Muhammad Asif Raza 10 months ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #education

How & When, the War against Oppression / Evil will End?

The Nations of Islam have been under slavery during last two hundred years. Earlier, they were directly colonized by some western countries. But today Muslims all over the world are suffering from an invisible slavery. Muslims in Kashmir, Palestine and other regions are struggling against oppressive forces; where the powerful countries are persecuting the Muslims. Since the beginning of this century, Muslims have become more organized and are fighting against oppressive powers.


How & When, the War against Oppression / Evil will End?


"Those who are wronged oppressed, tortured, humiliated and driven out of their homes unjustly; for them the success against the oppressors may be delayed; unless they say: Our Lord is ALLAH, and this delay is due to the wisdom that ALLAH wills."


The success against evil will come only if; When the structure of the believers (individually and collectively as Nation) will mature; when Muslims will gather their energies; when each and every class will be able to store maximum strength within itself; When they will be capable of mobilizing and uniting its ranks. If any weak or unorganized group or nation gains the success easily, it will soon lose it; because it will not able to protect it for long.


The success against evil will come only if; When the struggling nation has exhausted its last strength and all its assets has been used; And when it is ready to sacrifice its dear or precious things; And when it is spending its earnings in the way of ALLAH easily and cheaply.


The success against evil will come only if; when the struggling nation utilizes the last resort of its power and strength; and believes that his power and strength, without the help of ALLAH Almighty, does not guarantee success. Success comes only from ALLAH; and it comes only, when any one makes his or her last efforts, and entrusts his or her case to ALLAH.


The success against evil will come only if; when the struggling nation strengthens its relationship with ALLAH; and when it learns to suffer hardships and makes sacrifices. And when it believes that there is no support or help except ALLAH; and when it develops such a relationship, it attains faith and first guarantees righteousness on the path of religion. And when success is obtained by the permission of ALLAH, the believer does not transgress or deviate from the right path of ALLAH and treats its captive humanly after gaining victory.


The success against evil will come only if; when the believing nation has utmost employed its entire struggle, efforts and sacrifices for the cause of ALLAH Almighty. When, he or she is not fighting for loot and personal glory. ALLAH Ta'ala wants Jihad to be done only for Him and for His sake only. The Messenger of ALLAH, may God bless him and grant him peace, was asked about a man who fights without fear, a man who fights with courage and a man who fights by sight, which one is for the sake of ALLAH? . He said: "Whoever fights so that the word of ALLAH prevails; is in the way of ALLAH."


The success against evil will come only if; when the struggling nation fights against the falsehood, maybe there is some good left in the falsehood, and ALLAH wants to remove even the slightest good from falsehood so that it becomes completely void of any goodness; so that the evil becomes alone and perishes without cry. One must know that there is not even an iota of good in evil and it will surely end up in the hell.


The success against evil will come only if; when the falsehood that the struggling nation is fighting against has not been fully revealed to the people. If the falsehood is defeated without revelations of its wickedness or evil nature, it may find supporters from among those who were deceived by it; who may not yet are convinced of his evil and the need for their eradication. ALLAH wants falsehood to persist until its wicked nature is revealed to the people. And so that when it is destroyed, it is without remorse afterwards.


The hour of victory will come a little late; Because the environment is not yet suitable for achieving the values of truth, goodness and justice; The values that the Muslim nation represents. If it succeeds without consolidation, it will face opposition from the international environment; Due to which, the issue will not be settled decisively. So the struggle will continue until the souls struggling with the corruption, fighting against oppressors, have grasped the decisive true triumph and are prepared to preserve it forever.


For all the above reasons, and for other things that only ALLAH Subhan Taala knows; the true success and victory against evil and oppressors will be attained but that hour of victory will come a little late; henceforth the sacrifices will intensify, and the sufferings will multiply. ALLAH will protect those who believe and ultimately they will succeed and will be victorious.


May ALLAH Subhan Taala grant the believers and Mujahedeen of Islam the true status of followers of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and grant them the ability to stand firm against the enemies of Islam and the tyrannical forces and grant them peace and comfort. Ameen.

