Muhammad Asif Raza 10 months ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #global

Today's Nazi State- Zionist Jewish Israel

The Palestine-Israel Conflict is almost a hundred years old, although it intensified with establishment of Zionist Jewish State in 1948. It is impossible for a common man in the streets of the Muslim world to not get effected by this crisis. The Gaza Jihad started on 7th October 2023 has severely affected the sentiments of the Muslims. Here this write up is about the rising sentiments across the globe about New-Nazism of of Zionist Jewish Israel and lessons for the Muslim World

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ


Today's Nazi State- Zionist Jewish Israel


Zionism a rightwing euro-centric racist ethno-nationalist apartheid political ideology and they created a country called Israel in the name of Torah and "God's chosen people; Jews". The Israel is a Terrorist country in the heart of Muslim Lands and all of her leaders were terrorists in democratic cloak. The present PM Netanyahu is today's Hitler and baby killer, just like his predecessors.


Hamas may have started the current military action of Zionist Jewish Israel by attacking from the biggest open Jail of Gaza on 7 October 2023; but he fact of the matter is that it's Israel that has occupied the Palestinian lands in 1948. It was established by third rate terrorist activities of seizing Palestinian farmers' lands and declaring them being bought against all legal codes implemented in that country under Ottomans.


Then came “Naqbah-1”, when large scales of Palestinians were driven away from their ancestral abode with the help of World Powers. It was blatant genocide and ethnic cleansing and that never stopped in the occupied territories of Palestine. The Israel with the tacit approval and connivance of neighboring Muslim countries leaders kept on expanding its territorial lands and it is the only country under UNO charter that has not submitted its political map as yet.


Genocide continues apace in Gaza in full vision and sight of the World. But, the world has for the first time has seen the real face of Zionist Israel and awakened to its un-human actions against captive Palestinians in Gaza. Israel. The Israel’s supporters across the globe are trying to gloss and cover up the brutal use of military against non-combatant civilians. The world has realized that the Israel is a cover country under real masters living in USA and other part of the world.


The real masters of all these wars and exploitative economic devastation may have cover on their faces now; however, the mask may be taken away soon. The creation, establishment and expansion of social media (digital world) have changed the world and the common people are now really empowered. The agents of colonist and exploitation may have flooded the digital world with dark tactics and falsehood to conceal and tarnish the truth, but the common man possessing folk wisdom and common sense that is the real strength it has, will see, analyze and understand the truth even then.


Therefore, now, Nothing will divert international public opinion from Israel's atrocities and its real master sitting in USA. It can be said that the USA recent veto of the UNSC resolution on Palestine's UN membership was clearly a step in the wrong direction as the action drew large scale condemnation across the globe. The USA lawmakers are now exposed to the world of peace and humanity, when one reads, "The world is ruled by a theocratic Armageddon cult with nukes". Speaker Mike Johnson, on NEWSMAX promoting his war funding bill: "For those of us who are believers, it's a Biblical admonition to stand with Israel".



21st Century Genocide Taking Place in Gaza


The Zionist Jewish Israel is undertaking ethnic cleansing and genocide since its establishment, however, it is unable to mask it as she used to do it in the past. That's primarily due to digital world. Now take the following reports into consideration:-


“My tax money went to funding what I believe is a genocide.” Journalist Francesca Florentini appeared on the Piers Morgan Uncensored show, criticising Israel’s actions in Gaza and labeling it a “genocide” funded by her tax money. She condemned the Israeli military for employing AI technology in precision strikes, which she described as deliberately targeting civilians.


In another incident as emerged on digital media "According to Israeli media reports, a conversation between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Germany’s foreign minister became "heated up" after Baerbock mentioned the famine in Gaza. The report stated that when Annalena offered to show Netanyahu and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer photos of hungry Gazan children on her phone, Netanyahu vehemently denied that there is a famine in Gaza and instead showed random pictures of Gaza's beach.


Baerbock reportedly suggested that Israel should stop circulating photos depicting life as returning to normal in the Palestinian enclave, stating that "they don’t portray the real situation in Gaza. There is hunger in Gaza.” At this juncture, Netanyahu is said to have raised his voice, insisting, “It’s real. It’s reality. It’s not like what the Nazis staged; we’re not like the Nazis who produced fake images of a manufactured reality.”


