Israel Palestine Conflict is almost a 100 years old and recent development is only a precursor of what was planned a long time ago. Sheikh Imran N. Hosein has written the Book "Jerusalem in Quran" some two decades ago. The Book comprised 02 Parts; the first part is all about the Holy Land Jerusalem. The 2nd Part is about the repercussions of rise of Zionist Judaism and likely fall out on the world's economy. Here is Chapter-2, for the readers of Bangbox Online, the author has presented the great game being played for capturing the world's economy and recommendations in light of Quran and Hadiths.
By Imran N. Hosein
Chapter 2
“In consequence of the wickedness and injustice of the Jews We made unlawful for them
certain (foods), good and wholesome, which had been lawful for them. (We have also done so
because) they obstructed so many from Allah’s way, and (because) they took usury (Riba)
though they were forbidden to do so, and (in doing so) they wrongfully took the wealth of
others. (Because of these evil deeds) We have prepared for those among them who reject Faith
a terrible punishment.”
(Qur’an, al-Nisa, 4:160-1)
Israel is a modern secular State located in the Holy Land. Like all other secular
states in the world today its economic system is based on Riba. Riba is usually
translated as usury, i.e., the lending of money on interest regardless of the rate of
interest. But the definition of Riba in Islam also includes transactions that are based on
deception and which give to the deceiver a profit or gain to which he is not justly
entitled. In American vocabulary such a transaction is described as a ‘rip-off’! If
judgment were to be made according to the religion of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam), then
we ask the following: What would be the religious legitimacy of an Israel which is
located in the Holy Land and whose economy is based on Riba? Does it conform with
or violate the divine conditions established for inheritance of the Holy Land?
The world economy today
A basic characteristic of the economy around the world today is that wealth no
longer circulates throughout the economy. Rather wealth now circulates only amongst
the wealthy. In consequence around the world the rich are now permanently rich and
the poor are imprisoned in permanent poverty. Secondly, the rich keep on growing
richer as they literally suck the blood of the masses, while the poor descend into such
destitution as brings in its wake anarchy, violence, immense suffering and the
destruction of faith and values. Imagine all of mankind to be aboard a ship. A small
minority who are permanently rich and who are constantly growing richer, are
traveling ‘first class’ in unprecedented luxury and security. They have permanent ‘first
class’ tickets. The rich rule the ship. They use their wealth to control politics.
Democracy on board that ship becomes the rule of the rich and for the rich in what
amounts to financial prostitution. But the rich do not themselves, directly rule. Rather
they do it by proxy and deception in the form of support that they extend to popular
politicians and political parties over whom they then exercise invisible control. That is
a true description of the political economy of the world today. And it is the European
Jews in Britain and USA who have perfected this method of gaining power and control
over the people. To his credit Henry Ford was able to recognize this sinister
development in human history.
Most of the rest of mankind are imprisoned in permanent poverty and are
condemned to travel below the deck down in the hold of the ship in ever-increasing
squalor, poverty, destitution, misery and suffering. They are condemned to work for
slave wages so that others may live off their sweat. They also live in ever-increasing
insecurity with constant burglaries, violence, shootings, killings and rape of women in
neighborhoods infested with drugs and drug dealers.
Those traveling ‘first class’ have access to clean drinking water and to the best
medical health services that money can buy. Those below deck, down in the hold, are
forced to drink polluted water full of bacteria. They are forced to eat food and drink
milk laced with chemicals and hormones. Increasingly they must also eat genetically
altered food. They fall ill but cannot afford the cost of medical treatment. They live
miserable lives and die miserable deaths. In fact the world economy is a new
sophisticated form of economic slavery. But it operates by way of awesome deception.
First of all, although those who control the economy around the world preach a
gospel of the ‘free and fair market’, they themselves violate the ‘free market’ by
imposing legal obligations on people to accept the use of fraudulent artificial paper
money as legal tender. And paper money constantly loses value! As poverty increases
and deepens they impose price controls on basic necessities such as food etc., and
minimum wage legislation upon the labor market. They do so in order to avert the
possibility that the hungry suffering masses would rise up in rebellion against the
government and the predatory elite. They also do so in order to avert the possibility
that the masses would recognize their new slavery.
The deception extends beyond the above. Many of the poor look at those traveling
first class and are convinced that such people and their way of life represent heaven
itself. And they long to go to that heaven. They are unable to understand the system of
oppression and how it works. Others among the poor respond to their economic
oppression with blind rage and resort to acts of violence directed against all those who
have some wealth and who are in authority. The poor all believe that they live in hell
and they imitate the way of life of those traveling first cla ss in the belief that it
represents a taste of heaven. Such a ship deserves to be sunk with all aboard!
