Muhammad Asif Raza 1 year ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #global


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict dates back to the end of the nineteenth century. Israel has kept the Palestine issue on low key through its Zionist wealth and deep pockets across the world. Israel is a state of terrorism but has succeeded in preventing high lighting humanitarian crisis of Palestine This article takes up the state sponsored terrorism of Zionist Jews and State of Israel.


The followers of Judaism, Jews lost their Nation State for the 3rd time in 70 AD at the hands of Byzantine Roman Empire and since then it was Jewish diaspora. The Jewish diaspora or exile is the biblical term made for Israelites or Jews when they were out of their ancestral homeland and subsequently settled in other parts of the world during the Assyrian exile and Babylonian captivity. The truth of the matter is that the Israelites are descendants of Hazrat Abraham (AS) grandson Hazrat Jacob (AS) and God Al Mighty has blessed them with singular honour of chosen race with a condition as in Quran

وَلَقَدْ كَتَبْنَا فِى ٱلزَّبُورِ مِنۢ بَعْدِ ٱلذِّكْرِ أَنَّ ٱلْأَرْضَ يَرِثُهَا عِبَادِىَ ٱلصَّـٰلِحُونَ ١٠٥

Surely, following the ˹heavenly˺ Record, We decreed in the Scriptures; Zaboor (Book revealed upon Hazrat David AS) “My righteous servants shall inherit the land.”

One Reference not from Quran is "The righteous shall inherit the Land, and live in it forever" (Ps. 37:29).

Interestingly, the Torah & Bible are full of many variations but this particular verse is still available as shown above. More interesting is the term used in Quran “Righteous Servants” and Psalm also says “Righteous”. The Jews lost the Nation State because the Promised Land was for Allah’s Righteous Servants and when they deviated from the given dictates and took the ways deviant from God Al Mighty, they were punished and were tormented by others. They lost the country and were exiled 3 times.

The Jews remained in stateless situation for hundreds of years till 1896, when Theodore Herzl; a Hungarian Zionist Jew declared a Zionist Protocol; which was followed by his disciples in letter and spirit. Then the land of Palestine was part of a greater mass of lands known as Arabistan under Ottoman Empire. Therefore, the Zionist Jews wealth played important role in stirring WW-I, which was actually a war of European Nations, however, it resulted into break up of Ottoman Empire.

The Beginning of Lies, Falsehood and Bigotry- Land Deals


Under Ottoman Empire, the Al Quds was a State Holy Land and NO sale purchase was allowed. The people were allowed to live under a contract. The contract was known as “kushan”.

A copy of such documents is shown above:

When the Ottomans left Palestine, they handed over Kushan documents to those who were residing over there, and those whose could not be handed over due to haste or problems, the documents were handed over to the Iraqi Shah Faisal; and the same was later handed over by King Faisal to Abdullah-1, the grandfather of the current king of Jordan.

After the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate, when Britain occupied Palestine, the British used the word “Mandate” instead of occupation, to make the world believe that as if the Ottomans were occupiers, and they were there to gift freedom to Palestinians. When neither there was a government nor was a state of Palestine, the British were free to invent any lies and they did a great job for Zionist Jews. It has been reported that King Abdullah-1 of Jordan sold the Kushan documents to the British or handed them over as a pledge of allegiance, and the only documents that exist today are those which were in the possession of the Palestinians themselves.

In 1918, the British gave a declaration to the influential Jew Rothschild as shown above as a promise to establish a home land for Zionist Jews. From 1924 to 1948, Britain continued to assemble Jews in Palestine and before leaving, it announced the state of Israel. The Palestinians had no empire, no state, no government, no army, no judiciary, only one name in the world that Palestine is a country. Soon after British occupation and country Israel was established; any Palestinian who needed justice to get their land, then the Israeli courts stood before them as monsters.

In such a case, the narrative of selling their lands and considering British documents as reliable sources instead of Ottoman Kushan documents and deciding that the Palestinians sold their land themselves is nothing but an Israeli and British Lie. Why the world didn’t talk about Ottoman Kushan documents, and preferred Israeli and British documents as admissible only? Because they wanted to create a sympathy for Zionism.


The State Sponsored Terrorism; Loot and Plunder before 1948

The Zionist Jews along with its Western Allies, the British and America were hands in gloves to establish Israel at all cost for their ulterior motives. They allowed and carried out mass scale Palestinian murder, loot and plunder as per the research of an Israeli Jew Adam Raz reported by Middle East Monitor in October 2020. Ofer Aderet’s review of Raz’s book was published in “Haaretz”, entitled: “Jewish soldiers and civilians looted Arab neighbors’ property en masse in ’48. The authorities turned a blind eye.”

