Israel Palestine Conflict is almost a 100 years old and recent development is only a precursor of what was planned a long time ago. Sheikh Imran N. Hosein has written the Book "Jerusalem in Quran" some two decades ago and he stated that the book could not have been written until this era, since it is only over the past few years that the concealed plans of the Jews have come so clearly into view that few can doubt that there is a Jewish plan for world domination. Here is Chapter-6, for the readers of Bangbox Online, for the alternate opinion on the matter that is falsely spread by Zionist Jews dominated media.
By Imran N. Hosein
Chapter 6
“And We gave warning to Banu Israil through revelation, that twice would they corrupt the
(Holy) Land and be elated with mighty arrogance (and twice would they be punished)! When
the first of the warnings came to pass, We sent against you Our servants who were capable of
terrible warfare. They entered the very inmost parts of your homes, and it was a warning
fulfilled. And after a time We allowed you to prevail against them once again, and aided you
with wealth and offspring, and made you more numerous.
If you persevere in doing good you will do so for your own good; whereas if you commit
evil you will (yourself) bear the consequences.
And so when the prediction of the second (period of wickedness) came true, (We raised
new enemies against you and allowed them) to disgrace you utterly, and to enter the Temple as
(their forerunners) had entered it once before, and to destroy with utter destruction all that they
had conquered.”
(Qur’an, Banu Israil, 17:4-7)
Surah Banu Israil of the Qur’an (Surah No. 17) records the history of Jerusalem that
exposes the following fraudulent statement in the Torah:
“Know therefore that it is not because of your righteousness that the Lord, your God has given
you this good land to possess it; for you are a stiff-necked people.”
(Deuteronomy , 9:6)
The statement is fraudulent because it establishes the foundation for the belief that
the Divine grant of the Holy Land to the Jews was unconditional. In other words, it
allows a Jew to argue that the Holy Land would still belong to the Jews even if they
were not righteous in their conduct since righteousness was not a condition for their
inheritance of that Holy Land. The Jew would argue that Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salaam)
was righteous and, in consequence of his righteousness, the Land was given to him and
to his progeny! Thereafter no violation of the standard of righteous conduct by the
Jewish people could invalidate their right to the Holy Land. After all, the Torah was
quite plain and clear on the subject:
“Therefore impress these My words upon your very heart: bind them as a sign on your hand
and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead, and teach them to your children reciting them
when you stay at home and when you are away, and when you lie down and when you get up;
and inscribe them on the door posts of your house and on your gates to the end that you and
your children may endure, in the Land (i.e., Holy Land) that the Lord swore to your fathers to
give to them, as long as there is a heaven over the earth. If you faithfully keep all the
instructions that I command you, loving the Lord your God, walking in His ways, and holding
fast to Him, the Lord will dislodge before you all these nations: you will dispossess nations
greater and more numerous than you. Every spot on which your foot treads shall be yours; your
territory shall extend from the wilderness to the Lebanon and from the River Euphrates to the
Western Sea. No man shall stand up to you: the Lord your God will put the dread and the fear
of you over the whole land in which you set foot, as He promised you.”
(Deuteronomy , 11:18-25)
(The article by Michael Avi-Yonah in the Jewish Encyclopeadia declares that “David (‘alaihi al-
Salaam), in the course of his conquests, made Jerusalem the center of an empire extending from
Egypt to the Euphrates, although it was only in the reign of his successor, Solomon, that full
advantage was taken of this fact.”)
But Deuteronomy 9:6 as well as 11:18-25 are false in so far as they exclude
righteousness and faith as conditions for inheritance of the Holy Land! The Qur’an not
only reaffirmed ‘righteousness’ as the condition for such inheritance (Surah al-
Anbiyah, 21:105), but went on to direct attention to the historical evidence that
violation of that condition always resulted in Divine expulsion from the (Holy) Land.
The Surah recounted (at least) two occasions when the Israelite people so betrayed the
religion of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salaam) and the standard of righteous conduct that Allah
Most High expelled them from the Holy Land.
On the first occasion in 587 BCE, a Babylonian army led by Nebuchadnezzar laid
siege to Jerusalem, then burned the city, murdered its inhabitants, destroyed the Masjid
built by Solomon (‘alaihi al-Salaam), and carried the cream of the Jewish population into
slavery in Babylon. The Prophet Jeremiah had warned them that this would happen
(Jeremiah: 32:36), exactly as Allah, the Supreme, had declared in the Qur’an that He
never destroys a people before sending a warning to them (Qur’an, Banu Israil, 17:15-
They were so punished because, among other things, they changed the Torah to
make Halal (permissible) that which Allah, the Supreme, had made Haram
(prohibited). They rewrote the Torah to make it permissible for them to lend money on
interest to those who were not Jews while yet prohibiting such in intra-Jewish
“Thou shalt not lend on interest to thy brother (Jew); whether it be lending money on interest,
or lending commodities on interest (because commodities were sometimes used as money) or
lending on interest anything which is lent on interest (i.e., anything which functions as money).
Unto a stranger (i.e., one who is not a Jew) you may lend on interest…”
(Deuteronomy , 23:19-20)
On the second occasion they were again expelled from the Holy Land because of
their killing of the Prophets of Allah (see, for example, Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:61).
