Quran In Jerusalem; Chapter-1; Book by Sheikh Imran N. Hosein
Muhammad Asif Raza 1 year ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #education

Jerusalem In Quran; Chapter-1; Book by Sheikh Imran N. Hosein

Israel Palestine Conflict is almost a 100 years old and recent development is only a precursor of what was planned a long time ago. Sheikh Imran N. Hosein has written the Book "Jerusalem in Quran" some two decades ago and he stated that the book could not have been written until this era, since it is only over the past few years that the concealed plans of the Jews have come so clearly into view that few can doubt that there is a Jewish plan for world domination. Here is Chapter-1, for the readers of Bangbox Online, for the alternate opinion on the matter that is spread by Zionist Jews dominated media.


By Imran N. Hosein


Chapter 1


“Proofs have now come to you from your Lord. If any is capable of seeing (and recognizing

them) it will be for (the good of) his own soul. And if any is blind (to them) it will be to his

own harm. And I am not here to watch over you.”

(Qur’an, al-An’am 6:104)

The Qur’an Explains All Things –

Including the Destiny of Jerusalem

The Qur’an has declared that its primary function is to explain all things:

“ …. And We have sent down to thee (O Muhammad) the Book (i.e., the Qur’an) which

explains all things...”

(Qur’an, al-Nahl, 16:89)

Since the Qur’an has made the above declaration the implication is that it must be

capable of explaining that strangest, most mysterious and most inexplicable of all

events ever to have occurred in the entire history of mankind, an event that is still

unfolding but has already witnessed the following:

Ø The final success of an essentially godless (secular) Europe in ‘liberating’ the Holy

Land in 1917-8, this being achieved after a sustained Euro-Christian effort which had

commenced almost 1000 years earlier with the Crusades.

[Why would a secularized and essentially godless Europe choose to persist in

pursuing Christian Europe’s 1000 year-old obsession of liberating the Holy

Land? And why would European Christians, having embraced Christianity

more than 1000 years ago, be the only Christians who would ever be obsessed

with desire to liberate the Holy Land?]

Ø The Euro-Jewish success in restoring the ancient State of Israel after it was destroyed

by Allah Most High more than 2000 years ago - this success was made possible

through the active assistance extended by the same secular Europe.

[Why would a secular Europe be so obsessed with assisting Euro-Jews in the

restoration of a religious State founded more than 2000 years earlier by Prophets

David and Solomon? And why would Euro-Jews be the only Jews obsessed with

desire to restore the State of Israel?]

Ø The return of the Israelite Jews (i.e., the non-European Jews) to the Holy Land after

they had been expelled from that Holy Land by Allah Most High and had lived for

2000 years in a strangely scattered Diaspora; the European Jews brought the Israelite

Jews back to the Holy Land but did not themselves ‘return’ to the Holy Land since

they were never there at anytime before - they simply settled in the Holy Land.

[Why would a European people convert to Judaism and then be obsessed with the

mission of liberating the Holy Land and bringing the Israelite Jews back to that

Holy Land ‘by hook or by crook’?]

All of these things, which appear so strange and baffling to the world, appear to

most Jews to validate the Jewish claim to Truth. This is so since they appear to fulfill

the divine promise made to the Jews that Allah Most High would send to them a

Prophet, who would be known as the Messiah (Arabic: al-Masih), and who would

deliver to them all of the above and even more.

This book argues that the Qur’an not only explains these strange events but it also

goes on to reveal the final destiny of Jerusalem. The Qur’an reveals a destiny that

exposes the falsehood of that Jewish claim to Truth (above) and confirms the Truth

that came with Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). That destiny will witness

such Jews being punished by Allah Most High with the greatest divine punishment

ever inflicted in history.

