Muhammad Asif Raza 1 year ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #global

Recognition of Israel – The Choices for Muslim World

The State of Israel was established on the lands of Palestine by the Western Powers and since then she is seeking recognition from Muslim States, where few have sided but some major Muslim Nations have resisted so far.

Spread of Religion Islam on Arab Lands

The Prophet of Islam Muhammad ﷺ established the State of Islam in Medina Manawarah in 622 AD after his Hijrah from Makkah. Then various battles were fought to eradicate idol worship in the Arabian Peninsula. The Arab Lands were purified from all non-monolithic religions. The tribes of Jews living in Medina and around were also driven away after betraying the pact with the Holy Prophet ﷺ. The Khyber was perched from Jews by Hazrat Umar (RA) in 642 AD. Therefore, Arab Lands was declared the land of Islam and Islam only in line with the dictates of Quran (Devine Holy Book in Arabic) and Sunnah. The ALLAH Almighty ordained HIS blessings and bounties upon Arab Muslims as they ruled the vast lands beyond the Arab Peninsula for six hundred years. The Hijaz & Arab Peninsula remained populated by Muslims only for 1400 years. The Muslims Scholars, Priests and Practicing Souls went far and beyond to all corners of Earth, to spread the message of Islam.

Three Holy Sites of Islam

The world of Islam has three most Holy Sites, Makkah, Medinah and Masjid AlQuds. The AlQuds Masjid was liberated from the Byzantine Empire in 637 AD. The site is located in Palestine; which was populated by Israelis in 1300-1200 BCE. It was the land promised to them by The Lord Almighty through Prophet Musa (AS). However, Israelis went through various trails and tribulation to settle on the land of Palestine. However, were uprooted twice from this land; first by Assyrian Empire in 722 BCE and secondly by Romans in 64 BCE. The Jewish Diaspora took place over the years and by 637 AD there was NO Israeli living in the Palestine. Second Caliph of Islam, Hazrat Umer (RA) allowed Jews to visit the Holy Site for prayers. In 1099 AD the Christian Crusaders conquered Palestine and in 1291 the Muslims again took control of the Palestine. Which continued till 1948. During the period 64 BCE to 1900 AD, Jews were not allowed to live on this land as a nation, although few lived here and there as a subject to Muslims.

International Laws for Recognition of States

In the world that existed till 1900 was simple for international or national affairs. Any state or king would gather forces and invade the other state or lands. The winner would take all; the glory, bounty and the history. However, the things started to change after 1900 and the concept of nation state sovereignty and recognition by states under League of Nations & UNO was formulated. The League of Nations and UNO was established and Security Counsel was instituted to notify the geographical boundaries of the states, before and after World War I&II.

Establishment of Israel

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, tens of thousands of Jewish immigrants began arriving in Palestine and establishing new Jewish settlements. These immigrants were largely motivated by nationalism and a desire to live in the land of their ancestors as Zionism. The Hebrew language was revived as Hebrew school system was established. Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, Palestine was granted to Britain by the Versailles Peace Conference / League of Nations. During World War I Britain had promised the local Arabs, through Lawrence of Arabia, independence, in exchange for their support for the British; and to create and foster a Jewish national home as laid out in the Balfour Declaration, 1917. 

In 1948, David Ben Gurion declared Jewish state as the State of Israel on the lands of Palestine and was recognized by the super powers of the world under UNO. Anyone interested to read the whole episode in details may click the link ( ). The declaration stated that State of Israel would be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex;. However, the Knesset maintains that the declaration is neither a law nor an ordinary legal document.Everyone must remember that Jews consider all other humans as gentiles-non humans in essence when it comes to equality of social and political rights.

