Chapter-5; Book by Sheikh Imran N. Hosein
Muhammad Asif Raza 1 year ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #education

Jerusalem In Quran; Chapter-5; Book by Sheikh Imran N. Hosein

Israel Palestine Conflict is almost a 100 years old and recent development is only a precursor of what was planned a long time ago. Sheikh Imran N. Hosein has written the Book "Jerusalem in Quran" some two decades ago and he stated that the book could not have been written until this era, since it is only over the past few years that the concealed plans of the Jews have come so clearly into view that few can doubt that there is a Jewish plan for world domination. Here is Chapter-5, for the readers of Bangbox Online, for the alternate opinion on the matter that is falsely spread by Zionist Jews dominated media.


By Imran N. Hosein


Chapter 5


“And We declared in the Zabur (i.e., the Psalms) which followed (Our declaration in) the Zikr (i.e., the

Torah) that it is (only) those servants of Mine who are righteous in their conduct who would inherit the

(Holy) Land.”

(Qur’an, al-Anbiyah, 21:105)


Had Dr. Pipes been aware of the passage of the Qur’an which declared that the Holy

Land was given to the Jews (and it is impossible that he was unaware of it) he should

then have asked: What right do Muslims have to dispossess Jews of a land (and the

city which is its very heart) which Allah Most High had given to them? The reason he

did not do so is because it would have opened a ‘Pandora’s box’. Firstly, he does not

want to direct attention to the Qur’an, particularly as it deals with Jews and the Holy

Land. Secondly, the answer to that question is located in another verse of the Qur’an

in which Allah Most High recalled that the Jewish right to Jerusalem and the Holy

Land was ‘conditional’ on faith and righteous conduct. Faith, of course, meant faithful

observance of the religion of Abraham:

“And We declared in the Zabur (i.e., the Psalms) which followed (Our declaration in)

the Zikr (i.e., the Torah) that it is (only) those servants of Mine who are righteous in

their conduct who would inherit the (Holy) Land.”

(Qur’an, al-Anbiyah, 21:105)

It is clear that when the Qur’an used the word ‘earth’ or ‘land’ as above, it did not

refer to the whole earth. If it did, that would then have been a manifestly false

statement. Those who control the earth today, and whose representatives are gathered

in New York for their Millennium Summit even as we write, are the dregs of

humanity. They are the finest possible representatives of the deceptive, decadent,

oppressive and essentially godless, secular modern world order, representing the

blood-sucking elite that has now enslaved mankind in a new sophisticated economic

slavery based on Riba. Those like Fidel Castro who have been championing the cause

of the oppressed must feel totally out of place in such a gathering.

But the Word of Allah Most High is always Truth. Hence the word ‘earth’ or ‘land’

in the verse does not refer to the whole earth. To which land, then, does it refer? The

answer is clearly present in the Torah and Psalms. It is even there in the Gospel as well

(In present translations of the Gospel this is unrecognizable). It is the ‘Holy Land’!

But all translations use ‘the earth’:

“What man is he that fears the Lord? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. His

soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the (Holy) Land. The secret of the Lord is

with them that fear Him; and He will show them His Covenant.”

(Psalm, 25:12-14)

“But the meek shall inherit the (Holy) Land; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of


(Psalm, 37:11)

“The righteous shall inherit the (Holy) Land, and dwell therein forever (i.e. provided that they

remain righteous).”

(Psalm, 37:29)

“Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the (Holy) Land.

(Matthew, 5:5)

The proof that the word ‘earth’ or ‘land’ in this context refers to the Holy Land is to

be found in the Qur’anic text that declared that the Israelites would commit Fasad

(awesome oppression and wickedness) in the ‘earth’ or ‘land’ on two occasions:

“And We gave (clear) warning to the Israelites in the Book, that twice would they

commit Fasad (corruption and awesome oppression) on the earth and be elated with

mighty arrogance (and twice would they be punished)!”

(Qur’an, Banu Israil, 17:4)

By universal consent it is allowed that the word ‘earth’ or ‘la nd’ in the above verse

refers to the Holy Land! And so the scriptures all speak with one voice, that faith and

righteous conduct are the conditions by which the Jews could take lawful possession

of the Holy Land and dwell therein.