At the very heart of the Qur’anic view of the destiny of Jerusalem, and of the Holy

Land, is the declaration that when the final count-down in the Last Age arrives Jews

would be gathered from the Diaspora in which they were broken up and dispersed, and

to which they had been consigned, and would be brought back to the Holy Land as a

‘mingled crowd’ (Qur’an, Banu Israil, 17:104). That Divine promise has already been

fulfilled. Jews have already returned to the Holy Land and reclaimed it! Their success

has led such Jews to believe in the religious legitimacy of the State of Israel that they

created. Islam explains that this Israel possesses no religious legitimacy. Rather, those

Jews were deceived in the greatest act of deception history has ever witnessed, and the

stage is now set for them to receive the greatest Divine punishment ever inflicted upon

any people. But before Banu Israil’s final divine punishment takes place, there is great

drama which is yet to unfold in the Holy Land and, indeed, in the world. This book

describes some of that still-unfolding drama.

Indeed the basic purpose of this book is to explain that Islam has a different view of

the historical process as it pertains to the Holy Land. It is one in which time is fast

running out for Israel. The Sea of Galilee will soon run dry! Jesus will return! And his

return will witness the destruction of the State of Israel.

Jews had the same Truth that Muslims have, but they corrupted it. They had a

sufficiently long period of time in Madina (after the Hijrah) in which to accept the

uncorrupted Truth that came in the Qur’an, and to accept Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi

wa sallam), the Last Prophet of the God of Abraham, but they obstinately refused to do

so. Time then ran out for them when Allah Most High changed the Qiblah (see

Qur’an, al-Baqarah, 2:141-145). It then became too late for them to avert the

collective fate that now stares them in their faces. More than any other event that still

remains to unfold in history, the destiny of Jerusalem and the fate that awaits the State

of Israel, will validate Islam’s claim to uncorrupted Truth.

Jerusalem in the Qur’an – Implications for Muslims

What are the implications for those Muslims who read this book to the very end?

The first is that Jerusalem and the Holy Land should be dearest of all to their hearts -

as dear as Makkah and Madina - and the struggle to liberate the Holy Land from the

abomination of the secular Euro-Jewish State of Israel should be the dearest of all

struggles (of liberation) for the Muslim. If a Jew can leave USA or Europe or Russia

and join the Israeli Defense Force and participate in the armed oppression of the

Muslim and Christian Palestinian people in the Holy Land, then a Muslim should also

have the same freedom to leave wherever he resides in the world and join in the armed

resistance of the oppressed in the Holy Land. … It is, in fact, a minimum tangible

expression of faith in today’s world that Muslims should at least have the desire in

their hearts to participate in that armed resistance (Jihad) in the Holy Land. Muslims

should be warned, however, that as soon as they publicly declare their belief that the

State of Israel will be destroyed by a Muslim army, and express the hope that they

would be members of that army, they would eventually be intimidated and even

arrested in order to silence them and make of them an example which would intimidate


Secondly, the financial and other resources of the Muslim world should be directed

primarily to assist in the cause of the liberation of the Holy Land from oppression.

Thirdly and most important of all, Muslims (male as well as female) must study the

message and guidance of the Qur’an as it pertains to the destiny of Jerusalem, and then

teach it to others.

Zionist Jewish Strategy

One dimension of the over-all Zionist-Jewish strategy has been the attempt to

control Israel’s strategic environment through cultivating alliances of expediency with

a corrupt, permanently rich, predatory and godless elite who now control the Arab-

Muslim communities around Israel on Israel’s behalf. That elite is forced to maintain

friendly ties with Israel in order to maintain their position of power, dominance,

privilege and wealth. Those Jews who are supporters of the State of Israel constantly

put pressure on that elite to so oppress Muslims that they would either be forced into

submission to Israel, or their opposition to Israel would pose no threat to the Jews.

When Israel escalates its oppression in the Holy Land and the Muslim Arab masses

become enraged then that ruling elite is forced, as a matter of survival, to adopt a

posture of anger against Israel. This Jewish-Arab (elite) strategy has today reached an

advanced stage of implementation. … it is the strategy of a people who have

essentially abandoned the ethical heart of the religion of Abraham (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa

sallam). The Zionist-Jewish strategy requires that they one day abandon that Arab

elite… Indeed the strategy of abandoning that Arab elite has already begun. Even as

we write Israel is preparing for a war with the Arab Muslims that would result in an

expansion of the territory of the Jewish State. Israel would then rule the entire region

as the Ruling State in the world (i.e., replacing USA as the Ruling State).

