Muhammad Asif Raza 1 year ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #events

US Dollar has slaved Muslim Rulers; Israel-Hamas War

Ever since the rise of West as a Ruling Force in the world; the majority of rulers of the Muslim Countries have been found lacking in basic tenant of Islam. They at times openly support their real masters that is USA and its Allies. The Zionist Jewish Lobby control the USA & Allied Powers tacitly and proudly as well. Here, only a recent data from Russia Ukraine conflict is being shared in light of current Israel-Hamas War.

US Dollar has slaved Muslim Rulers; Israel-Hamas War

The Arab countries that announced the provision of humanitarian and relief aid to #Ukraine in the first days of the outbreak of war between Ukraine and Russia

 #Saudi Arabia

 Saudi Arabia provided Ukraine ($410 million) distributed as follows: $10 million from the King Salman Relief Center, and $400 million divided into two parts: $100 million in humanitarian aid to Kiev, and $300 million in oil derivatives.


 The largest Arab aid to Ukraine, after Saudi Arabia, came from the UAE, which announced that it provided $105 million to provide relief to refugees and affected civilians in Ukraine. The UAE also provided aid to Ukraine in the form of (2,500) electric generators.


 Qatar provided humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian Refugee Reception Center in Moldova, amounting to $5 million from the Qatar Fund for Development to help refugees.


 Kuwait sent to Ukraine planes loaded with relief aid weighing 33.5 tons, worth two million and 250 thousand dollars.


 Bahrain announced the provision of relief aid to civilian refugees from Ukraine worth one million US dollars

 Today in #Palestine there are 340,000 displaced Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. Will these Arab countries send humanitarian aid to them?

Th response of Muslim Rulers is so disappointing; when it was the Russia, the majority of Muslims wanted to support Russians but the rulers being a true slaves of USA and Allied Powers in pursuits of material gains and financial benefits for the self supported USA and sent financial and material aids to Ukraine.

The Muslim Rulers may appear to be offering "Salah"- an obligatory act of worship in Islamic Faith; but in fact, deep in their heart, they take solace from the worship of goddess of wealth as called in India "Lakshmi". They are so called Muslim, who take pride in their wealth and worldly positions. Iqbal, the poet of East has described their situation in such a beautiful way in a verse as follows:  

جو میں سر بسجدہ ہُوا کبھی تو زمیں سے آنے لگی صدا

ترا دل تو ہے صنَم آشنا، تجھے کیا مِلے گا نماز میں

As soon as I bowed down, a voice started coming from the ground; cautioning me that your heart is in love with worldly materialist gains (Tara dil tu hai sanam ashna), what are you seeking here from the prayers to ALLAH?

Will the Arabs and other Muslim Rulers take some action against the Zionist Israel brutalities and genocide taking place in Gaza against Palestinian Muslims. The NON Action proves only one thing and this is the slavery of inner being to money ($) and material gains.

However, for all Muslims who are helpless under soulless rulers; what reassures the soul of the believer is that there is a definitive and unambiguous divine promise that victory and empowerment are coming to the servants of Allah SWT (the pious).

 📌﴿ "Have you seen that We gave them enjoyment for years ۝ Then came to them what they had been promised. What they had been given availed no more of their enjoyment" ﴿


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