Cuban President, Fidel Castro, like Ivan Illich (‘Energy and Equity’described the
world economy in similar language:
“Never before did mankind have such formidable scientific and technologic potential, such
extraordinary capacity to produce riches and well-being, but never before were disparity and
inequity so profound in the world.” He responded to this economic oppression by declaring
that: “Another Nuremberg is required to judge the unjust economic order.”
(Text of his Presidential Address, Summit Conference, Group of 77, Havana, September 2000)
Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) gave to the world an economic order
that was free from economic injustice and oppression. No one worked for slave wages.
Wealth did not circulate only amongst the wealthy but, rather, throughout the
economy. The rich were not permanently rich and the poor were not permanently poor.
The market was a free and a fair market. No one could ‘reap’ without ‘planting’.
Money had intrinsic value and so it could not be manipulated by banks and by a
predatory elite to reduce its value. In consequence, such a market and economy never
experienced ‘inflation’. No prices were fixed, including the price of labor. Social
welfare was achieved in the form of a compulsory tax on wealth that was used to
provide for those who did not possess the basic necessities of life. But the value
system of the society ensured that the effort would be made, by those who were
capable of such effort, to extricate themselves from having to live off that charity.
The Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) succeeded where every government in the
world today has failed. He succeeded because he enforced the divine prohibition of
Riba (usury or lending and borrowing money on interest) and he maintained the
integrity of money by using real money (rather than artificial money i.e., paper and
plastic money). In addition he enforced a penal code that gave deterrent punishment to
those found guilty of theft. But the world rejected him, and Muslims abandoned his
economic Sunnah. And so the world is condemned to live with today’s Dhulm
(oppression) and Fasad, i.e., the corruption and destruction of the free and fair market.
All around the world today, that economic oppression exists and is constantly
increasing – the rich growing richer and the poor growing poorer. In USA, for
example, black America is both miserably and permanently poor, while white America
is permanently rich. The US economy dazzles the non-white world, and white
Americans have never had it better. But in this country wealth circulates only amongst
the wealthy, while the number of poor who live on welfare (i.e. public charity) keeps
on constantly growing. White western civilization wants us to believe that theirs is the
most advanced and progressive model of an economy it has ever been the good fortune
of mankind to experience! And one-eyed brainwashed Muslim ‘mimic-men’ are busy
trying to ensure that the world of Islam emulates the West. In fact, that predatory
American and white western dream is fertilized with the blood of the masses around
the world, and with the wealth that is constantly being skimmed off an unsuspecting
ignorant mankind. Our purpose is to explain how it is done! White western civilization
as well as the non-white laboring masses around the world and, indeed, non-European
Jews, can only benefit if they pay heed to the explanation here presented and accept
the Qur’an as the Word of Allah and Muhammad (‘alaihi al-Salam) as the Messenger of
Allah before it is too late!
Our thesis is that the same people who engineered the political transformation of
European civilization and, through imitation, the rest of the world, into an essentially
godless world, are the same people who seduced the non-European Jews into
supporting the restoration of the Jewish State of Israel. They are the people who
increasingly control the wealth of the world through their evil genius in controlling
and manipulating the fraudulent international monetary system and the Riba-based
banking and insurance system around the world. They have even surpassed the
traditional non-European Jews (i.e., the people who attempted to crucify Jesus (‘alaihi
al-Salam) at their own game of Riba! Our view is that the evil genius who is at work in
all of this is that strange European who first became a Jew and then proceeded to
hijack Judaism.
The Noble Qur’an not only explains the world today, but also explains its economic
oppression. The Qur’an, which is a book of ‘wisdom’ (and this includes economic
wisdom), has established rules ensuring that wealth does not circulate only amongst
the wealthy:
“What Allah has bestowed on His Messenger (and taken away) from the people of the
townships, belongs to Allah, to His Messenger and to kindred and orphans, the needy
and the wayfarer; in order that it (i.e., wealth) may not (only) circulate amongst the
wealthy among you. So take what the Messenger assigns to you, and deny yourselves
that which he withholds from you. And fear Allah; for Allah is strict in punishment.”