Another example can be shared from digital media world coming fore from Jewish Voice for Peace @jvplive :-



" As we mark the 81st anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, we are collectively watching the world’s first “live streamed genocide.” For so many of us, the images are unavoidable. Our social media feeds are full of Palestinian death and dehumanization by the Israeli military: children left as the sole caregivers of their siblings after their parents are killed, Palestinian prisoners stripped naked and handcuffed, amputations and C-sections with no anesthesia, survivors of the Nakba traumatized again and again, adults and children lined up and numbered, the bodies of Palestinians discarded after execution by Israeli soldiers.


For many American Jews who grew up in the shadow of the Holocaust, the parallels we see with our ancestors' own subjugation and dehumanization are undeniable. For many of us, we are yet again compelled to answer the urgent warning of “never again.”

The experiences of our ancestors’ persecution and mass death under fascism now serve as the foundation for how we define modern genocides. The genocide we are witnessing in Palestine by the Israeli military is yet another outgrowth from the same fascist mechanisms that extinguished the lives of over 6 million Jews during the Nazi Holocaust.


Journalist Masha Gessen’s comparison of Palestinians in Gaza to ghettoized Jews in Nazi Germany holds power not only due to its accuracy, but because any discussion of Jews during the Holocaust inevitably invokes their harrowing fates. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising is the most well-known act of Jewish resistance to the Nazi regime’s fascism. The refusal of Warsaw Jews to accept the violent fate the Nazis prescribed to them, and instead fight back, reminds us all of our duty to resist oppression wherever it is. We hold these ancestors close and affirm our commitment to ensuring their values of solidarity, collective liberation, and anti-imperialism are carried on into the future as we fight for justice in Palestine.


As Jews, as we continue to witness and struggle against Israeli oppression of Palestinians, we also must engage our collective knowledge of where these ongoing atrocities will lead to, and do everything we can to stop that outcome Our beliefs, our history and our duty demand we stand up to stop this genocide before it escalates even further.


Lessons for Muslim World



{بَشِّرِ المُنَافِقِينَ بِأنَّ لَهُم عَذَاباً ألِيماً ❉ الَّذِينَ يَتَّخِذُونَ الكَافِرِينَ أولِيَاءَ مِن دُونِ المُؤمِنِينَ أيَبتَغُونَ عِندَهُمُ العِزَّةَ فَإِنَّ العِزَّةَ لِلَّهِ جَمِيعاً}..

سورۃ النساء: [139 ]

Those who take disbelievers for Auliya' (protectors or helpers or friends) instead of believers, do they seek honour, power and glory with them? Verily, then to Allah belongs all honour, power and glory.(139)


From the very onset, it is stated that the following message is not for “Al-Munafiqeen” as referred in Quran in Surah Al Nisa Ayah as above:-


All the Muslims shall be very confident that the blood of the martyrs in Gaza will be a symbol of hope for all oppressed peoples to achieve their rights. There are strong messages and directions for the Muslims of Kashmir in this Palestinian Gazans' six months and continuing struggle against the Israel Genocide. 


Gaza might prove to be a triggering point of global conflicts. Regional and international dynamics are rapidly changing. It must be remembered that the so called great game was all about Eurasian Land Mass, therefore, countries in Middle East, West and South Asia will be the major focus of this catastrophic war gaming. Soon, countries like Iran, KSA, Turkey and Pakistan will have to make strategic decisions. These decisions will have serious long-term implications for their future, not just as a state but where it fits into the emerging order and for the Muslim Ummah.


The most important lesson in this 21st century is to "Organise; and Act Now." as one borrows from Dr. Mads Gilbert

@DrMadsGilbert (


"We often feel helpless, so little we can do. But we are the majority, the people on the side of life, of freedom, against colonialism, apartheid, racism."

"We must organise better to match the colonial powers with all their money, arms, profits, lies and media."

"When we organise better - with more people - we force our leaders to change their politics".

" Small groups of committed citizens can change the world, we know that! Don’t be alone". " "Organise, be active! We are the stronger part".

"Palestine is winning, Israel is losing".

"Truth is winning, lies are losing".

"Our solidarity is winning".

"Organise. Act. Now!"


If Jews’ Holocaust was Bad; The Zionist Israel Gaza Genocide is Worst



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