They killed Zakariah (‘alaihi al-Salaam) in the Masjid. John (‘alaihi al-Salaam), his son, was
killed by deception. Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salaam) referred to this killing of the Prophets, and
he minced no words in his fierce condemnation of this heinous crime:
“This is why the wisdom of God said: I will send them Prophets and Messengers. Some they
will kill and some they will persecute. It was that the blood of all the Prophets shed from the
foundation of the world might be charged upon this generation (of Jews), from the blood of
Abel down to the blood of Zakariah, who was slain between the altar and the House of God -
yes, I tell you, it will all be charged upon this generation….”
(Luke, 11:49-51)
Finally they boasted of how they killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary (but
Allah, the All-Powerful, saved him from death):
“That they said (in boast): We killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, the
Messenger of Allah; but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to
appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain)
knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.”
(Qur’an, al-Nisa, 4:157)
It was after this that Allah Most High punished them for the second time. A Roman
army led by General Titus besieged Jerusalem in 70CE. Titus destroyed the city of
Jerusalem, murdered the inhabitants and expelled the remnant of Jews from the Holy
Land. The Masjid was again destroyed and soldiers tore it apart, stone by stone, in
search of melted gold exactly as Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salaam) had warned and prophesied
"not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down."
(See Qur’an, Banu Israil, 17:4-7):
“And We gave (clear) warning to Banu Israil through revelation, that twice would
they corrupt the (Holy) Land and be elated with mighty arrogance (and twice would
they be punished)!”
“When the first of the warnings came to pass, We sent against you Our servants
capable of terrible warfare.” “They entered the very inmost parts of your homes; and
it was a warning (completely) fulfilled.”
“And after a time We allowed you to prevail against them once again, and aided you
with wealth and offspring, and made you more numerous (than ever).”
“(And We said) “If you persevere in doing good you will but be doing good to
yourselves; and if you do evil it will be done to yourselves.” And so when the
prediction of the second (period of iniquity) came true, (We raised new enemies
against you and allowed them) to disgrace you utterly, and to enter the Temple as
(their forerunners) had entered it once before, and to destroy with utter destruction all
that they had conquered.”
(Qur’an, Banu Israil, 17:4-7)
“….soon shall I show you the homes of the wicked (how they lie desolate).”
(Qur’an, al-‘Araf, 7:145)
The Qur’an referred to the Temple that was twice destroyed, as ‘al-Masjid’. But just
before doing so it described the miraculous journey of Prophet Muhammad (‘alaihi al-
Salaam) (i.e., al-Isra and Mi’raj) as a journey from al-Masjid al-Haram (in Makkah) to
al-Masjid al-Aqsa (i.e. the distant Temple):
“Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred
Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless, in order that We might
show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who hears and sees (all things).”
(Qur’an, Banu Israil, 17:1)
The Masjid of the Qur’anic verse, which was twice destroyed, could not have been
any other than the Masjid built by Solomon (‘alaihi al-Salaam) in Jerusalem. The Prophet
(‘alaihi al-Salaam) himself confirmed this. It is this same Masjid that is described above
as Masjid al-Aqsa to which the Prophet (‘alaihi al-Salaam) was taken by night on a
miraculous journey. The Qur’an explained that he was taken there in order to be
shown some of the ‘Signs’ of Allah, Most High. More than anything else those ‘Signs’
related to the destiny of Jerusalem.
After punishing the Jews for a second time by expelling them from the Holy Land,
Allah Most High declared His intention to keep on punishing them (and expelling
them) if they kept on desecrating the Holy Land with violations of the condition of
faith and righteous conduct:
“….but if ye revert (to your violation of the condition imposed for inheritance of the
Holy Land) We shall revert (to Our punishments. i.e., you will be expelled again and
(Qur’an, Banu Israil, 17:8)
The destiny of Jerusalem is plainly written in the above warning and firm
declaration in the Qur’an. This remains so regardless of any, or all, or the following:
Ø agreements negotiated in Camp David or elsewhere between the secular
nationalist representatives of the Palestinian people and the secular nationalist
European Jewry who presume to represent Banu Israil, or
Ø resolutions of the US Senate and House of Representatives which have
replaced the British Parliament as the Ultimate Patron and Protector of the
Jewish State, or
Ø resolutions of the UN Security Council or General Assembly which assume
the status of world government,
The destiny of Jerusalem is plainly visible in the context of the awesome
godlessness, decadence and oppression, which now pollutes the Holy Land. Some of
this has been described in subsequent chapters of this book in the analysis of the
political Shirk of the State of Israel and the Riba of its economy. It is Israel’s destiny
that it will be subjected to the same divine punishment that it experienced twice
before. The first divine punishment came in the form of a Babylonian army that
destroyed Israel. The second time it was a Roman army. And the third and last time it
would be a Muslim army which would destroy the Jewish State.
The Divine ‘Signs’ that were shown to Prophet Muhammad (‘alaihi al-Salaam) during
his miraculous visit to Jerusalem were ‘Signs’ which, among other things, revealed to
him the destiny of Jerusalem. This matter seems to have escaped the attention of
Daniel Pipes.
The Last Prophet (‘alaihi al-Salaam) saw the Last Age. He saw with his spiritual eyes
the return of the Jews in that age to the Holy Land. He saw the creation of the
Impostor State of Israel, and the godlessness, decadence and awesome oppression that
it would visit upon the Holy Land. He saw the return of Jesus (‘alaihi al-Salaam), the son
of Mary, and the destruction of Israel by a Muslim army. And he saw the Truth,
Justice and Righteousness in the religion of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salaam) that the ‘true’
Messiah will restore to the Holy Land when he returns.
(This book can be ordered from Islamic Book Trust at
Sheikh Imran has talked on the subject extensively and here is one video. The reader may find many related videos by Sheikh Imran on You Tube.
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