(Qur’an, al-Hashr, 59:7)
Muslims have abandoned the rules of the Qur’an and, as a consequence, they now
pay a terrible price for their folly! A new sophisticated and deceptive economic
slavery is descending upon them, as well as upon the rest of non-European humanity.
The shameful irony in this is clear when we remember that one of the basic functions
of Islam in the world is to liberate the oppressed.
What is the cause of this global economic oppression? It is Riba! A predatory
global elite centered in the Jewish-controlled banking centers in the West, but also
present around the world, is constantly sucking the wealth and the blood of mankind
and impoverishing the laboring masses through Riba. The oppressor creates political,
legislative, judicial and legal systems, the media etc., with consummate deception, and
he ensures that they all fulfill the basic function of preserving the system of economic
oppression. The film industry, television, the internet, modern music, designer
clothing, etc., are used to transport the masses to fantasy-land so that they remain in a
state of blissful ignorance while Riba is used to control and enslave them. The ultimate
objective of their master-mind, Dajjal, the False Messiah, is to enslave all of mankind
and, through poverty and destitution, and through wealth which has been obtained
corruptly, to subject faith in Allah Most High and the religious way of life to the
ultimate test and trial. The evidence to date already confirms that most Muslims, the
predatory rich as well as the miserable poor, are failing that test of faith. Dajjal’s
second objective is to deceive Jews and lead them to their ultimate destruction. An
objective appraisal of the modern world and, in particular, the Holy Land, must deliver
the conclusion that that objective has already almost been achieved. Dajjal is well on
his way to completing his mission in which he delivers to the Jews absolute control
over the whole world. When Israel becomes the ‘ruling State’ and completes a period
of time of a day that would be like a week, Dajjal would himself appear and rule the
world from Jerusalem - and so would complete his mission of impersonating the True
It should be a cause for serious concern, if not alarm, that a world which still
comprises many civilizations, some of which are thousands of years old, should be
embraced not only by the same secular political system based on Shirk, but also by the
same secular economy based on Riba. The economic weapon of Riba complements the
political weapon of the modern secular State and the United Nations Organization
through which Dajjal successfully pursues his mission of achieving political and
economic control over the entire world.
Our method is to first explain the importance of the subject and then, subsequently,
to explain the verses of the Qur’an which deal with the subject of Riba, and the
Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). Finally, we will attempt to
explain Riba at work in the modern economy. We will finally attempt to examine the
validity of the State of Israel in the Holy Land, an Israel whose economy is based on
What is Riba?
Riba is usury. Usury is now commonly understood as the lending of money at
illegally high rates of interest. But this deliberate corruption of terminology took place
in Europe in order to permit the ‘money lender’ (now called banker) to bypass the
Christian church and its objection to all forms of usury. R. W. Tawney wrote a classic
book in 1935 entitled “Religion and the Rise of Capitalism” in which he described the
prolonged Euro-Christian opposition to Riba. William Shakespeare also did the same
in his classic play, “The Merchant of Venice”.
Riba in Islam (as in medieval Christianity) is the lending of money on interest,
regardless of the rate of interest. When a ‘money lender’ lends money on interest, then
money by itself, independent of any labor or effort or the assumption of any risk by the
investor, increases over time. The increase is realized by deception through the
exploitation of labor, goods and property. This becomes clear when attention is
directed to that which Allah has unambiguously declared in the Qur’an:
“ . . . man is entitled to nothing except that for which he labored.”
(Qur’an, al-Najm, 53:39)
Thus the Qur’an rejects the claim that money can increase over time!
One of the ways through which that exploitation takes place is the consequent
decrease in the value of wages, of goods and of property over time, something that
Allah has specifically prohibited in several verses of the Qur’an. The Prophet Shu’aib
constantly warned his people of the wickedness of their economic life:
“ …. do not deprive people of what is rightfully theirs by diminishing the value of their
things (such as their labor, merchandise, property etc).”
(Qur’an, al-’Araf, 7:85; Hud, 11:85; al-Shu’ara‘, 26:183; etc.)
Perhaps the secularized champions of organized labor, who dismiss the Qur’an as a
book of guidance, would now begin to understand the reason why the labor force is
daily being transformed into jackasses who sweat on behalf of the rich, and the banks
which they own.
