Sailor's Rest By D. R. Block, ENCS(SS),USN and " Sailor's Successful Final Voyage " By Unknown Author are being shared for the readers of Bangbox Online. Both the poems present a very important message for the mortal man in this mortal world. It tells us to undertake the voyage and set sails for the final destination into heavens.
Sailor's Rest By D. R. Block & Sailor's Successful Final Voyage By Unknown Author
Winston Churchill the famous British politician and writer once said " Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
It is not always easy to define success or failure when it comes to voyaging – sailing in particular in this mortal world through to next destination of life in hereafter. Failure to arrive at a specific destination, for example, the final resting place for a sailor (a man or a woman), can happen for completely unfortunate reasons, yet the resulting detour might end up, years down the line, being one of the most cherished memories of the entire trip in this world.
However, from the cases of unhappy or abandoned voyages that might be stated through experiences over the years and guidance provided in the holy books, the most common causes contributing to overall success or failure of voyages are as follows:
the boat itself; ( the carrier one takes upon in this world)
the crew; ( It always oneself all alone)
availability of resources; ( It's ability and capability of a person which one gains through various stages of life)
self-accountability; ( It's always better to reassess and take corrective actions)
and, finally, attitude to cruising and life at sea.
Now let's read the poem " Sailor's Rest " By David R. Block, ENCS(SS), from US Navy in the following:-
When my sailing days are over,
And I sail the seas no more,
I shall build myself a refuge
By the oceans murmuring shore.
As I watch the foaming breakers
When the tide comes rushing in,
I will contemplate my lifetime,
With it's virtues and it's sins.... (seeking forgiveness for excesses)
Where the azure of the heavens
Meets the undulating blue,
Where the sweeping, soaring seagull
Flies it's endless quest for food.
It is there that I would rest,
When my work on Earth is done,
At the endless blue horizon
'Neath the crimson, setting sun.
In the following a poem from an unknown author is being presented portraying the said message so significantly and profoundly.
The Lord is my pilot, I shall not drift.
He guides me across the dark waters.
He steers me through deep channels.
He keeps my log.
Yea, though I sail ‘mid the thunders
and tempest of life,
I shall dread no anger, for He is with me;
His love and His care, shelter me.
He prepares a quiet harbour before me.
He anoints the waves with oil
My ship rides calmly.
Surely sunlight and starlight
shall guide me on the voyage I take,
And I will rest in the heaven’s port forever.
Famous Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde used to say, “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” This is such a wonderful quote for any one who thinks that life has thrown him in bad ends. How a sailor of the boat called " Life" approaches situations confronting through various stages of life, can make a world of difference to his careers, success, morale, and effectiveness as a human? Thomas Carlyle, a Scottish essayist, historian, philosopher and a leading writer of the Victorian era once said that “A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder.” and the boat " Life" will never lead us to a calm sea or flourishing port in the heavens, if meaningful goal of the life is not set. Striving for success without a target is like trying to harvest where one haven’t even planted.” Jimmy Dean, an American country music singer, television host, actor and businessman one said that “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” Similarly, anyone of us in this world will always be able to set its sail correctly so as to reach the final destination of our voyage through life as desired.
Arthur Beiser, author of The Proper Yacht said that " I start from the premise that no object created by man is as satisfying to his body and soul as a proper sailing yacht." So as our voyage through this life requires a proper sailing yacht and that can be nothing but a holy guided religion. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, was a French writer, poet and journalist is reported to have said " If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea". Let's take up the final voyage of life for a port in heavens and let's make it successful.
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