land!
A pagan state in the Holy Land
The Jewish State of Israel is, in fact, a pagan state that displays all the mores and
morals of paganism. Any Jew who is convinced that the events of the return of the
Jews to the Holy Land and the ‘restoration’ of the State of Israel represent progress
towards the return of the golden age and the validation of Judaism as Truth must
shudder at the following recent news articles in the Jerusalem Post which confirm the
pagan way of life which now thrives in the Holy Land:
“According to police statistics, there are more than 200 brothels, 200 sex clubs, and an
unknown number of offices providing call girls throughout the country. Yael Dayan, chair of
the Knesset Committee on the Status of Women, estimates that there are about one million
visits each month to prostitutes, both of the storefront or streetwalker variety and those who
work in the higher-class escort services. Some 50 to 60 ‘health clubs’ operate in the few blocks
around Tel Aviv’s old Central Bus Station alone, with other concentrations in Haifa, Jerusalem,
Netanya, Beersheba, Ashkelon, Ashdod, and Eilat. The back pages of local papers in many
cities are filled with ads for sex services, as well as discreet ‘help wanted’ ads trying to recruit
women to the trade.”
(Jerusalem Post, August 28, 2000)
“In recent months, the media have been filled with revelations about the extent of white slavery
in Israel. Women are being sold as chattels from one pimp to another. Approximately 25,000
sexual transactions for money take place every day in Israel. Coupled with the conviction of
(Defence Minister) Yitzhak Mordechai for aggravated sexual assault and his subsequent
judicial pardon, those revelations have provoked a great deal of discussion about the value of a
woman's body in Israeli society. Though Israeli society may have lagged at the start of the
revolution, today the sexual practices of Israelis are, with the exception of the religious,
virtually indistinguishable from citizens of other Western countries. The absence of consent
makes the actions of Mordechai and those who buy and sell women on auction blocks, both
morally and legally far more reprehensible than the everyday casual sexual encounter. But their
actions reflect commonplace ways of viewing others.”
(Jerusalem Post, May 10, 2001)
Another report from an Israeli who occupies a very high position in that society is even more
revealing of the nature and extent of oppression in the Jewish State:
“ ….in public remarks that shocked Israelis, a former head of the Israeli domestic security
service blamed government policies for triggering the Palestinian revolt.
“Ami Ayalon, retired head of the Shin Bet security service, said Israel is guilty of ‘apartheid’
policies that go against the spirit of Judaism. He suggested that the Palestinians were following
a logic in choosing violence, and spoke of the profound ‘humiliation’ that Israel inflicts on
Palestinian workers and others who seek to enter Israel. Such comments are commonly heard
from Palestinians and outsiders but rarely from an Israeli who has held senior-level positions in
the security establishment.”
(Jerusalem Post, Tuesday December 4, 2000)
Indeed the President of Israel himself has unwittingly confirmed the oppression visited
upon a hapless Palestinian people who resist the Jewish State with the Intifada:
“If they have any sense of logic, the Palestinians will open their eyes and realize where this evil
path has taken them: hundreds of dead and thousands of injured even though we have exercised
restraint, poverty and deprivation, heavy unemployment, irreversible damage to the economy, a
collapsing administrative network and in addition to all that they have not advanced
(Israeli President Katsav, Jerusalem Post Feb 16, 2001)
The President betrayed his contempt for Arabs in the typical way that modern godless
modernity has cultivated:
“They're our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away,
there are people who don't belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a
different galaxy.”
(President Moshe Katsav, Jerusalem Post, May 11, 2001)
Dan Jacobson, a professor at Tel Aviv University, had this to say about Israeli justice:
“For 52 years the Arab minority has been shamefully discriminated against. Consistent land
expropriation is but one of the harsher expressions of this discrimination. Denial of jobs in the
civil service, major government companies, and publicly owned companies; the meager
resources allocated to education and health services in the Arab sector; the embarrassingly
disproportionate share of state budgets going to Arab municipalities, are additional expressions
of the Israeli Arab citizens’ second-class status. These facts have been repeatedly recognized by
successive governments, including those of the right wing, but very little have been done in the
course of five decades to resolve the problem.”
(Jerusalem Post, April 3, 2001)
The above confirms that we are now witnessing the fulfillment of the Qur’anic
warning that hell will come before their very eyes:
“And We shall present Hell that day for Kuffar to see, all spread out. (They will be
such Kuffar) whose eyes had been under a veil from (recognizing accepting and
embracing) My Guidance, and who had been unable even to hear.”
(Qur’an, al-Kahf, 18:100-101)
Let us hasten to recognize that the New World Order that has emerged in
consequence of the dominance of modern secular western civilization is one in which
godlessness, racial, economic and religious oppression, immorality and sexual slavery
have embraced mankind around the world today, including the Muslim world. But the
Holy Land is a special land. And the Qur’an is emphatic in its declaration that only
those who possess faith (in the God of Abraham), and are righteous in conduct, will be
allowed to inherit that Holy Land (see Qur’an, al-Anbiyah, 21:105). Neither modernday
Israel, nor the secular, nationalist Palestine Liberation Organization, appears even
remotely capable of fulfilling these conditions. The Qur’anic conception of the destiny
of Jerusalem in so far as control over the Holy Land is concerned is therefore one in
which neither Yassir Arafat’s secular Palestine Liberation Organization, nor the
secular State of Israel, will survive. Birds of a feather will perish together!
The above arguments clearly demonstrate the invalidity of Israel’s political claim to
legitimacy in so far as inheritance of the Holy Land is concerned. This should not be
something too difficult for a believing Jew or Christian to recognize and to accept.
(This book can be ordered from Islamic Book Trust at
Sheikh Imran has talked on the subject extensively and here is one video. The reader may find many related videos by Sheikh Imran on You Tube.
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