Muslims must also understand that Riba is at work when wealth is sucked from the
masses through legalized fraud involved in the use of artificial paper money. This
money replaced the money that was the Sunnah of every Prophet of Allah Most High
i.e., gold and silver and other precious metals. Artificial paper, plastic and electronic
money (i.e., secular money) has no intrinsic value. Rather the value of the money is
assigned to it and then it constantly loses value over time, as the system was designed
to make it happen. Banks are the major actors at work in forcing a decrease in the
value of money, and banks make the most profit when such occurs. As money loses
value, the value of everything is decreased. Prices rise, and wages lose value. Labor is
then imprisoned in slave wages.
The last revelation of the Qur’an
In the last revelation of the Qur’an Allah Most Wise, chose to return to a subject
which had already been dealt with in earlier revelations – in the Qur’an, as well as in
the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel – namely the subject of the prohibition of Riba.
On the authority of Ahadith we know that the last revelation received by the blessed
Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) shortly before his death, was the passage in Surah al-
Baqarah (2:279-281) which dealt with Riba:
“Umar ibn Khattab said: The last verse to be revealed was on Riba, but Allah's Messenger was
taken without having expounded it to us; so give up not only Riba but also Reebah (i.e.,
whatever raises doubts in the mind about its rightfulness).”
(Sunan, Ibn Majah; Darimi)
“Ibn Abbas said: O you who believe, fear Allah and give up what remains (due to you) from
Riba (from now onwards) if you are indeed believers….And none shall be dealt with unjustly.
(al-Baqarah, 2:279-281). Ibn Abbas said: This was the last verse revealed to the Prophet.”
(Sahih, Bukhari)
That last revelation confirmed the Prophet’s retroactive enforcement of the
legislation prohibiting Riba in the khutbah al-wida’a (Farewell Sermon) from ’Arafat.
The last revelation is to be found in this passage from the Qur’an. We quote the entire
passage with our own explanatory comments in small type:
“Those who spend of their wealth by day and by night, secretly and openly, for such
there will be reward with their Lord, nor will they have cause for fear, nor will they
grieve.” (Provided that wealth is spent in a manner that is Halal, such spending will stimulate
the economy and put wealth into circulation.)
“Those (on the other hand) who consume Riba will not stand (before Allah on the Last
Day) except as though Satan drove them to madness with his touch (this is because Riba
represents the opposite of ‘spending’ – in Riba wealth is sucked out of the economy until the
masses are reduced to poverty and destitution.)”
“That is because they say business and Riba are similar to each other.” (They argue
that ‘lending money on interest’ is a legitimate form of business.)
“But Allah has permitted business and forbidden Riba.” (Their argument is false. Allah
has made business Halal but has made Riba Haram. And so Riba is not a form of business. This
is because the very essence of a legitimate business transaction is that it must admit of the
possibility of either a profit or a loss. When money is lent on interest the possibility of a loss is
so minimized that it is almost eliminated! Hence the lending of money on interest cannot
qualify as a business transaction.)
“And so, anyone who receives (this) warning from his Lord and thereupon desists
(from Riba) may keep his past gains (i.e., the Riba he previously accepted), and his
affair rests with Allah (i.e., it will be for Allah to judge him – he will not be forced by the
Islamic State to return the Riba he had taken.)
“But as for those who return to it (i.e., persist in Riba by way of lending money on interest,
for example, after this revelation of the Qur’an), they are destined for the fire, therein to
abide forever!”
“(And with this) Allah eradicates Riba, whereas He blesses charitable deeds with
manifold increase (because the essence of Riba is to ‘take’ and to ‘give’ nothing in return,
while the essence of charity is to ‘give’ and ‘take’ nothing in return).”
“And Allah does not love anyone who is stubbornly ingrate and who persists in sin
(with particular reference to the sin of consuming Riba).”
“Verily, those who have attained to faith and do good works, and are constant in
prayer, and dispense charity, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and no fear
need they have, and neither shall they grieve.”
“O you who have attained to faith, fear Allah and give up all the Riba which is
outstanding (i.e., which you still claim to be due to you) if you are truly believers. If
you do not do so (i.e., if you persist in lending money on interest even after declaring
yourselves to be Muslims) then take notice of (a declaration of) war from Allah and His
Messenger (i.e., take notice that Muslims who abide by Islam would wage war against you for
the liberation of all those who are oppressed because of Riba).”
“But if you turn away (i.e., if you give up Riba) then you shall have (i.e., you will be
entitled to reclaim) only your principal sums (which you had lent on the basis of Riba; i.e.,
you may have only the principal sum – not the principal sum plus a reasonable amount of
interest, or not the principal sum plus a service charge).”