The National Goals of Israel / Zionists

It must be understood that Israel / Jews will not rest within the current boundaries. The Jews have settled on the Promised Land or the Land of Israel, and will do everything possible to attain Complete Land of Israel or Entire Land of Israel. The Bible contains three geographical definitions of the Land of Israel. The Jews today have complete control on the AlQuds and their desire to grab Entire Land of Israel include the TWO most Holy Places of Islam, Makkah & Medina. (For further details click on link

The State of Israel was Not founded for Jews’ refugees or oppressed Jews or for political or social reasons on a disputed land. The Zionist claimed the Promised Land for religious reasons and the country never shied from Zionist agenda. Israel doesn’t have any written constitution. However, there are some Basic Laws through which the functions of state are managed. 1950 law “Law of Return”, states that "every Jew has the right to come to his country as an oleh [Jewish immigrant]". The national ambition of the Israeli Zionist is to establish “The House, the Holy, the Third” on Temple Mount, so that they can rule the world as a divine order under the Anti-Christ.

The obvious obstacle to realization of these goals is two historic Islamic structures, namely the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, which are built on top of the Temple Mount. The Israel considers that efforts to remove these could lead to severe conflicts with Muslims. The large part of Muslim world has not recognize Israel, which therefore, has made several attempts to lure Muslim leaders to recognize Israel. The recognition of Israel will mean the recognition of Israel’s constitution and its national ambitions. The state of Israel is still a disputed matter as per international law and the fact that major Muslim countries have not recognized Israel.

Recognition of Israel by Muslim Countries

Israel after declaration of Independence made several attempts to get recognition from Muslim Countries. However, Most of the Muslim States including Arabs have not recognized Israel. Arab Israel wars also took place, in which NATO Countries and USSR helped Israel and Arabs lost areas to Israel. In 1967, Jews attempted to burn the AlQuds Mosque through a Christian Australian Citizen. In wake of that incident, the Muslim States instituted OIC to formulate a unified policy on issues related to Muslim Ummah. The Palestine (AlQuds) and Kashmir were identified as the two most burning issues of Muslim Ummah then. The Egypt crossed the line and recognized Israel in 1979. Most recently, two prominent Gulf Countries UAE and Bahrain recognized Israel. Reportedly other Arab countries are also secretly negotiating with Israel. Israel need legitimacy and for that it requires recognition from Countries like KSA and Pakistan including friendly relations with Turkey and Iran, whose previous regimes have recognized Israel.

Repercussions of Israel’s Recognition

The common Muslims have deep rooted affection with the AlQuds Masjid as it has been refereed as a place of special blessings in the Holy Book Quran. The AlQuds also has a special reference with the Holy Prophet ﷺ as narrated during the Travel of Isra & Mi’raj and Immamat of Prayers of All Prophets. Therefore, the recognition of Israel will hurt the emotions and feelings of most of the Muslims. Hence, the Muslim Rulers are frantically portraying the Israel as an issue of Palestinian Lands and nationality and linking it with the opportunity to say prayers in AlQuds Masjid. The Muslims have given huge sacrifices to gain control of the AlQuds (during Hazrat Umar RA rule and crusaders invasions); therefore, relinquishing the same to Zionist of Israel will be a severe betrayal to the spirits of Muslim Faith. It is feared that Wrath of ALLAH Almighty may fall upon the people who submit to material gains over the AlQuds Issue.

Repercussions for Ummah

Islamic jurisprudence has clear definition and set principles. It entails preference to a legal rule defined earlier and the principles set by Righteous Caliphs have superiority and must be obeyed by all. Hazar Umer RA (2nd Caliph) purged Jews from Arab Lands, dictating that two faiths cannot be allowed on Arab lands. This Order was followed by Salah Ud Din Ayubi. Hence, Muslims today CANNOT allow Zionist to practice Judiasm in AlQuds; they may however be allowed to pray. The Muslim Ummah today is weak and disjointed and has no say in worldly affairs especially in the affairs of State of Israel. The Zionist are worst terrorist and unleashing murder and cleansing of Palestinians unabated and persistently. It can be said that Wrath of ALLAH Almighty has fallen upon the Muslims of the AlQuds in particular and all others in general, who preferred material gains over Religious Injections, neglecting the dictates of Quran.