In response to all such Jewish strategies that seek to defy Allah Most High and the

believers, and to subvert destiny, the Qur’an ominously declared:

“And they (the Jews) plotted and planned, and Allah too plotted and planned, and

Allah is the best of plotters and planners.”

(Qur’an, Ale Imran, 3:54)

That strategy was successful in Egypt, Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, all of

which are client states of a godless USA. But that strategy has not succeeded in the

Holy Land. Nor has it succeeded in Syria and Yemen.

Readers of this book may wish to reflect over the prayer of Prophet Muhammad

(sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) who prayed as follows:

“Narrated by Ibn Umar: The Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: O Allah! Bestow Your

Blessings on our Sham (Syria) and our Yemen. People said: Our Najd (Najd is that part of

Saudi Arabia from which the Saudi rulers have originated). The Prophet again said: O Allah!

Bestow Your Blessings on our Sham and Yemen. They said again: Our Najd as well. On that

the Prophet said: There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there (i.e., Najd) will

come out the side of the head of Satan.”

(Sahih, Bukhari)

The Jewish State of Israel has completed 50 years of existence. But that is certainly

not an achievement “against the odds” as the Jews would have us believe. An

essentially godless Zionist Movement conned Banu Israil with a mountain of lies! One

such lie was the false slogan “a land without people for a people without land”.

If the Arabs are not ‘people’, if they are just ‘grasshoppers’ as former Israeli Prime

Minister Shamir once declared, did they not permit the Jews to dwell amongst them

for more than two thousand years? The Arabs guaranteed to the Jews security of life

and property while they lived amongst them in the Arab lands for more than two

thousand years. The Arabs did all of this and more at a time when Europeans had

closed their doors to Jews, or had reluctantly allowed them to live in ghettoes. Arabs

did this because they still possessed a ‘remnant’ of the religion of Abraham that had

come to them with Ishmael (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). That ‘remnant’ of the Truth had

taught them to show hospitality. To this day the hospitality of the Arab has survived.

The same religion of Abraham should have taught those Jews to show gratitude to

hospitable ‘grass-hoppers’.

Zionism argued that Truth, in Judaism, had conferred on the Jewish people

‘exclusive’, ‘eternal’ and ‘unconditional’ title to the Holy Land. Zionism argued that

restoration of the Jewish State of Israel, destroyed by Allah Most High some 2000

years ago, validated Judaism’s claim to (an imperialist version of) Truth. After all, had

the Torah not proclaimed: “every spot on which your foot treads shall be yours”

(Deuteronomy, 11:24)? For fifty years since the birth of Israel the world has watched

in amazement the calamitous threading of Jewish ‘footsteps’ in an ever-expanding

Israel. That expansion has not as yet ceased. Despite the ‘appearance’ that Israel is

besieged and is circling her wagons to better protect herself from an Arab onslaught,

the ‘reality’ at the time that this book is being published (after the destruction of the

Jenin refugee camp and the slaughter of so many more Arabs) is that Israel is

preparing to unleash a major war on the Arabs through which the frontiers of the

Jewish State would dramatically expand to embrace the Bibilical Holy Land, i.e.,

“from the river of Egypt (and this implies control over the Suez Canal) to the River

Euphrates (and this implies control over all of the Gulf oil with the possible exception

of Iran’s oil. Europe, Japan and much of the rest of the world are dependent on that

Gulf oil).” That war, which would be planned with meticulous care, would also

witness Israel replacing USA as the ‘Ruling State’ in the world.

And so, from a Biblical perspective, the Jewish success in restoring the State of

Israel and in then expanding the territory of the State, in addition to Jewish control

over the holy city of Jerusalem, certainly appears to validate Judaism’s claim to Truth.

Our question is: How was this achieved without the Messiah? The answer is that it

was achieved through the deception of a False Messiah (al-Masih al-Dajjal)!