“Deal not unjustly and you shall not be dealt with unjustly.” (This might more properly
be translated as follows: In accepting the return of only the principal sum lent you will spare
yourself from the sin of being unjust to others, and in giving up the interest which was due to
you, you will not, yourself, be subjected to any form of injustice.)
“And if the debtor is in difficulty, grant him time until it is easy for him to repay. But if
you remit it (i.e., if you write off the debt) by way of charity, that will be best for you, if
you only knew.”
“And fear the Day in which you (i.e., all of mankind including those who consume
Riba) will be brought back to Allah, then every human being will receive what it
earned, and none shall be wronged."
(Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:274-281)
Why did Allah, Most Wise, choose to send one more revelation shortly before the
death of the Prophet (‘alaihi al-Salam)? Why did He choose a time that appears to have
been the last possible time to send that revelation? Why did He do this after sending
revelation in which He announced the perfection of Din and the completion of His
favor to the believers?
There must surely be very important answers to all these questions. It appears to us
that such a last revelation could only properly be used to reiterate something that lay at
the very heart of the divine guidance. Additionally, it could be used to direct attention
to that part of the divine guidance in which the faith of the believers would be most
vulnerable to a future attack (the mother of all attacks) by enemies of Islam. Finally, it
may have come at the last because it would assume a position of absolutely strategic
importance in the Last Age. And Allah knows best!
The choice of the subject of Riba as the last revelation appears to constitute the most
dire of all warnings that Riba can pose the gravest of all threats to the faith, freedom,
and power of the believers. This subject is of supreme importance for herein lies the
potential for the most dangerous, destructive, and devastating attack on the faith of the
believers and the integrity and power of the Ummah of the Prophet (‘alaihi al-Salam).
The Prophet confirms the greatest danger of Riba
This opinion of ours appears to be confirmed by the fact that the Prophet (‘alaihi al-
Salam) himself prophesied, in a Hadith received from Abu Hurairah (ra), the eventual
total success of precisely such an attack launched through Riba. It would be an attack
launched obviously by enemies of Islam, but it would penetrate all of mankind,
including the followers of Prophet Muhammad (‘alaihi al-Salam):
“There will come a time,” said the Prophet, “when you will not be able to find a single person
in all of mankind who will not be consuming Riba. And if anyone claims that he is not
consuming Riba then surely the vapor of Riba will reach him.” According to another text “the
dust of Riba will reach him.”
(Sunan Abu Daud)
The Prophet ((sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) thus made it abundantly clear that the greatest
danger to the integrity of the Ummah and of the Iman (faith) of the believers would
come from Riba. This confirmed the warning from Allah Most High Himself that was
manifested in the choice of Riba as the subject of the last revelation.
The prophecy of the Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) concerning the universal
prevalence of Riba has today been fulfilled. Indeed it has been fulfilled in our own
miserable lifetime! Specifically it has been fulfilled during the time that has elapsed
since the Ottoman Caliphate was abolished in 1924. Up to 1924 the Riba-based
capitalist European economy could not succeed in penetrating the economy and the
market of the Muslim world. But Europe did succeed in enticing the governments that
presided over the affairs of Muslims to enter into Riba. The Ottoman Caliph, for
example, had borrowed considerable sums of money on interest from Europe. His
financial and economic difficulties grew to such an extent that he was forced, as a
desperate means of preventing the collapse of the Empire, to seek membership in the
new European secular State system. He achieved this in the Paris Peace Agreement of
1856. But the price he had to pay was to succumb to European/Jewish financial
blackmail that extracted from him the abolition of Jizyah and Ahl al-Dhimmah in all
the territories of the Ottoman Empire. This was also a quid pro quo for debt and
interest payment relief. In doing so the Caliph betrayed Allah Most High Who had
Himself established the jizyah tax in the Qur’an (al-Tauba, 9:29).
The success of Euro-Jewish bankers in targeting the Ottoman Caliph was a classic
example of the financial imperialism, which is made possible through Riba. Henry
Kissinger was the author of the same strategy that eventually led to the collapse of a
super-power in modern times, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). That
event should have opened the eyes of the ‘Ulama of Islam. It did not! As a
consequence the same strategy continues to be pursued by the International Monetary
Fund and the World Bank, and by so many others. Not only is Israel’s economy based
on Riba but Israel is also embracing Arafat’s PLO and other Arab regimes with
precisely the same deadly economic embrace which reduces the target of the embrace
to poverty, destitution and economic slavery. The success of European/Jewish
financial blackmail witnessed the beginning of the dismantling of the sacred model of
a public order in the world of Islam (Dar al-Islam), and of its replacement with the
secular European model. In that model of a State, ‘sovereignty’ was taken away from
Allah Most High and was located, instead, in the State. That was an act of Shirk!
