Muhammad Asif Raza 2 days ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #global

The Actual Genocide; the Real Holocaust

The Palestine-Israel Conflict is almost a hundred years old, although it intensified with establishment of Zionist Jewish State in 1948. The Gaza Jihad which completed a year on 7th October 2024 has shown the world the real face of Zionist Jews which is actual genocidal and real holocaust for the Gaza Residents. This write up is a compilation of various material available on Free SM Networks to reflect upon the real face of Jews and its Western Supporters.


In the name of ALLAH, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful


The Actual Genocide; the Real Holocaust


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "The Holocaust" -the murder of about six million Jews by Nazi Germany from 1941 to 1945—is the most-documented genocide in history. There is also conclusive evidence that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Operation Reinhard extermination camps, and in gas vans, and that there was a systematic plan by the Nazi leadership to murder them.


The following lines are taken from : " Holocaust denial, distortion, and misuse are strategies used to undermine or cast doubt upon the historical truth of the Holocaust. Deniers engage in this activity to reduce perceived public sympathy to Jews, to undermine the legitimacy of the State of Israel."


The Jews are the descendants of Hazrat Abraham, his son, Hazrat Ishaq (AS) and grandson Hazrat Israel / Jacob (AS) who had 12 sons which then became 12 tribes of Jews. These people were progeny of Sam, son of Noah (AS). Thus the Jews called themselves " Semites". So, the Jews today term any thing said against them as Anti-Semite- "hatred of and hostility toward the Jews, at times including the belief that they pose a threat to society and should be eliminated".


Who carried out Jews' genocide and holocaust is not a secret and it was none but European Christians of all shades as this link reflects (; "The Holocaust took place in every country Nazi Germany occupied, which was the majority of Europe at the height of its power". The European became Christian after the Roman Emperor turned to Christianity. Emperor Constantine (ca A.D. 280– 337) made Christianity the main religion of Rome, and created Constantinople, which became the most powerful city in the world.


Hazrat Essa (AS); the Jesus, the Son of Mary(AS) was actually a Jew and the Jews refused his claim of Prophethood and conspired in his killing. The Jews also killed another two Prophets namely Hazrat Zakariya (AS) and his Son John (Yaḥyá AS). These three were the last of Prophets that existed in the Jews in a continuous string since Hazrat Abraham (AS). The Jews claimed to be "God's Chosen People" who awarded them a "Promised Land" called Jerusalem as a Holy Land of Worship and establishment of God's Rule. They enjoyed the status till they remained stead fast with the covenants of Torah.


When few of the Jews accepted the Prophethood of Jesus (AS) and it spread through the Roman Empire, the Jews took it as an insult to their claim of God's Chosen People and therefore conspired, schemed treacherous ways for break away religion that became " Christendom". As a result, the European powers under the influence of Church prosecuted the Jews and it continued even after separation of church and seat of power, the government.


The above stated genocide and holocaust of Jews took place at the hands of godless Europe, which claimed to be democratic, humane and lands under rule of law. The European Christians became liberal, secular and champions of human rights after separation of church and then carried out the similar acts of atrocities which was done under religious rage. It is worth mentioning here that when "Antisemitism" was a rage in West, the Jewish people were living a comfortable life in all the Muslim lands including Palestine and Jerusalem. No racial hatred or crime was seen or observed on any level in any part of Muslim's lands.


Can we actually determine who carried out geocide and holocaust?


Before one looks for an answer to the above query; lets puzzle across some recent happenings in the Zionist State of Israel; a State of "God's Chosen People" in " Promised Lands". Something extraordinary about Israelil culture. Whatever people think of Sinwar, he died the death of a Hollywood hero. The last man standing, alone amongst his dead comrades, covered with dust, barely alive, against overwhelming odds, using his one remaining arm to throw the closest weapon he could reach towards the mindless drone operated by a coward hiding behind the machine. It's like 'Terminator' but real. And the Israelis think they humiliate Sinwar and Palestinian resistance by making this public. There's something deeply wrong with Israeli society.

ISRAELI SOCIETY IS IN 'GENOCIDE FEVER' 'For quite some time the top ten songs that were on the Israeli hits, at least 3 of them called for a genocide...there is a real sense of genocide fever here, a genocide fever that is being pushed and fueled not only by the government, but also by the Israeli media.' -Dr. @dianabuttu, former Legal Advisor and Negotiator for the Palestinian Liberation Organisation on Israeli society's genocidal bloodthirsty against Palestinians..

UN report confirms Israel's systematic RAPE of Palestinian hostages in prison [torture camps]. UN report documents severe sexual abuse, harassment, and torture of Palestinian detainees in Israeli military and prison facilities, including forced nudity, rape, and dehumanizing acts by Israeli soldiers.

Israel bombs Catholic church in Lebanon, killing at least eight people

Israeli spies are writing America's news. My new investigation uncovers a network of ex-agents of 🇮🇱 spying agency Unit 8200 working at some of the US' most prestigious outlets, including Axios & CNN.

Israel has broken SIXTY TWO United Nations Resolutions with absolutely no consequences.


The Zionist Jews across the globe in all parts of the world are following a scripted model of deceit and fraud. They carry out murders of their opponents unabatedly and gloss that by terming act of terrorist's elimination. They declare their opponent as "terrorist" and then gloss all atrocities as "self defense". They use all media power, which in fact is their own, to spread propaganda. They make films and documentaries and sponsor books to spread lies. They master the act of fabricating lies and creating "truths" to counter such fabricated lies. They plan, design, develop, strengthen and propagate their malicious agenda which is simply to amass gold and silver by all means. Their hidden desire and covert agenda is always to gather wealth and take away by spreading un-lawlessness in gentiles' lives and domains. 

The above is NOT an unfounded claim or propaganda; just scroll through these following status

“Mr. Sanchez, what is the difference between what Israel does and the Nazi gas chambers? There is NONE!” - Spanish Deputy Ione Belarra

“The Israelis are patent liars…they are inveterate liars.” - Col Larry Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff


Scottish paper The National runs a front page detailing all the Israeli war crimes in its genocide against Gaza

This is genocide. It’s being broadcast to us in our living rooms. We need to hold every political leader responsible for this accountable. We need to hold the entire Israeli occupation accountable.


Netanyahu openly threatens UN and its Peacekeeping forces in Lebanon - He is asking UN Secretary General to evacuate UNIFIL peacekeepers knowing very well that the UN Security Council NOT the Secretary General controls UNIFIL!


The IDF literally used chemical weapons on UN peacekeepers. Despite putting on protective masks, fifteen peacekeepers suffered effects, including skin irritation and gastrointestinal reactions, after the smoke entered the camp. The peacekeepers are receiving treatment.


Polish MP @GrzegorzBraun_

“Don’t you blackmail us with your Holocaust. Israel is a terrorist state”

From the above chronicles one can say that the actual conspirators, designers and perpetuators of Genocide and Holocaust are NONE other than Zionist Jews themselves. The serious commentators and researchers of the world must devolve deep into the "Facts" and "Proofs" presented by Jews managed and greased researchers and commentators. Had it NOT been very limited Free Social Media outlets, no body could have known the gross human right violations skirting the limits of genocide and holocaust under taken by Zionist Jewish Israel in Gaza, West Bank and elsewhere in the world.

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