Again, the inescapable implication of the apparent success in restoring the Biblical

Israel was the validation of the Jewish claim that Jesus and Muhammad (peace be

upon them both) were both impostors.

But in order for Israel to be created, Judaism had to hitch its wagon onto the newly

emergent, essentially godless and decadent modern western civilization. That godless

western world established its authority as the peerless dominant actor on the stage of

the world, “descending on mankind from every height” or “spreading out in all

directions”(Surah al-Anbiyah, 21:96) to control all the sea, land and air. Nor could the

Jewish State have survived these fifty years but for the active assistance of that allpowerful

but godless and decadent West.

Those Jews who support the State of Israel acclaimed what appeared to them to be

the restoration of Biblical Israel, but they conveniently ignored the great injustices and

oppression inflicted upon a hapless Palestinian people - Christian as well as Muslim -

whose only sin appears to have been their residence in the Holy Land (of the Jews).

That injustice and oppression has been constantly increasing these 50 years. Our

question to such Jews is this: Is a valid claim to Truth compatible with such

godlessness, decadence, injustice, racism, and oppression? Can a people ‘hitch their

wagon’ to an essentially godless train and still claim to be faithful to the God of


The Zionist-Jews argued that they did not drive the Palestinian people out of their

homes - rather they left themselves. Well then, why did those Jews not preserve their

homes for them as a sacred trust, and why did they not invite them to return to their

homes? Instead the Jews have persisted for fifty long miserable years in obstinately

denying them the ‘right of return’ to the homes.

Israel’s wicked oppression continues to intensify every day. Israel will soon reach

the pinnacle of ‘false’ glory when she becomes the Ruling State in the world.

However, this book declares that the world is witnessing the beginning of the end for

the Impostor Jewish State of Israel! Jews should not blame Zionism for the plight in

which they now find themselves. All that Zionism ever did was to exploit every single

lie that was put into the Bible by embellishing those lies with a mountain of more lies.

‘Jerusalem’ Not Mentioned by Name in the Qur’an

‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’ was written partly in response to the newspaper article of

Daniel Pipes that was published in the Los Angeles Times (“Jerusalem means more to

Jews than to Muslims”, July 21, 2000). In it he attempted to dismiss any Islamic claim

to Jerusalem by declaring of Jerusalem, among other things, that: “It is not once

mentioned in the Qur’an or in the liturgy…” Dr. Pipes and his media surrogates, who

provoked us to respond, may wish to revise their opinion if they were ever to read this


Indeed a Muslim is duty-bound to respond to such hostile critics who persist in

challenging Islam and the Qur’an, particularly so in respect of their new crusade on

behalf of the Jewish State of Israel. Response should always be made through turning

to the Truth that is in the Qur’an. The Qur’an declares that when Truth is hurled

against falsehood, Truth will always vanquish falsehood. And the believers have been

ordered to use the Qur’an while waging a mighty struggle against the disbelievers.

Regardless of whether Dr. Pipes accepts or does not accept ‘Jerusalem in the

Qur’an’, it is clear that the study of this subject matter is basic for an understanding of

the problem of Israel and Islam. And that is the primary importance of this book.

Jerusalem - Key to Understanding the World Today

It should now be clear that this subject is particularly important for all those

Muslims who must comment on, or respond to, the rapidly evolving awesome drama

in Jerusalem. As long ago as 1974 the late Dr. Kaleem Siddiqui, founder-President

of the Muslim Institute for Research and Planning in London, urged this writer

to produce precisely this book that would demonstrate that Jerusalem is the key

to the understanding of the historical process as it manifests itself today. The

Qur’anic view that emerges from this book clearly establishes that it is not possible for

anyone to truly understand the modern world unless one can also penetrate the reality

of Jerusalem today!

The modern West wants an Islam to be adopted that will, among other things,

accommodate the Jewish State of Israel and pave the way for Muslims to embrace it

and make peace with it... This book has provided the Islamic response to that strategic

goal of the West, a response that is based firmly on the Qur’an and the Ahadith of

Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). This book has revealed that there will

never be peace at any time in the future between the true followers of Prophet

Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) and the Jewish State of Israel, and that the true

followers of the Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) will eventually triumph over the

oppressor Israel and liberate the Holy Land of Israel’s oppression.