Indeed, since 1924 Riba has penetrated the total economic life of Muslims all around
the world. The financial imperialism inherent in Riba has delivered the entire world of
Islam by its very throat into the hands of enemies with sharpened knives. Indeed all of
mankind is now trapped in the worlds of Riba and Shirk. Not only has the prophecy of
the Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) been fulfilled through the total victory of Ribabased
banking all over the world, and through the Riba that is inherent in nonredeemable
artificial money, but it has also been fulfilled in the total corruption of the
free and fair market. Today's so-called free market is, in fact, a ‘den of thieves’, in
which the strong exploit the weak.
Finally, the Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) himself echoed the extreme gravity and
dire warning in the Qur’anic revelation by using the strongest possible language in
connection with Riba:
“Abu Hurairah (ra) said that the Messenger of Allah said: Riba is of seventy different parts, the
least dangerous being equivalent to a man marrying (i.e., having sexual intercourse with) his
own mother.”
(Sunan, Ibn Majah; Baihaqi)
“Abdullah Ibn Hanzala (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah said: A dirham (silver coin) of
Riba, which a man receives knowingly, is worse than committing adultery thirty-six times.
(Ahmad). Baihaqi transmitted it, on the authority of Ibn Abbas (ra), with the addition that the
Prophet continued to say: Hell is more fitting for him whose flesh is nourished by what is
“Abu Hurairah reported Allah’s Messenger as saying: On the night I was taken up to heaven I
came upon people whose bellies were like houses which contained snakes which could be seen
from outside their bellies. I asked Gabriel who they were and he told me that they were people
who had consumed Riba.”
(Musnad, Ahmad; Sunan, Ibn Majah)
“Abu Hurairah (ra) reported that the Prophet said: Allah would be justified in not allowing four
persons to enter paradise or to taste its blessings: he who drinks habitually (i.e., drinks alcohol),
he who takes Riba, he who usurps an orphan's property without right, and he who is unmindful
to his parents.”
(Mustadrak, al-Hakim, ‘Kitab al-Buyu’)
The Prophet (‘alaihi al-Salam) also reaffirmed the declaration of war from Allah and
His Messenger in connection with the prohibition of Riba in the following Hadith:
“Jabir Ibn Abdullah (ra) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah say: If any one of you does not
leave mukhabara he should take notice of war from Allah and His Messenger. Zaid Ibn Thabit
said: I asked: What is mukhabarah? He replied: That you have the land for cultivation for a
half, a third, or a quarter (of the produce).” (The danger here is that it leads deceptively to slave
(Sunan, Abu Daud)
It should be clear from the material presented above that the establishment of an
economy based on Riba is a very great sin indeed. Consequently it most certainly
violates the divine conditions for inheritance of the Holy Land.
The Prophet and the collapse of paper money
It is also a matter of absolutely critical importance that Muslims should carefully
study the prophecy of the Prophet (‘alaihi al-Salam) in which he has prophesied the
collapse of artificial secular currency (i.e., paper, plastic, and electronic money, etc.):
“Abu Bakr ibn Abi Maryam (ra) reported that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: A time is
certainly coming over mankind in which there will be nothing (left) which will be of use (or
benefit) save a dinar and a dirham (gold and silver coins).”
(Musnad, Ahmad)
That prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) is about to be
fulfilled. Today’s monetary system uses ‘paper’ to make ‘money’. That is a manifest
fraud! Artificial money is quite different from real money. Real money has intrinsic
value, while paper money has none. Its only value is that conferred upon it by market
forces. Its market value will last only for as long as, and to the extent that, there is
public confidence in it and demand for it in the market. Demand is itself based on
confidence, and confidence is something that can be manipulated (as Malaysia’s Prime
Minister has now recognized, and as Indonesia has recognized too late). So long as
governments controlled the so-called free-currency markets, they could intervene to
protect public confidence. But the currency market is now controlled by the most
vicious of all speculative forces, forces fueled by compelling greed with no loyalties.
Anything that seriously disturbs market confidence will cause the speculative
stampede that will fulfill the prophecy of the Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam).
