Israel Palestine Conflict is almost a 100 years old and recent development is only a precursor of what was planned a long time ago. Sheikh Imran N. Hosein has written the Book "Jerusalem in Quran" some two decades ago and he stated that the book could not have been written until this era, since it is only over the past few years that the concealed plans of the Jews have come so clearly into view that few can doubt that there is a Jewish plan for world domination. Here is Chapter-11, for the readers of Bangbox Online, for the alternate opinion on the matter that is falsely spread by Zionist Jews dominated media.
By Imran N. Hosein
Chapter 11
“You will find (time and again) that the most hostile of all people to the Believers (i.e.,
Muslims) would be the Jews and those who are idol-worshippers or pagans; and nearest among
them in love to the Believers would be those who say, ‘We are Christians’, because amongst
these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not
(Qur’an, al-Maidah, 5:82)
Before we return to an examination of the most ominous of divine prophecies that
has already been fulfilled, i.e., that Allah Most High will bring the Jewish people back
to the Holy Land when the last ‘count down’ for their punishment begins, it is
necessary for us to look at the subject of ‘Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam), the Arabs and the
Holy Land’. The subject is important since the Zionist Movement achieved the
restoration of the State of Israel by forcing an exodus of Arabs from the Land and from
their homes. They could not have dared to do that without some scriptural justification.
However that scriptural justification on which they relied was a falsehood and a
forgery that was perpetrated in the name of the God of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam). The
Zionists knew that it was a falsehood and they exploited it to the hilt. It is that subject
which we now address in this chapter.
The Jewish Religious View of An Arab
The spiritual leader of Israel’s Orthodox Shas Party of Sephardic Jews reportedly
declared in his sermon on August 5, 2000: “The Ishmaelites (Arabs) are all cursed
evil-doers, all enemies of Israel. The Holy One, blessed be He, regrets that He created
these Ishmaelites.” The report described Rabbi Ovadia Yosef ridiculing the efforts of
the then Barak Government of Israel to reach some kind of an agreement with the
Palestine Liberation Organization in their mutually conflicting claims to the sacred
city of Jerusalem. “Why divide the Old City?” he asked, “so that they can have
another opportunity to kill us? Why do we even need them alongside us?” Addressing
Israeli Prime Minister Barak the Rabbi added: “You bring snakes next to us. How can
you make peace with a snake? . . .Barak is running amuck after the wicked
Ishmaels….He will bring us snakes to live next to us in Jerusalem. He has no sense.”
The Jerusalem Post reported that the Rabbi’s remarks were greeted with applause (see - August 5, 2000).
One reason for the Rabbi’s hostility toward the Ishmaelite people (i.e., Arabs) and to
their claim to Jerusalem is, that the Book of Genesis in the Torah declared Ishmael to
“ ….a wild ass of a man; his hand against everyman, and everyone’s hand against
(Genesis, 16:12)
The Rabbi and his followers are thus likely to argue that the relentless and escalating
oppression visited upon the Arabs by the State of Israel is justified as a divine sanction
as conveyed in the ominous words: “everyone’s hand is against him”. How else can
the rest of the civilized world explain the ruthless and barbaric Israeli attack on the
Jenin refugee camp? Had the Jews not rewritten the Torah with the addition of this
falsehood against Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam), the son of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam), it would
have been easier to discern the deception involved in the devilish Zionist scheme to
dispossess the Arab-Muslims of the Holy Land in order to restore the State of Israel.
The description of Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam), the Prophet of Allah Most High that is
given in the Qur’an, clearly reveals this statement of the Torah to be a lie against
Allah Most High:
“Also mention in the Book (the story of) Ishmael: He was (strictly) true to whatever he
promised and he was an Apostle (and) a Prophet. He used to enjoin on his people
Prayer and Charity and he was most acceptable in the sight of his Lord.”
(Qur’an, Maryam, 19:54-5)
“And commemorate Ishmael, Elisha and Dhul-Kifl: each of them was of the company
of the Good. This is a message (of admonition): and verily for the Righteous is a
beautiful place of (final) Return….”
(Qur’an, Sad, 38:48-49)
“That was the reasoning about Us which We gave to Abraham (to use) against his
people: We raise whom We will degree after degree: for thy Lord is full of wisdom and
knowledge. We gave him Isaac and Jacob: all (three) We guided: and before him We
guided Noah and among his progeny David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and
“And Zakariya and John and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous: And
Ishmael and Elisha and Jonas and Lot: and to all We gave favor above the nations:
“(To them) and to their fathers and progeny and brethren: We chose them. And We
guided them to a straight way...
“These were the men to whom We gave the Book and authority and Prophethood: if
these (their descendants) reject them behold! We shall entrust their charge to a new
People who reject them not. Those were the (Prophets) who received Allah’s
guidance: copy the guidance they received...