The most important of all subjects dealt with in the Qur’an that must be taught in

Islamic educational institutions today is the subject of ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’. It is

with this subject more than any other that Muslims can successfully respond to the

present attack of the godless world which forces upon them such modification of the

faith as would accommodate Israel. Professor Dr. Isma‘il Raji Faruqi, the

distinguished Palestinian scholar of Islam who was assasinated because he was a thorn

in Israel’s side, warned Muslims of this danger:

“The problem of Israel confronting the Muslim World today has neither precedent nor parallel

in Islamic history. The Muslim World has tended to regard it as another instance of modern

colonialism, or at best, a repetition of the Crusades. The difference is not that Israel is neither

one of these, but that it is both and more, much more. Unfortunately, there is no Islamic

literature on the subject. The need for this analysis of the problem is, therefore, as great as the

present moment which calls upon the Arab World in particular and the Muslim World in

general to accept Israel as an integral member of a world-of-Muslim-nations in Asia-Africa.”

(‘Islam and the Problem of Israel’, Islamic Council of Europe, London, 1980. ISBN 0 907163 02


Dr. Faruqi was of the view that Israel constituted a danger to Muslims far greater

than the danger posed by the Euro-Christian Crusades of the medieval age, or by the

Euro-Colonialism of the modern secular age. Hence he rejected the call for the

acceptance of Israel as an integral member of ‘a world of Muslim nations in Asia -


This book has made a humble attempt to complement Dr. Faruqi’s work by

providing Muslim teachers, in particular, with the Qur’anic guidance as it pertains to

Jerusalem and its destiny.

Jews, Christians, and ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’

Finally, while the subject of ‘Jerusalem in the Qur’an’ is important to Muslims, we

were particularly interested in reaching out to Jews and Christians with the Holy

Qur’an. As time passes, and the Last Hour draws nearer, it is becoming more and

more difficult for Christian and Jewish scholarship to respond to the Qur’an and

Ahadith as they deal with the subject of this book, as well as with Gog and Magog, the

(False) Messiah, and the Return of Jesus (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). The evidence that

confirms the truth of the Qur’an continues to increase.

Muslims have a duty to present this subject to Jews and Christians, and we have

done so in this book.

This book made a distinction between two different Jews. There are those Israelite-

Jews who traced their ancestry to Father Abraham (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). They are a

Semitic people whose racial affinity to the Arabs is quite clear. On the other hand,

there are blue-eyed blond-haired Europeans who converted to Judaism once upon a

time and who share no such descent from Abraham (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). The

opinion of this writer, and Allah Knows best, is that the original Gog and Magog are

definitely located somewhere within the ranks of such European Jews. Gog and Magog

overturned Christian European civilization and transformed it into the present godless

civilization. Gog and Magog established the Zionist movement and the State of Israel.

There can be no question of the fact that this book would be psychologically

shocking to Western, Christian, Jewish and even to some Muslim readers. But let us

make it plain and clear that we have not written this book to offend such a reading

audience. The ‘internal reality’ of the world today, as understood through the Qur’an,

is quite different from the ‘external appearances’ on the basis of which such people

form judgments. There is a world of difference in the perception of those who see with

two eyes, the external and internal, and those who see with only one eye (because they

are internally blind). Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) warned that the age

of Dajjal, the False Messiah, would be an age in which ‘appearance’ and ‘reality’

would be completely different from each other. None can see ‘internally’ and penetrate

‘reality’ in the Last Age save those who faithfully follow Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu

‘alaihi wa sallam).

We feel confident that there would be some Jews at least who, upon reading in

this book the Qur’anic explanation of the events which are unfolding in the Holy Land,

would, Insha Allah, be convinced of the Truth in the Qur’an and would consequently

accept Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) as a true Prophet of the God of


Interpretation and Explanation

We have sometimes interpreted a text (of the Qur’an) ourselves when such a text

was not directly explained, either by Allah, Most Wise, or by His Messenger (sallalahu

‘alaihi wa sallam). We did so in order to locate the Qur’anic explanation for our subject.