Recognition of Israel- Repercussions for Pakistan

Pakistan was founded on the principles of two nation theory (Muslims and Hindus are two different nations) for establishing a country for Muslims allowing to practice Islamic Faith as per the dictums of Quran and Sunnah. Islam is the religion of ALLAH Almighty, as have been from Hazrat Adam AS. The Judaism is the erstwhile religion Islam before the revelation and appointment of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The Jews didn’t embrace the Messenger of ALLAH Muhammad ﷺ. The Jews are Erstwhile Ummah of Abrahamic faith and were relegated to cursed people (Magzoobe Elehim). The Zionists’ desire to acquire the AlQuds and build Third Temple is fraudulent and mischievous. They misrepresent the Torah after inducing self-desired amendments. Pakistan was founded to be a fortress of Islam, thus Pakistan is directly opposite to the creation of Israel. Both have been created for religious reasons to achieve contrasting objectives. Pakistan thus shall not recognize Israel because that will be direct negation of the very principles of Islam as stated in Quran and Sunnah and creation of Pakistan. The rise of Israel will mean the downfall of Pakistan as both are ideological states and inversely proportional on the principles of religion. If Pakistan recognizes Israel, the Wrath of ALLAH Almighty will fall upon undoubtedly. One must remember that Pakistan lost its eastern wing in 1971 as a warning for not adhering to the goals set before 1947.

 Repercussions for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 by Ibne Saud, a clan of Jeddah, fulfilling the vacuum created by British Empire through World War-I and Lawrence of Arabia. Earlier, the Arab Peninsula was under Ottoman Empire. Arabs originating from the Makkah founded the Umayyad (661–750) and Abbasid (750–1258) dynasties. Both the dynasties claimed the right to the throne based on the principles set out in 632 AD by the Companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, who succeeded him. The KSA today houses the Two Most Holy Places of Islam. The King proudly proclaims the status of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. The Muslims across the globe always see towards the Holy Harmain for blessings and guidance. Therefore, the KSA shall also NOT recognize Israel. If it does, it will have serious repercussions and will create greater rift and hatred in the Muslims’ heart.

The Recognition of Israel by KSA will be a blow to the legitimacy of Ibne Saud family. The sanctity of Holy Lands cannot be left to the will and whims of a family dynasty. The Muslims then must review the principle for the administration of Holy Places collectively called Hejaz. The admin and governing control of Hejaz may be handed over in line with the principle agreed by the companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in 632 AD in Medina. A Counsel of Progeny of Hazrat Fatima RA, Four Rashidoon Caliphs RA, Muhajirs and Ansar (RA) be chosen to govern and administer Hejaz. Those Muslim Elders had left Hejaz for the cause of Islam and therefore, the Progeny Population living anywhere in the world should be allowed to come back to Hejaz as nationals of Hejaz. This incidentally will also be in line with the principle adopted by State of Israel (Law of Return). The Hejaz should be protected through a Pan Islamic Force financed through the local and joint resources. If the Ibne Saud or other allied clans don’t agree to this proposal, the Muslims will have no other choice but to force the issue through Pan Islamic Efforts as per Islamic traditions and practices. This should be done in line with the principle dictated by Hazrat Imam Hussain RA at Karbala. If Muslim Ummah sleeps over the issue, then Wrath of ALLAH Almighty will fall upon all the Muslims, who opt for material gains neglecting the dictates of Quran.

One hopes that State of Israel will remain a pariah state unrecognized by Muslim Countries and resisted to the hilt for any further aggressions by Zionists of Israel.

O Ye; People of Islam! Remember the Favours and Bounties, which ALLAH bestowed upon US as Muslim, and fulfill our obligations as per the Quran and Sunnah; So that ALLAH bestow HIS Blessings, Fazal and Rehmah.


Written By Cdr (R) Muhammad Asif Raza PN, with the help of Info and Date available on Free Net.

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