“No just estimate of Allah do they make when they say: Nothing doth Allah send down
to man (by way of revelation). Say: Who then sent down the Book that Moses brought
as a light and guidance to man? But ye make it into (separate) sheets for show while
you conceal much (of its contents)…
“And this (Qur’an) is a Book which We have revealed bringing blessings and
confirming (the revelations) which came before it: that thou may warn the Mother of
Cities and all around her...”
(Qur’an, al-An’am, 6:83-92)
The Rabbi should beware of this dire warning given in the Qur’an to all those who
attribute lies to Allah Most High including lies concerning Ishmael and the
“Who can be more wicked than one who concocts a lie against Allah or says: I have
received inspiration when he hath received none or (again) who says: I can reveal the
like of what Allah hath revealed? If you could but see how the wicked (do fare) in the
flood of confusion at death! The angels stretch forth their hands (saying): Yield up
your souls. This day shall you receive as your reward a penalty of shame for you used
to tell lies against Allah and scornfully reject His Signs!”
(Qur’an, al-An’am, 6:93)
The Rabbi, and all those whose beliefs are based on such forgeries in the Torah, live
in an unreal world. Their perception of reality is false and distorted. The damage done
was that it created, and still sustains, a false belief concerning Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam)
above. At no time does the Torah offer any evidence of evil, misconduct or rebellion
on the part of Ishmael (‘alaihi al-Salam) that could explain that harsh allegedly divine
condemnation. Rather, the same Ishmaelites whom the Rabbi now despises as ‘snakes’
offered the Jews residence amongst them for 2000 years. They enjoyed security for
their lives and property, and were given freedom to live and worship as Jews.
Those who supported, and still support, the creation of the Impostor State of Israel
(a secular, nationalist, essentially godless enterprise) on foundations of injustice and
oppression, are a people with no spiritual insight at all. The same spiritual blindness
which render them incapable of recognizing this Impostor State, …that spiritual
blindness also led them to declare that Mary had committed fornication, that Jesus (the
Messiah) was a bastard child, and that his claim to be the Messiah was false. It also led
them to commit the most disgraceful and evil deed ever in history, i.e., to attempt to
crucify Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salam), and then to boast that they had succeeded in killing him.
That spiritual blindness caused them to reject the last Prophet sent to mankind by the
God of Abraham, the Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). It led them to
reject the Qur’an as the Word of the God of Abraham, Most High. Their spiritual
blindness has led them, time and again, to commit deeds that have provoked the anger
of Allah, Most High. Their present racial, financial, and economic conduct is
manifestly abominable.
When they insulted Moses (‘alaihi al-Salam), a long time ago, and declared that he and
his Lord should fight (to liberate the Holy Land) while they would remain where they
were, Allah Most High responded to this abominable conduct by making the Holy
Land Haram (prohibited) for them for 40 years, and by consigning them to wander in
distraction through the earth. Then Allah Most High addressed Moses (‘alaihi al-Salam)
and said to him: "Do not grieve over these sinful people." There is no place for
sympathy in those words. Even if the world did not have the Qur’an pointing to
forgeries written into the divine Torah, spiritual insight should have sufficed for the
followers of the Torah and Bible to sense that all was not right with statements such as
the one concerning Ishmael.
And so they did not deserve sympathy at that time, and for precisely the same reason
they do not deserve sympathy now. Their time is up. Their fate is sealed. They have
been deceived into the grandest deception history has ever witnessed, deceived into
leaving the lands where they had lived amongst the Arab Ishmaelites in relative peace,
security and religious freedom for 2000 years (Yemen, Morocco, Egypt, Iran, Iraq,
Syria, etc.) and to returning to the Holy Land to support oppression and injustice.
Ominously so, that oppression increases day by day. Muslims did not deceive them.
Muslims did not invite them to return. The Qur’an declares that the God of Abraham
Himself ordained their return. The same God, Most High, Who twice ordained the
destruction of the Temple (Masjid) built by Solomon (‘alaihi al-Salam), will Himself
ensure the destruction of the Impostor State of Israel. .. On the day that such occurs,
and it is inevitable, the greatest divine punishment ever visited upon any people in
history will unfold before their horrified eyes. Let the Rabbi take warning!
The same distorted perception of reality that is clearly visible in the statement of the
Rabbi is also visible in the two negotiating partners who have negotiated, in an
exercise in futility, the future of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, i.e., the PLO and the
State of Israel. In their case, however, they both display total ignorance of, or disregard
for, the Qur’an and the Torah as sources of guidance pertaining to the subject. They
have more in common with each other than either has with the religions of Islam or
Judaism. They are both secular nationalist movements that exploit religion... Secular
nationalism has no appetite for the search for Absolute Truth.