When we did so, we exposed ourselves to the summary rejection of those who admit to

no interpretation whatsoever of sacred texts other than its direct and literal meaning…

We invite those who reject our interpretations to themselves present that ‘explanation’

with which the Qur’an ‘explains’ the return of the Jews to the Holy Land.

Secondly, when we interpreted a Qur’anic text we always did so with the proviso

that Allah Knows best! (Allahu ‘alam).

Jerusalem and the Qur’an’s Claim to Truth

It has become quite unfashionable in this age of the secularization of knowledge to

resort to the revealed word of the God of Abraham (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) to seek to

explain the world. Yet this is precisely what took place when the State of Israel

emerged in the modern world. European Zionist-Jews used the Torah to argue the case

of their ‘God-given’ right to take possession of the Holy Land in order to restore the

State of Israel (that was first established by the Prophet-King, David (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa

sallam)). The first European Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion, stated quite

frankly: The Bible is our deed to the Land of Israel.

We were therefore quite justified in responding to the advent of Jewish Israel with a

presentation that is derived exclusively from the Qur’an.

As the historical process unfolds in this the last stage of history, and as the Qur’an

increasingly demonstrates its capacity to explain accurately the world and Jerusalem

today, this would validate its claim to be Truth. More than anything else this book has

presented the claim of the Qur’an that it is Truth. This is precisely what the book itself

declares in a Surah which is itself named al-Fussilat (“that which is clearly spelled


In time We shall make them fully understand Our messages (through that which

unfolds) in the utmost horizons (of the universe) and within themselves, so that it will

become clear to them that this (revelation) is indeed the Truth. Will this not suffice for

them to be convinced that your Lord is witness unto all things?

(Qur’an, al-Fussilaat, 41:53-4)

Jerusalem, a city sacred to Muslims, Christians and Jews, is destined to play the

most significant of all roles in the End of History. Islam, Christianity and Judaism are

all agreed on this. There are an abundance of signs, plainly visible to those blessed

with spiritual insight (i.e., who see with two eyes, the external and the internal) that we

now live in that Last Age, the age that will witness the End of History.

It is critically important that the Qur’anic view on this subject be presented again and

again at this time since Jerusalem has already begun to play that ‘role’ which is her

destiny. This book explains that ‘role’. It is also important that Jerusalem’s ‘role’ in

the ‘End of History’ should be explained with as much intuitive spiritual insight as is

possible since that ‘role’ is oft-times discernible only in this way.

Our objective was, of course, to address the general reading public. It is particularly

important for them to be acquainted with the destiny of Jerusalem and the Holy Land,

established in the Qur’an and Hadith (the word of Prophet Muhammad sallalahu ‘alaihi

wa sallam), because of the rival claims to Jerusalem each of which declare that

Jerusalem is destined to validate its exclusive claim to Truth and invalidate all others.

To paraphrase this means that Jews believe in a destiny of Jerusalem that will

witness the advent of the Messiah. When the Messiah comes he will restore the golden

age of Judaism and he will rule the world from Jerusalem. That will validate the

Jewish claim to Truth and invalidate the claims of rivals. Christians have the same

belief. When Jesus, the Messiah returns, he will reign over the world from Jerusalem

and he will validate the Christian dogmas of Trinity, Incarnation, Atonement, etc. Thus

will the Christian claim to Truth be validated and all others invalidated. The Muslims

also believe that Jerusalem has a destiny that will validate Islam’s claim to Truth and

invalidate the current Christian and Jewish claims. Since these three conceptions of

Truth, all of which claim to originate from Abraham (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), have

such profound differences, they cannot possibly all be true.

The Muslim view, as it emerges in this book, is that Jesus (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam),

the ‘true’ Messiah, would return to life on earth one day, would go to Jerusalem and

rule the world as Hakimun ‘Adil (a ‘just ruler’), “will marry, have children, and die”.

