Mindfulness Meditation
HaleemaSadia #education

Mindfulness Meditation:

Step by step guide for beginners,Make yourself comfortable,Feel Yourself, Be kind with your thoughts,Assets and liabilities of meditation,Common mistakes

Mindfulness is the simplest type of meditation. It is the practice of what you are feeling without being judgmental about your thoughts. In other words, it gives us the capability to notice our feelings. It is a very personal experience. Mindfulness allows you to focus deeply on what you are thinking, sensing and feeling your surroundings. Honestly, the observation of our inner world in simpler form.
To be aware of your feelings is not enough, to accept your thoughts and to overcome your negativity is important.
For many people around the world mindfulness is a powerful word for self-care. It can channel emotions like charm, happiness and inner peace. It has proved to be beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety levels, keeping a distance from negative thoughts and emotions. It also helps you to build good physical health.
There is no fixed time to practice mindfulness meditation. For all person different times are suitable for them. For instance, some people like to start their days with this, and some people like to end their days with meditation. It’s totally up to you.

Step by step guide for beginners:

Make yourself comfortable

Find yourself a corner which is comfortable to you mentally and physically. You can sit on a chair or on the floor. Choose any position to sit with your feet on the floor, loosely crossed legs or you can kneel. Just make sure you are secure and comfortable and can stay there for a while. If you want a refreshing atmosphere near you, scented candles or fresh flowers will be great. It’s absolutely your choice. During the meditation process detach yourself from digital distractions. Close your eyes as per your convenience.

Feel yourself

Take deep breaths and feel each sensation in the body; lips, nose, chest, belly. Notice your surroundings such as air, sound or any scent. Inevitably your attention will be distracted to different places and things. Let positive thoughts enter your mind and let your brain stop them. The purpose of meditation is not to quieten your mind or strive for endless calm. The target is to pay attention to the present moment without judging. During the process do nothing as it is important to do nothing.

Be kind with your thoughts

When you focus on your breath automatically thoughts will arise in your mind. There is no need to worry about it. Don’t burden yourself, give some time and let things pass. For a minimum of 10 minutes allow all your thoughts to roll in your mind. But don’t give them a think. This is the main part of the process. In this process you learn to control your feelings.

That’s it for practice!

Assets and Liabilities of meditation

Everything has some assets and liabilities it also has some. For most people it proved to be very beneficial. It helps you to control your emotions even at their worst. It gives you an ability to enjoy what you are doing. It helps you tolerate toxic people, helps in reducing depression and anxiety. It makes you feel more confident, comfortable and allows you to participate more in all areas of life. As a result, your physical and mental health gets better. Nevertheless, for some people it intensifies their stress, negative emotions, detach them and inhabit sleep.

Common mistakes

At a beginner level, you can make many mistakes. Because of these mistakes instead of being beneficial it could cause you damage.

The benefit of meditation comes from meditating daily. If you feel bored sitting in one position. There is an option for you, you can try different exercise just as walking, jogging etc. Give the process some time and then wait for the results. Naturally thoughts will come to your mind. Don’t try to get rid of your thoughts. Inconsistency is another common mistake. You practice for a few days and leave in between. You need to be consistent for a calmer mind. In the beginning don’t try different techniques too soon. Have some patience and go with the flow.

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