Israel – Hamas War; A Commoner’s Opinion
Muhammad Asif Raza 1 year ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #events

Israel – Hamas War; A Commoner’s Opinion

The Israel – Palestine Conflict is century old and it is impossible for a common man in the streets of the Muslim World to not get effected by the crisis. The Arab- Israel conflict has left many scars and it offers many life lessons. People in the street often ask each other’s position on the Arab-Israel Conflict and the recent Hamas- Israel War is no exception. The following are a commoner’s opinion.

Israel – Hamas War; A Commoner’s Opinion


In Islam, the default state of the relationship between the oppressor (ظالم ) and the oppressed (مظلوم) is oppression (Injustice, ظلم) from the oppressor and resistance from the oppressed. This resistance can range from passive to armed.

Islam dictates that oppression (Zulm) in all forms must be eradicated. This includes the oppression of a person against himself. Allah (SWT) says:


 "And whoever earns an odious (deed) or does an injustice to himself (and) thereafter asks Allah His forgiveness, he will find Allah Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful." [Quran 4:110]


A person or group can inflict Zulm on another person or group. On an individual or personal level, Islam allows forgiveness for Zulm done unto oneself. Rasulullah never avenged any Zulm done to him on a personal level.


Hazrat Aisha (RA) said about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that:


Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) never took revenge (over anybody) for his own sake, but (he did) only when Allah's Legal Bindings were outraged, in which case he would take revenge for Allah's Sake. (Bukhari: 3565)


 On a collective and community level, there is no forgiveness. Zulm must be erased through all permissible means, including, as said earlier, armed resistance.


A Theory of International Terrorism by L Ali Khan

L. Ali Khan, an Emeritus Professor of Law at Washburn University School of Law, writes in his book, A Theory of International Terrorism:


 "The Basic Code, consisting of the Quran and Prophet's Sunnah, strongly disapproves of a do-nothing, fatalistic approach to oppression. Stoic indifference to a state of servitude, occupation, tyranny, religious persecution, or any such wrong is not part of the Islamic way of life. Oppression is not God's Will. And acquiescence to oppression is not God's Way. Therefore, Muslims are obligated to find appropriate and possibly peaceful solutions to end persecution. This obligation to vacate the oppression of man against man is placed on individuals, families, communities, and nations. Prayers are helpful, but they alone are insufficient to lift the siege of oppression because God mandates Muslims to use self-help. In emphasizing the principle of self-help, the Quran states in candid terms:


 "God does not change the state of a people unless they themselves change." (13:11)

Self-help, however, should not be equated with criminality or limited to violence. It includes peaceful resolution of disputes.


Islam is not a religion of compulsive warriors predisposed to resolve their conflicts only through the use of force. Nor do the teachings of the Quran allure Muslims to shun peaceful means of dispute resolution and adopt violence. Muslims have no a priori, ontological commitment to violence. Islam is a religion of peace and teaches its followers to "show forgiveness":


Be gracious, enjoin what is right, and ignore those who act ignorantly. (Quran 7:199)


And "not to be cruel and hard hearted."


"It is out of Allah's mercy that you ˹O Prophet˺ have been lenient with them. Had you been cruel or hardhearted, they would have certainly abandoned you. So pardon them, ask Allah's forgiveness for them, and consult with them in conducting matters. Once you make a decision, put your trust in Allah. Surely Allah loves those who trust in Him." (Quran 3:159)


Nonetheless, Islam is not a utopian ideology or a set of ideals that are easy to cherish but difficult to follow. Islam is a functional religion rooted in human reality. Accordingly, Islam guides its followers to deal with real situations in a practical manner. By allowing combat as an alternative under specific circumstances, Islam recognizes the phenomenon of brute force that some groups and nations use to take advantage of the powerless and impose harsh conditions on the helpless. Against such groups and nations, Islam does not teach non-violence or stoic tolerance. In fact, the language of the Quran acquires a stern tone:


 "Kill them wherever you come upon them and drive them out of the places from which they have driven you out. For persecution is far worse than killing." (Quran 2:191)


The Quran's preference for slaughter over oppression is rooted in the moral imperative that the phenomenon of brute force must be resisted and fought "without losing heart or falling into despair" until justice prevails and the oppression is vacated.


"Do not falter or grieve, for you will have the upper hand, if you are ˹true˺ believers." (Quran 3:139)


Keeping the above passage of Dr. L. Ali Khan in view, it is important to declare that we, as Muslims believe that all humans have a right to life and the right to practice their religion in complete freedom, but no human has a right to oppress anyone else: whether it is the Apartheid regime's oppression in South Africa; or the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews in the Second World War; or the US Government Genocide of the Native American; or Pakistan's Army's brutality against the Civilians in East Pakistan in 1971; or the ruthless and savage subjugation of the subcontinent by the East India Company and then the British Raj; or the Ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims by the Serb, Bosnian-Serb, Croat and Bosnian-Croat Armies; or the barbaric uprooting and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by the State of Israel.


Candid Views on Israel- Hamas War


I am coming now to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. The State of Israel is founded on the brutal and savage oppression of the Palestinian People. This is not a hypothesis or a theory; it is a fact.


Since its creation in 1948, this oppression has continued. And our resistance to this oppression will continue till this instrument of oppression, the State of Israel, is dismantled. There is no other way. There is no compromise, no give-and-take, no agreement, no settlement, no accommodation, no two-state solution, no trade-off, no middle-ground, no recognition, no half measures, no normalization, and no nothing. The solution to the Palestinian issue is simple: THE OPPRESSION MUST END!


Until then, as Palestinians and as Muslims at large, our resistance will continue. In the words of Umar Mukhtar, the resistance leader of the Libyans against the Italian aggressors at the time of his hanging:


"We will never surrender. We win, or we die. And don't think it stops there. You will have the next generation to fight, and after the next, the next. As for me, I will live longer than my hangman."


And lastly, abetting a sin is a sin. Allah the Exalted has said:


"Cooperate with one another in goodness and righteousness, and do not cooperate in sin and transgression. And be mindful of Allah. Surely Allah is severe in punishment." (Quran 5:2)


"And do not incline to those who are unjust, lest the fire touches you, and you have no guardians besides Allah, then you shall not be helped." (Quran 11:113)


"My Lord, for the favor You bestowed upon me, I will never be an assistant to the criminals." (Quran 28:17)


As Muslims, we fear the wrath of Allah (SWT) for aiding in any way the oppressor. We shall not accept such a disposition or act from ourselves and others in any form, whether it is justifying the oppression, normalizing ties with Israel, or recognizing Israel. The warnings of Allah (SWT) stated above are sufficient for anyone to heed.


In conclusion, Allah's (SWT) verdict on oppression is very clear: oppression will not be justified or supported and will be fought until it ends.

And the above is my position. And Allah (SWT) knows the best. Please share these life lessons.

The Writer of this article is Mr Suleman Ahmer, who can be reached on

+92 333 2293100 during day hours only. Please avoid prank calls.

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