“Muslims will pray over his body and he will be buried next to Prophet Muhammad

(sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) in the city of Madina” in Arabia where the Prophet (sallalahu

‘alaihi wa sallam) is buried. When he returns “Jesus (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) will break

the cross”, and that will be the end of Christianity, the religion of the cross. And “he

will kill the pigs”:

“Narrated Abu Hurairah: Allah’s Messenger said: “By Him in Whose Hand is my soul, the son

of Mary will shortly descend amongst you as a just ruler. He will break the cross and kill the

pigs and abolish Jizyah (a punitive tax imposed upon Jews and Christians resident in the

territory of Islam). Then there will be abundance of money and nobody will accept charitable


(Sahih Bukhari)

The word ‘pigs’ cannot be interpreted literally because such an interpretation does

not fit into the context of the text. Rather, the use of the word ‘pigs’ indicates extreme

divine anger. This book poses the question: Who are the pigs that will be killed by the

Messiah when he returns? With whom will the Messiah be so angry? Who attempted

to crucify him?

Muslims have precise information of the moment in time when Jesus (sallalahu ‘alaihi

wa sallam), the Messiah, will return. It will be when the water in the Sea in Galilee has

almost dried up, or has dried up:

“….It will be at this very time that Allah will send Christ, son of Mary. He will descend at the

white minaret on the eastern side of Damascus, wearing two garments lightly dyed with saffron

and placing his hands on the wings of two Angels. When he lowers his head, there will fall

beads of perspiration from his head, and when he raises it up, beads like pearls will scatter from

it. Every non-believer who smells the odor of his body will die and his breath will reach as far

as he is able to see. He will then search for him (Dajjal) until he catches hold of him at the gate

of Ludd and kills him. Then a people whom Allah had protected will come to Jesus, son of

Mary, and he will wipe their faces and inform them of their ranks in Paradise. It will be under

such conditions that Allah will reveal to Jesus these words: I have brought forth from among

My servants such people against whom none will be able to fight; you take these people safely

to Tur, and then Allah will send Gog and Magog and they will swarm down from every slope.

The first of them will pass the lake of Tiberias and drink out of it. And when the last of them

passes, he will say: There was once water here….”

(Sahih Muslim)

The Sea of Galilee (otherwise called Lake Tiberias or Lake Kinneret) has less water

today than ever before in history, and that water is constantly decreasing because

Israel’s Euro-Jewish Government is taking out more water than nature can put back

into the Sea. It is as simple as that! When the water dries up and there is no more

drinking water left, the Zionist-Jews will finally reach the supreme moment in their

over-all strategy to get the Arabs to submit to Jewish rule in the Holy Land. That

would imply their worship of the False Messiah rather than the worship of Allah Most

High. They would be required to do so in order to get water from the desalinization

plants that Israel would build. The Arabs would be too poor to be able to afford to buy


This book makes it clear that all that such Jews have to do to measure the time left

for their final destruction is to observe the water level in the Sea of Galilee.


(This book can be ordered from Islamic Book Trust at


Sheikh Imran has talked on the subject extensively and here is one video. The reader may find many related video by Sheikh Imran on You Tube.

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Champion of Change: The Enduring Influence of Siraphat Faith Charnock

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میرا دسمبر مجھے لوٹا دو

Muhammad Asif Raza
2 months ago
یروشلم فی القرآن؛ از شیخ عمران این حسین اردو ترجمہ دوسرا حصہ باب  اول-Part-2

یروشلم فی القرآن؛ از شیخ عمران این حسین اردو ترجمہ دوسرا حصہ باب اول-...

Muhammad Asif Raza
1 year ago
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ٱلۡمَسۡجِدِ ٱلۡأَقۡصَا مسجد الاقصیٰ مبارک First Qiblah of Islam AlQud...

Muhammad Asif Raza
1 year ago
Kashmir Trip Plan: Your Ultimate Guide to Exploring the Heaven on Earth

Kashmir Trip Plan: Your Ultimate Guide to Exploring the Heaven on Eart...

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