Muhammad Asif Raza 5 hours ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #education

The Inner Voice of the Soul

The soul, regarded as the immaterial self which most ordinary people initially believe in. The "inner voice," refers to the ongoing stream of thoughts, feelings, and inner conversations that occur within a person's mind. The inner voice of soul is a communication with oneself like after having made a mistake, thinking to oneself "I will not commit it again." This write up is exploring the said concept in brief for readers of Bangbox Online.

In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Inner Voice of the Soul

The "inner voice of the soul" or "inner guidance" refers to a quiet, intuitive wisdom that can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life, often described as a soft, supportive, and neutral voice distinct from the noises emerging from human's egoistic, lustful and self centered voices. The inner voice of the soul is often seen as a source of intuition, wisdom, and guidance that can help individuals make decisions and live in alignment with their true selves and purpose. Connecting with your inner voice can lead to greater self-awareness, purpose, and fulfillment in life.

In religious and philosophical contexts, "soul" refers to the immaterial essence or animating principle of a human being, often considered synonymous with the mind or self, and believed to continue after death. The soul, regarded as the immaterial self which most ordinary people initially believe in. It is said that a soul is the part of person that consists of his mind, character, thoughts, and feelings. Many people believe that the soul continues existing after the mortal physical body is dead.

The "inner voice," also known as internal dialogue or inner speech, refers to the ongoing stream of thoughts, feelings, and inner conversations that occur within a person's mind, acting as a way to communicate with oneself internally. The inner voice of the soul is a manifestation of our brain's and some some heart's ability to interpret and generate internal representations of language, which are then perceived as "heard" thoughts. The heard thoughts may be referred as Intrapersonal communication with oneself; for example, thinking to oneself "I will not do it again " after having made a mistake. 

Gibran Khalil Gibran "Book: The Prophet" Extracted Lines

Gibran Khalil Gibran was a Lebanese-American writer, poet and visual artist. His famous work appeared as a "Book; The Prophet" where he said following lines in line with the main topic soul's inner voice:-

In the depth of my soul there is

A wordless song - a song that lives

In the seed of my heart.

It refuses to melt with ink on

Parchment; it engulfs my affection

In a transparent cloak and flows,

But not upon my lips.

It is a song composed by contemplation,

And published by silence,

And shunned by clamor,

And folded by truth,

And repeated by dreams,

And understood by love,

And hidden by awakening,

And sung by the soul.

Is Intuition a Source of Divine Guidance?

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to miss the whispers of our souls. Yet, within each of us lies a powerful inner guidance system, a wellspring of intuition and wisdom waiting to be tapped. This wisdom, often called the "soul's voice" or "intuition," can lead us to a more fulfilling and authentic life. Intuition, a hunch about a situation, or a strong urge to take a different path are all potential manifestations of the inner voice of the soul. Listening to the soul starts with awareness, with consciousness, with knowing what you are doing while you are doing it. The soul induced self awareness leads to divine guidance.  

Poem "The Voice" by Shel Silverstein

In the following a Poem "The Voice" by Shel Silverstein is being shared for further explanation of the topic. Lets read the poem first:- 

"The Voice" by Shel Silverstein

There is a voice inside of you

that whispers all day long,

"I feel that this is right for me,

I know that this is wrong."

No teacher, preacher, parent, friend

or wise man can decide

what's right for you - just listen to

the voice that speaks inside.

"The Voice" conveys a timeless message about the importance of self-reliance and trusting one's own instincts. It is a relatable and accessible poem, appealing to a wide range of readers who may have experienced the struggle between conforming to societal expectations and following their own path. The self reliance on own's instinct leads to development and emergence of Intuition; a voice of soul. 

"The Voice" is a poem that addresses the importance of listening to one's inner voice. It compares the voice to external influences, such as teachers, preachers, and parents, who may not always provide guidance that aligns with individual values. "The Voice" conveys a timeless message about the importance of self-reliance and trusting one's own instincts. It is a relatable and accessible poem, appealing to a wide range of readers who may have experienced the struggle between conforming to societal expectations and following their own path. 

For a serious reader of this poem it will echo similar sentiments as expressed in the following lines:-

"There is many times in my life that I’ve learned how true this poem is. The power that comes when you decide to listen to what YOU want, not what the influences around us pressure, is more inner strength than can be imagined. We tell ourselves stories everyday. The personal narratives we tell daily create about the events we experience shape our views, which create our emotions and how we feel about life. If we actually took the time to really listen to the stories we tell ourselves that is where inner power comes and we then take control of our lives".

Any individual will also have similar expression as here " I like this poem a lot because it can be applied to many different situations and to a wide range of people. Although it may be simple and short, it has the ability to speak to a lot of people. All in all, remember no matter what happens and what you are faced with, always base your decisions on what you want to do and what you think is right. Only you can make the right decision for yourself."


Here comes the emphasis that it is important to listen to our own inner voice and that no matter what other people tell each one of us, everyone is the person that can make the decision of his own. Self aware humans, chained in a society, find commonality of purpose of life. One commonality that binds us all is the presence of a soul, which guides us through intuition or an inner voice. 

The fact of the matter is that a divine universal power speaks to, and through, each one of us, in various different ways. This universal power speaks through our soul's inner voice. We have the choice to move through life or LIVE it. When we truly listen to our souls' inner voices, we are connected to universal power, and are being guided, step by step, decision by decision, toward our greatest self. 

The above has been compiled with material available on free Media Internet.

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