“والنصر قد يبطئ على الذين ظُلموا وأُخرجوا من ديارهم بغير حقٍّ إلا أن يقولوا: ربنا الله، فيكون هذا الإبطاءُ لحكمةٍ يريدها الله.

قد يبطئ النصر لأنّ بُنية الأمّة المؤمنة لم تنضجْ بعدُ نضجَها، ولم تحشدْ بعدُ طاقاتِها، ولم تتحفّزْ كلُّ خليّةٍ وتتجمّعْ لتعرفَ أقصى المذخور فيها من قُوىً واستعدادات. فلو نالت النصرَ حينئذٍ لفقدته وشيكاً، لعدم قدرتها على حمايته طويلاً.

وقد يبطئ النصر حتى تبذل الأمّةُ المؤمنةُ آخر ما في طوقها من قوّة، وآخر ما تملكه من رصيد، فلا تستبقي عزيزاً ولا غالياً إلا بذلته هيّناً رخيصاً في سبيل الله. 

وقد يبطئ النصر حتى تجرّبَ الأمّةُ المؤمنة آخر قواها، فتدرك أن هذه القوى وحدها بدون سند من الله لا تَكفَل النصر. إنما يتنزّل النصر من عند الله عند ما تبذل آخر ما في طوقها، ثم تَكِلُ الأمرَ بعدها إلى الله. 

وقد يبطئ النصر لتزيدَ الأمّةُ المؤمنةُ صلتها بالله، وهي تعاني وتتألم وتبذل، ولا تجد لها سنداً إلا الله، وهذه الصلة هي الضمانة الأولى لاستقامتها على النهج بعد النصر عندما يتأذّن به الله، فلا تطغى ولا تنحرف عن الحق الذي نصرها به الله. 

وقد يبطئ النصر لأن الأمّة المؤمنة لم تتجرّد بعد في كفاحها وبذلها وتضحياتها لله ولدعوته، فهي تقاتل لمغنمٍ أو حميّة أو شجاعة. والله يريد أن يكون الجهاد له وحده وفي سبيله، وقد سئل رسول الله ﷺ عن الرجل يقاتل حميّة، والرجل يقاتل شجاعة، والرجل يقاتل ليُرى، أيّها في سبيل الله. فقال: “من قاتل لتكون كلمةُ الله هي العليا فهو في سبيل الله”.

كما قد يبطئ النصر لأن في الشرِّ الذي تكافحه الأمّة المؤمنة بقيّةً من خير، يريد الله أن يجرّدَ الشرَّ منها ليتمحّضَ خالصاً، ويذهبَ وحده هالكاً، لا تتلبّسُ به ذرّةٌ من خير تذهب في الغِمار!

وقد يبطئ النصر لأنّ الباطل الذي تحاربه الأمّة المؤمنة لم ينكشف زيفُه للناس تماماً. فلو غلبه المؤمنون حينئذٍ فقد يجد له أنصاراً من المخدوعين به، لم يقتنعوا بعدُ بفساده وضرورة زواله، فيشاء الله أن يبقى الباطل حتى يتكشّف عارياً للناس، ويذهبَ غيرَ مأسوفٍ عليه من ذي بقيّة! 

وقد يبطئ النصر لأنّ البيئة لا تصلُحُ بعدُ لاستقبال قيم الحقّ والخير والعدل التي تمثّلها الأمّة المؤمنة. فلو انتصرت حينئذٍ للقيَتْ معارضةً من البيئة لا يستقرّ لها معها قرار، فيظلّ الصراعُ قائماً حتى تتهيأ النفوس من حوله لاستقبال الحقّ الظافر واستبقائه! 

من أجل هذا كله، ومن أجل غيره ممّا يعلمه الله، قد يبطئ النصر، فتتضاعفُ التضحيات، وتتضاعفُ الآلام، مع دفاع الله عن الذين آمنوا وتحقيق النصر لهم في النهاية”.

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