Levy said that the Israeli authorities “encouraged the looting, because the looting served a national purpose: to quickly complete the ethnic cleansing of most of the country of its Arabs, and to see to it that 700,000 refugees would never even imagine returning to their homes”. The Israeli writer added: “Even before Israel managed to destroy most of the houses, and wipe from the face of the earth more than 400 villages, came this mass looting to empty them out, so that the refugees would have no reason to return.”

Levy also said that the looters “were motivated not only by ugly greed to possess stolen property right after the war was over, property belonging in some cases to people who were their neighbors just the day before, and not only by the desire to get rich quick by looting household items and ornaments, some of them very costly…, but they served, consciously or unconsciously, the ethnic purification project that Israel has tried in vain to deny all through the years.”

“Almost everyone took part” in the looting, he added, which “was the small looting, the one that proved if only for a moment that ‘most of the Jews are thieves,’ as the founding father said. But that was mini-looting compared to the institutionalized looting of property, houses, villages and cities – the looting of the land.”


“Denial and repression” were part of the reasons why heads of Jewish community allowed the looting of Arab property in Palestine. He said: “Thirst for revenge and drunkenness with victory after the difficult war might perhaps explain, even partially, the participation of so many.”

Levy said that “the looting reflects not only momentary human weakness but is intended to serve a clear strategic goal – purifying the country of its inhabitants – words fail.”

Concluding his article, Levy said: “Anyone who believes that a solution will ever be found to the conflict without proper atonement and compensation for these acts, is living in an illusion.”

State Terrorism, Bigotry, Lies and Propaganda after 1948

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict started soon after WW-I but it took nasty turn after WW-II as soon as in 1947, when the United Nations adopted Resolution 181, known as the Partition Plan, which sought to divide the British Mandate (Occupation as none could have mandated it) of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. The creation of State of Israel on May 14, 1948, sparked the first Arab-Israeli War. The war ended in 1949 with Israel’s victory against unarmed civilians, but 750,000 Palestinians were displaced, and the territory was divided into 3 parts: the State of Israel, the West Bank (of the Jordan River), and the Gaza Strip.

The Nakba 'the "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm", also known as the Palestinian Catastrophe was the 1948 permanent displacement of a majority of the Palestinian Arabs. The present day population of Gaza is mainly the descendants of the same populace displaced in Nakba. It was simple and plain “Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”. Every year on May 15, Palestinians around the world, numbering about 12.4 million, mark the Nakba, the near-total destruction of Palestinian society in 1948. The interested reader may find more details on


The State Sponsored terrorism continued in various form and shapes by Zionist Israel. One such horrible incident was the massacre at Sabra and Shatila by IDF, where unarmed civilians Palestinians were the slaughtered in the Sabra neighborhood of southern Beirut and the nearby Shatila refugee camp. The master of the gang Ariel Sharon became Israeli PM later on. (Further details of Israel atrocities can be read at )

The Israel enforced a siege on Gaza in 2008 and since then the place was like an open Jail for the residents of Gaza. Israel Forces continued a 24 hours vigil and watch through various methods and tools over the total area of Gaza. The complete Palestinian population in Gaza and West Bank were subjugated to worst human right violations and the complete world was silent including the Muslim Countries. In fact, Abraham Accord was instigated for the recognition of State of Israel by all Muslim states. Some powerful Muslim countries had done so and countries like KSA and Pakistan were being towed in line.

The Gaza Mujahedeen on 7th October 2023, unleashed an attack on main land Israel that surprised not just the Zionist but to all the backers, facilitators and supporters of Zionist Jews all across the globe. The Western Leaders came in open to show solidarity with State of Israel and announced military and financial aids to Zionist. Some even came chest thumping and wowing allegiance to the Zionist Jews. Every one claimed that the Gaza resistance will be punished in few hours’ time; however, after more than two weeks the Gaza resistance has survived and repulsed IDF ground action. Now, after routine human rights severe several violations including bombing hospitals and churches from the State of Israel, in line with practices of Zionist Jews in the past, the sycophant world leaders are now awaking the world conscience for better human treatment in the conflict.

The Only Peaceful Solution to the Palestinian-Israel crisis is to end of Zionist Jews supremacy in the conflict from Israel and elsewhere in the world. Let the sane voices take control of Israel from the Judaism; the real descendants of Prophet Israel (Hazrat Jacob AS). The Palestinians are the followers of Quran and they will respond positively, if the solution is sought in line with Holy Scriptures,, Quran, Bible and Torah.

Watch this clip of an old Jew Lady released from the Captivity of Gaza Mujahedeen as their follow ship of Quran.

This has been written with the help of material available freely on web net.


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