Someone rewrote the Torah, however, to remove this condition.

He wrote:

“Know therefore that it is not because of your righteousness that the Lord, your God, has given

you this good land to possess it; for you are a stiff-necked people.”

(Deuteronomy, 9:6)

Dr. Pipes may not find it convenient to defend this monstrous lie perpetrated against

Allah Most High and the religion of Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam). But it does not take

much, in terms of common sense, ethical wisdom, and spiritual insight, to discern the

above statement to be false. It is incompatible with that perfect standard of justice that

must come from a perfect Divine Being. It is, in fact, a forgery! And it was designed to

nullify the divine condition imposed upon the Jews for them to inherit the Holy Land.

If this particular land was chosen by Allah Most High and was specially blessed by

Him, why then would He give it unconditionally to a “stiff-necked people” regardless

of whether they acted righteously, or stubbornly resisted conforming to the ethical

standard of righteous conduct?

Secondly, the historical record confirms that the Jews were expelled time and again,

by divine decree, from Jerusalem and the Holy Land. This took place whenever they

violated the condition of faith and righteous conduct. The Qur’an made mention of

these expulsions and then, after the last expulsion, Allah Most High declared His

intention to keep on expelling them whenever they returned to the Holy Land with

conduct which violated the divinely stipulated conditions. (Qur’an, al-Anbiyah,

21:105). Many Israelite Jews (who are not European) readily admit that they brought

upon themselves repeated Divine expulsions from the Holy Land because of their

sinful ways. The essentially godless secular European Zionists refuse to accept such a


The Jews respond by arguing that the quoted verse of Deuteronomy, 9:6 was meant

to simply remind the Jews that the grant of the land to them was in consequence of the

faith and righteousness of their ancestor, Abraham (‘alaihi al-Salam). In other words, they

did not earn or inherit it because of their own righteousness.

This argument does not nullify the implication of the verse, i.e., that the Land was

granted to them unconditionally. And the Qur’an declares such to be false. The

Qur’anic declaration is clear. The Land was given to Banu Israil conditionally. The

conditions were ‘faith in Allah and submission to Him’ and ‘righteous conduct’

(Qur’an, al-Anbiyah, 21:105).

Some six hundred years after the last expulsion of the Jews from the Holy Land,

Allah Most High caused the Muslims to inherit that Land when the Muslim army

conquered it and the Caliph Umar was requested to come personally to Jerusalem to

receive the keys to the city. On that day the prophecy to that effect in the Qur’an was


“It is He Who has made you inheritors of the (Holy) Land: He has raised some of you

by degrees above others that He might test you through that which He bestowed upon

you (Banu Israil got more than any other people): for thy Lord is swift in punishment:

yet He is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

(Qur’an, al-An’am, 6:165)

Allah Most High ordained that the Muslims would inherit the Holy Land. Thus did

the Truth triumph over Falsehood. When they did take control over the Holy Land

they continued to rule over it (apart for a brief period) for more than twelve hundred

years. That was a clear Sign from the heavens of Divine approval of Muslim rule over

the Holy Land! Jewish scholarship should offer an explanation for this uninterrupted

Muslim rule over the Holy Land for this long period of time - a Muslim rule both just

and God-fearing!

When European Zionists deceived the Israelite Jews into joining them in a

stubborn ‘pig-headed’ effort to return to the Holy Land, in what they claimed

was a divinely-ordained restoration of the State of Israel, that was a clear Sign

for the Israelite Jews that the Zionist call was false. It was a lie! The divinely

ordained conditions of faith in the religion of Abraham and of righteous

conduct were plainly absent in the Zionist struggle for Israel. And when Israel

itself was established, the foundations of the State were the same as those of the

modern secular State. The foundations of the modern secular State are Shirk

and Kufr and these constitute the very negation of the religion of Abraham

(‘alaihi al-Salam). That subject is explained in Part Two of this book.

(This book can be ordered from Islamic Book Trust at

Sheikh Imran has talked on the subject extensively and here is one video. The reader may find many related video by Sheikh Imran on You Tube.

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