Muhammad Asif Raza 4 months ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #health

Honey; Food & Medicine; God's Pharmacy

Honey is an important element of our food chain . It is called "shahad in Urdu language and same is also spoken in Persian and Hindi and in Arabic it is called asal". The proof of God's benevolence and perfect power is that a beneficial and delicious extract comes out of the stomach of a small bee. It is also a strange invention of nature that honey from bee is of different colors. In this article, information is given on the use of honey as food and medicine.

Honey; Food and Medicine; God's Pharmacy


Allah has mentioned honey in the Holy Qur'an so beautifully that the intellect is stunned; In Surah Muhammad, verse 15, it is said that in Paradise "there are rivers of clear honey".

There is a surah in Quran in the name of the honey bee, where it is said in verse 69 of the Surah Al-Nahl that "from the belly of it (the honey bee) comes out a colorful drinkable substance in which there is healing for people".


The miracle is that honey comes out of the belly of the bee on this earth. A bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1,000 flowers, and produces less than a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. And its rivers will be flowing in Paradise. Isn't it mind-boggling good news? Allah (swt) has mentioned this blessing and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has said, "Hold on to two healing things, one is honey, the other is the Holy Qur'an." Sunan Ibn Majah Hadith 3452


It is narrated from Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri (RA) that a person came to the service of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and said that my brother has a stomach ailment. The Prophet (SAW) asked him to give him Honey; the second time he came, he said: Give him honey, then (the third time) he came and said: I gave him (but to no avail) He said: Allah is true and your brother's stomach is a liar, give him honey. , So he drank honey again and he was cured". Bukhari Hadith 5684


In today's modern era, people are keen to talk about and highlight the factors that medical experts have expressed, so it is important to say that one tablespoon of honey contains the following "food values":-


Calories: 64

Protein: 0 grams

Fat: 0 grams

Carbohydrates: 17 grams

Fiber: 0 grams

Sugar: 17 grams


Medical Benefits of Honey: Honey has many medical benefits; Because of these benefits, honey is being used as medicine in all human civilizations and societies. A few are mentioned below.


1.   Improves the digestive system.

2.        Relieves children from cough.

3.        Honey quenches thirst.

4.        Strengthens memory.

5.        Using honey reduces physical weakness, phlegm and joint pain in old age.

6.       Clears the voice, sharpens vision and increases appetite.

7.       Reduces fat; Improves cholesterol levels; Reduces high blood pressure.

8.        One teaspoon of honey is enough to sustain human life for 24 hours. Honey is one of the rare foods on earth that alone can sustain human life.

9.        Honey has been found to be very useful when applied to wounds or burns due to its "antiseptic" properties.


Keep in mind that moderation is very important, so use honey as a food or medicine only with the advice of your doctor. But it can be used properly on a daily basis.


It will be helpful for the reader to know the following information about honey:-


👍 Honey contains live enzymes. When honey is extracted with a metal spoon, the metal touch kills these enzymes.

👍  The best way to eat honey is with a wooden or plastic spoon.

👍  Honey contains a substance that helps us humans brain to work better.

👍  Propolis produced by bees is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics.

👍  The bodies of great emperors were buried in golden coffins and covered with honey to prevent decay.

👍  The term "honeymoon" comes from the tradition of newlyweds using honey for fertility after marriage.

👍  Initially, the bee symbol was made on the coins.

👍  Honey has no expiry date.

👍 The honey is obtained from the stomach of a small bee; It’s a great gift of nature and how important and useful it is? The bee distills the nourishing essence and pure extracts from all kinds of flowers and stores it in its safe houses.

🌹  Thanks to "Al-Nahl," the honey bee, for the great blessings of God’s Pharmacy.

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