The collapse of money in what may best be described as a ‘money meltdown’, will
witness the final success of the European (who became Jews) in their more than a
thousand years of struggle for Jewish rule over the whole world. Those who have real
money will survive the meltdown, while those speculators who successfully exploit the
collapse will make the greatest profits ever. The masses will lose their wealth and be
enslaved. They will be caught with worthless paper parading as money. That is the
financial holocaust that is certain to occur.
Others as well, beside our blessed Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), are now
predicting that financial meltdown. Judy Shelton, for example, uses it as the very title
of her excellent book entitled: “Money Meltdown: Restoring Order to the Global
Currency System.” (New York, The Free Press, 1994). We should not forget, nor
allow the world to forget, the dramatic, ominous, and unprecedented collapse of the
US dollar in January 1980 when the value of the dollar relative to gold fell to
approximately $850 for one ounce! (In 1971 it was $35 an ounce. Its present
‘managed’ value is kept within the range of $280 - $380 per once.) This collapse of
the dollar took place in the immediate wake of the successful anti-Western Islamic
revolution in Iran that gave control of the vast oil resources of Iran to an anti-systemic
Islamic government. A similar collapse occurred in 1973 just after the Arab-Israeli
war and the imposition of an Arab oil embargo on USA. The US dollar fell in value by
a massive 400% from US$40 for an ounce of gold to US$160.
In fact the collapse of the International Monetary System would occur when the
Jews consider it opportune to bring down the US dollar. They can do that at any time
since the US dollar made of paper is manifestly fraudulent since it is essentia lly
worthless. When the US dollar collapses it will bring down all other paper currencies
in the world. The major beneficiary of that collapse will be the State of Israel, since it
is those who control banks who would now control money. Governments will no
longer be able to issue money. Rather it is banks (controlled by Jews) that would now
issue plastic (i.e., electronic) money! That money-meltdown will, perhaps, take place
when Israel launches its major war against the Arabs and then successfully defies the
entire world. That successful display of military and political power together with the
new financial control that comes with the collapse of paper-money would deliver to
Israel the status of being the Ruling State in the world. This writer believes that that
event is likely to take place within the next five to ten years or even earlier. Already
Israel has successfully defied the President of USA who demanded on several
occasions that Israel withdraw her military forces from Palestinian towns she occupied
after a wave of Palestinian ‘human bombs’ took a heavy toll of Jewish lives.
What is the reality of the attack of Riba?
The very forces that emerged in contemporary history and made the restoration of
the State of Israel possible, are themselves the forces that have penetrated all of
mankind with Riba. The Qur’an identifies those forces as the people of Y’ajuj (Gog)
and M’ajuj (Magog), and the Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) spoke at length of
Dajjal, the false Messiah. He declared that the age of Dajjal would be the age of the
universal prevalence of Riba. The outstanding Islamic scholar and sage, Dr.
Muhammad Iqbal, startled the Muslim world when he declared, as far back as 1917,
that the release of Gog and Magog referred to in the Qur’an, had taken place. It is,
therefore, crystal clear that the penetration of the Ummah by the forces of Riba
represents an attack by Evil Beings created by Allah Himself. The aim of the attackers
is to subject all, including Muslims, to the greatest trial mankind would ever
experience from the time of Adam (‘alaihi al-Salam) until the Last Day. The aim of the
attackers is to utterly deceive the Jews and lead them to their final destruction. At the
centerpiece of that attack is the trial of Riba! We are now living through that trial. The
evidence so far is that a spiritually blind world of Jews is failing miserably in its
response to that trial. The Muslim world seems just as blind.
Allah, Most High, wages war against Israel
Allah the Supreme spoke with such forceful language concerning the sin of Riba
that it is, perhaps, the greatest sin (other than Shirk) that exists in the realm of belief or
conduct. Allah’s anger against the oppressor (because of the oppression of Riba) is so
great that they will stand before Him after their resurrection as a people who appear to
be driven to madness by the touch of Satan. When the Jewish State of Israel engages in
Riba then Allah will not simply punish such people in the next life, rather He and His
Messenger (‘alaihi al-Salam) will wage war against them in this world.
“O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and give up what remains of your demand for usury, if
ye are indeed believers. If ye do it not, take notice of war from Allah and His
(Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:278-9)
This book directs attention to the fact that Jews control the banking system around
the world today. Yet the above verse of the Qur’an is indicative of the supreme
importance Allah Most High attaches to the prohibition of Riba. In the entire history of
divine revelation, to the best of my knowledge, Almighty Allah has never used such
extremely strong language for anything else besides Riba.