Perhaps some ingenious compromise will be achieved pertaining to the Palestinian
demand for East Jerusalem as the capital of their Palestinian State. But if and when
that Palestinian State is established it will be a replica of the secular nationalist Jewish
State of Israel. The Holy Land would then be more fully confirmed as part of the new
world-order of Shirk that emerged from modern western civilization. Shirk is
manifestly committed when sovereignty is located in the State rather than with Allah,
Most High! Shirk is committed when the State is vested with supreme authority, and
when the law of the State is the supreme law!
The most brazen-faced display of Shirk we have ever encountered was a proposal
which the US Government presented to seek to resolve the conflicting positions of the
Israeli Government and the PLO regarding the site in which is located the Masjid built
by Solomon, now known to Muslims as al-Haram al-Sharif, and to Jews as the
Temple Mount. The US plan would have given to the State of Israel ‘sovereignty’ over
the Western Wall (or ‘Wailing Wall’). The Jews recognize it as a remnant of the
original Temple (Masjid) built by Solomon. The Palestinian State, on the other hand,
would have had ‘sovereignty’ over Masjid al-Aqsa and the Masjid of Umar (known as
the Dome over the Rock). And the God of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam) would have had to
be contented with ‘sovereignty’ over the rest of al-Haram al-Sharif.
Shirk is committed when the State proceeds to declare Halal what Allah Most High
made Haram, and vice-versa. It is as certain as the sun rises in the East that the future
Palestinian State will legalize gambling and lotteries and even establish statesponsored
lotteries. It will legalize Riba, i.e., the lending and borrowing of money on
interest. It will legalize the consumption of alcohol. In other words, the Palestinian
State will embrace Shirk in precisely the same way that Jewish Israel and the rest of
the world (including most of the Muslim world) have already done. A Palestinian State
established by the PLO would also visit upon its people the same decadence that today
pervades the secular Jewish State as well as most of the rest of the world.
Muslims cannot, and should not, lend their support to any agreement such as the
recent Saudi Plan, which seeks to legitimize the secular nationalist State of Israel and
accept its fifty years of oppression upon the indigenous people of Palestine, Christians
as well as Muslims. Nor should Muslims accept in the Holy Land the establishment of
a Palestinian State that would be but a replica of the Jewish State.
This book also seeks to explain the reality to Jews who have so uncritically accepted
a secular nationalist Israel as representative of the glorious State created by David
(‘alaihi al-Salam) and Solomon (‘alaihi al-Salam). This State of Israel is an impostor that
has deceived Jews. Dr. Isma’il Raji al-Faruqi, the Palestinian Islamic scholar who
was an outspoken critic of Israel, and who was murdered in the dark, described Israel
as “a colonial enterprise”, “conceived in sin”, “founded upon outdated concepts of
national character and mission”, and “a militaristic oppressor of indigenous peoples”.
The indigenous Arab people who were driven from their homes, or had to flee in
terror, were a people who worshipped the God of Abraham. Yet, even when the Jews
had consolidated their control over the Holy Land, they refused to invite these refugees
to return to their homes, or to allow them to do so. To this day, more than fifty years
later, the Jewish State adamantly refuses to allow the return of the refugees to their
homes while extending an open invitation to Jews, wherever they may be in the world,
to come and reside in the Holy Land. This is not virtuous conduct! Rather, it is
The prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) indicate that the
Zionist State of Israel will eventually betray Banu Israil and cast them before the very
people who have been relentlessly oppressed by Israel with the most shameless and
undisguised oppression.
Yassir Arafat is also an impostor who does not represent the Palestinians who were
dispossessed of their homes and have been relentlessly oppressed by Israel for more
than fifty years. Many have lived in refugee camps in Lebanon and elsewhere for
more than fifty years. Arafat can betray them just as Israel is betraying the Jews. Those
betrayed by Arafat will eventually be at the vanguard of the Muslim army that will
confront and punish the Jews resident in the Holy Land when the State of Israel
abandons them. That Muslim army has already demonstrated its fighting prowess in
Southern Lebanon. And the Israeli withdrawal from Southern Lebanon, which
effectively abandoned the surrogate Christian army in that territory (after it had fought
on Israel’s behalf), is a prelude to the more dramatic event that is to come.
The racial oppression of the Ishmaelites by the secular Jewish State of Israel has
dramatically intensified the already awesome religious, political, and economic
oppression in the Holy Land. That oppression is constantly increasing. It is in this
context that we can now understand the ominous prophecy of Prophet Muhammad
(sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) who declared:
“You will surely fight the Jews, and you will surely kill them. (And this will continue) until
(even) the stones will speak (saying): Oh Muslim! There is Jew hiding behind me so come and
kill him.”
(Sahih Bukhari)
(This book can be ordered from Islamic Book Trust at
Sheikh Imran has talked on the subject extensively and here is one video. The reader may find many related videos by Sheikh Imran on You Tube.
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