Exam IELTS, British Council IELTS, IELTS online test, Fees of IELTS exam, IELTS practice test, IELTS results, Check IELTS result, IELTS band score, IELTS Listening score.
From the past few decades moving abroad has become more attractive as European countries offer much more facilities. People are moving abroad for educational purposes, for work or to improve their lives. But moving abroad is never easy. For moving abroad it is a basic test which everyone has to clear who is willing to move abroad. IELTS is an abbreviation of the International English Language Testing System. This English language proficiency Exam IELTS is run by the British Council. British Council IELTS is conducted with the collaboration of IDP and Cambridge assessment of English. For English proficiency and global migrations, it is the most reliable exam. If you are interested in studying, developing a career, or settling in any country IELTS will pave the way. It is particularly true for countries where English is a native Language like England, the USA, and Australia. If you are preparing for IELTS this blog will be something you need desperately.
IELTS online test is for people living in Brazil, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Mauritius, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Turkey or Ukraine. They can take tests using their laptop or computer with a stable internet connection. This is the same as the IELTS academic test taken at the center. The test timing will be also 2 hours and fifty minutes. However, your speaking test will be conducted via video call. The requirements for the test are you must be 18 years of age with a valid passport and also a citizen of the following above-mentioned countries. If your country is not on this country list you will have to go to the exam center which is located in almost 140 countries.
IDP has given the freedom to take the IELTS test on paper or a computer. Fees for the IELTS exam vary on which method of test you are choosing. If you are taking the paper for IELTS Academic and general training on the computer then your fee in Lahore and Islamabad will be 52,200 PKR and if are taking the exam on paper then the fee for the exam will be 58,000 PKR at the test center of Lahore. The fee for Karachi Academic and General Training is 50,850PKR while for UKVI IELTS at all centers, the fee will be 47,000PKR.
IELTS practice tests are all about providing you with all you need to do well in the IELTS exams. There are generally two modules of the practice tests if you are applying for academic purposes you will have to choose the Academic Module, and if you are applying for immigration then you have to take the General Training Module. The IELTS module comprises four subdivisions including LISTENING, READING, WRITING, and SPEAKING
Getting your IELTS Results is an easy thing. You can get your result according to the type and format of your result. You will get your result of on paper after 13 days of completing your paper. For IELTS UKVI general and training you will get your result after the same 13 days. If you have taken the A1, A2, and B2 life skills tests then your result will be out after 7 days.
To Check your IELTS result you can log in to Test Taker Portal to view your result. The result will remain there for 28 days but should not be used as official confirmation. If you have taken the exam on paper you can preview your result after 13 days. The Test Report Form a paper format result will be sent to you after 13 days via courier and computer-based test results will be sent to you after 3-5 days.
In the IELTS test there is no pass or fail instead you will get a score between 0-9 which is commonly known as an IELTS band score. This score reflects your overall proficiency in four skills (LISTENING, READING, WRITING, and SPEAKING). The overall result is calculated after taking the mean of the performance of the candidate in all these skills.
The IELTS band score description is given below from highest to lowest:
9 Bands in listening means the person has full command of the language. He is fluent in the language with complete understanding.
It means the person has a command of language with some inaccuracies.
It means the person has command of language with some inaccuracies and misunderstanding.
It means a person can understand complex language but with some inaccuracies and misunderstanding of text.
It means a person can make mistakes. He doesn't have full command.
It means he is not able to use and understand complex language.
A person is unable to understand the situation with breakdowns in communication.
A person has great difficulty in speaking and understanding language.
He only knows some isolated words and doesn’t have any knowledge of communication language.
In IELTS listening score you have to answer at least 40 answers. The band score ranking above mentioned is the same for listening. To get maximum band you will have to answer maximum questions. It is very important to answer every question because skipping a question will be marked zero. If you answer 30-31 questions your rough score will be 7 and if you are able to answer 11 questions your score will be 4 bands only.
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