After the death of Solomon (‘alaihi al-Salam) the Israelites corrupted the Torah by
rewriting it several times in several different versions. The Harvard-trained American
Biblical scholar, Richard Friedman, has conclusively demonstrated this in his very
important work entitled: "Who Wrote the Bible?" (New York: Harper and Row, 1989).
The Israelites removed all references in the Torah to the temple (or masjid) built by
Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) and Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam) in Arabia. The Ka’aba and the
Hajj are no longer to be found in the Torah. They also substituted all references to
Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam) as the son of the sacrifice with the name of his brother Isaac
(‘alaihi al-Salam), even though Isaac (‘alaihi al-Salam) was not even born when the trial of
the sacrifice took place. In addition, the child of the sacrifice was described by Allah
in the Qur’an as Haleem (patient and forbearing) (Saffat, 37:101), whereas the son to
be born to Sarah was described as Aleem (wise) (al-Hijr,15:53). They substituted
Arabia with Palestine as the place of the sacrifice. Zam Zam, the miraculous spring of
water that sprang from the desert sand when Gabriel (‘alaihi al-Salam) rubbed his heel on
the sand, now became a well in Palestine. They demonized Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam) in
the Torah as “a wild ass of a man” and excluded him from Allah’s covenant so that
they could claim exclusive title to being the ‘chosen people’ of Allah. Most dangerous
of all, however, was their corruption and willful distortion of the divine prohibition
against Riba. They rewrote the Torah to make it permissible for money to be lent on
interest to non-believers while maintaining the prohibition against Riba in intra-
Israelite transactions (Deuteronomy, 23:20-21).
Allah the Almighty responded to this heinous crime by sending against them one of
His creatures who possessed mighty prowess. The Babylonian King, Nebuchadnezzar,
overran Palestine, defeated the Israelites, enslaved all those whom he captured,
destroyed the State of Israel and Masjid al-Aqsa (which had been built by Solomon),
and transported the Israelites as slaves back to Babylon (al-Isra, 17:4,5). This was
most certainly a powerful demonstration of Allah’s capacity to wage war.
There was a second demonstration when the Roman Emperor, Titus, ravaged
Jerusalem and destroyed the temple (or masjid) a second time (al-Isra, 17:7, 104).
This, also, was related to Riba. Allah had sent three Prophets, Zakariah (‘alaihi al-Salam),
John (‘alaihi al-Salam), and Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam), to the Israelites. That part of the
Israelites who rejected these Prophets became known as Jews (al-Yahood). The Jews
murdered Zakariah (‘alaihi al-Salam) inside of Masjid al-Aqsa (Matthew, 24:35, 36;
Luke, 11:51). John (‘alaihi al-Salam) was beheaded by way of deception. And, finally,
the Jews boasted of how they had killed Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam). In all three instances the
Prophets of Allah had attacked them and denounced them for their wickedness. This
included their denunciation of the Jews for the crime of changing the Torah and for
consuming Riba. Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam), for example, went into Masjid al-Aqsa and
found them engaged in Riba. He cursed them, turned over their tables, chased them out
of the temple (Masjid) and declared: “You have taken the house of Allah and
transformed it into a den of thieves.” Thus it was because the Prophets of Allah
exposed their wickedness of consuming Riba, among other crimes, that they killed
them (except for Jesus, whom Allah saved miraculously). Allah Most High responded
to this wickedness by sending a Roman army that destroyed the State of Israel for a
second time. (It will be destroyed for a last time by a Muslim army led by Imam al-
The warning of a declaration of war from Allah Most High for the consumption of
Riba, assumes even greater importance when we reflect over the fact that Allah Most
High intervened to protect the first Masjid (i.e., Ka’aba) when Abraha came with his
army of elephants to destroy it (Qur’an, al-Fil, 105:1-5). Even when the Ka’aba was
filled with idols, Allah Most High still intervened to save it from destruction. And yet,
even though there were no idols in the second Masjid (i.e., Masjid al-Aqsa), Allah
Most High twice sent armies to destroy it. Such is the state of Divine anger over the
oppression caused by Riba.
The dire warning for the Jews is that the Shirk of the secular State of Israel and the
Riba in its economic life both manifestly violate the divine conditions for inheritance
of the Holy Land. The consequence of such violation is that Allah Most High would
respond by punishing them.
(This book can be ordered from Islamic Book Trust at
Sheikh Imran has talked on the subject extensively and here is one video. The reader may find many related videos by Sheikh Imran on You Tube.
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