The Palestine-Israel Conflict is almost a hundred years old, although it intensified with establishment of Zionist Jewish State in 1948. The Hamas Jihad - Israel War 2023, severely affected the sentiments of the Muslims and the world witnessed the ugliness of Zionist Jews. This write up “Palestine Gaza; Reverse Diaspora & Holocaust?” is about the current status of the conflict.
In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Palestine Gaza; Reverse Diaspora & Holocaust?
The Diaspora is said to be the dispersion or spread of a people from their homeland and Jews history is the dispersion of the Jewish people from Israel, which happened twice. Moreover, holocaust is termed as destruction or slaughter on a mass scale and historically it's a sacrifice in which the offering was burned completely on an altar. The Zionist Jews claim the latest "Holocaust", as the genocide of European Jews during World War-II by Nazi Germany and its collaborators in Europe.
None of the above two calamities (Diaspora and Holocaust) have anything to do with Islam or Muslims of any region or faiths. However, the same European Christian Nation suddenly became champions of human rights and dignity that they decided to reform the Muslim world and disintegrate them into many meaningless nation states and then created a holy God's promised country Jewish Israel for chosen people of God called Israelis, who proved to be mostly Ashkenazi Jews of Europe who by No definition are descendants of "Hazrat Jacob / Israel (AS)". The state of Israel was handed over to Zionist Jews based on a totally fraud concept embroiled in falsehood and bigotry.
The falsehood and bigotry has been well exposed by "Ilan Pappé" in his book "Ten Myths About Israel". The state of Israel has not created these myths but the group called "Zions" Jews who control world's media, USA's policies through AIPAC and most of European countries through "Deep Pockets"; Jews funded elements. The same Zions ironically control most of the Muslim countries policies through the same ways and means. Therefore, Israel since its establishment has been thrashing all Muslim neighbors black and blue in all medium and aspects of life.
The Hamas Gaza Jihad is the first time that Israel and its all allies have failed to achieve a desired result after a man-slaughter and holocaust methods employed for good fifteen months. The IDF destroyed the whole of Gaza and brought all building structures into rubble. IDF destroyed hospitals, schools, universities, markets, human dwellings and targeted even ambulances and donkey carts used by patients. The state of Israel killed thousands of people but could not eliminate spirits of jihad and freedom from the Palestinian people of Gaza. However, the Zionist Jews want to remove all marks of Palestine and the spirit of Palestinians from the map and memories of the world. The same is not possible without a "Reverse Holocaust and Diaspora" which means killing and removal of NON Israelis on the land of Palestine by Zionist Jews of European descents.
In the following; a note from Mr Hillel Fuld is being shared; who is CEO at and works at Board Member at Yeshiva University and Senior lecturer at Yeshiva University. His views reflect the thoughts and decision making process of Zionist Jews of Israel and elsewhere. His following comments appeared on Facebook and it exposes the real game plan:-
"So, realistically, what does “All hell will break loose” mean? What leverage does America and Israel have over Hamas?
The answer: A hell of a lot. All monetary and humanitarian aid stops immediately.
- No electricity.
- No water.
- No fuel.
- Immediate deportation of all Gazans.
- Full blown US/Israel collaboration using all military force including fighter jets, artillery, tanks, and infantry.
And the cherry on top? Full Israeli takeover of Gaza and the beginning of the Jewish resettlement of the Gaza Strip. Full Israel sovereignty over Gaza. Hit them where it hurts most.
He further argues for the holocaust of Gazans; "If you’re gonna come at me with “Collective punishment is wrong.” Or “Why should the innocent Gazans have to suffer?” Open a history book and find me a war, in the history of the world, in which innocent people didn’t die. War sucks. Innocent lives lost sucks. Israel didn’t start this war. Israel didn’t start any war. But Israel also never lost a war. And Israel won’t lose this war either.
(Hello Hillel Fuld! The Muslims never lost a battle and war with Jews; Recall Khyber and now the Gaza; last 70 years were actions managed by stooges and rascals bought by Zion's money).
He continues to argue and insult human intellect; "Do you know how many innocent Germans were killed in World War II? How many Japanese? Did that make WWII a less legitimate war? No. The Nazis needed to be removed at all costs. And so does Hamas. Hamas has more support in Gaza than Hitler ever had in Germany. Read that sentence again. Sure, innocent people will die, but that is the nature of war, so get over it. Don’t come to me with your complaints, I am the wrong address. Hamas is the appropriate address for your complaints.
(Its time for the world and especially the Europeans Christians to answer the "Israel's Human Brother" concerns that why did you people did all those atrocities? Why any Palestinian or Muslim has to bear the cost of this non-sense)
He the produces reasons for Gazan’s Diaspora; "As far as the deportation of Gazans, there are a few options. Either Trump convinces an Arab country, or multiple Arab countries to take them in, and incentivizes them to do so by offering them a massive check, or they don’t agree to take the Gazans, and then we need to be a little creative."
Then he mixes the diaspora and holocaust for achieving his designs; "If Hamas does not release the hostages on Saturday, and if Trump cannot strike a deal with an Arab country to take them in, all Israel has to do is drop one 2000 pound bomb on the border between Gaza and Egypt at which point millions of Gazans will storm Egypt. Unless Egypt intends on opening fire and killing hundreds of thousands of Gazans, they will have no choice but to let them into their territory.
Problem solved."
He continues to baffle the international audience when he says so certainly about USA; "Don’t kid yourself. Egypt and Jordan understand what it means to stand up to the United States of America. If they do not comply with Trump’s demands, they know what that means. No more money, no more support, no more aid. They are very much dependent on US support. They know it, Trump knows it, and the world knows it." (That's the power of golden calf we call "deep pockets" these days)
My Dear Readers; Now it’s a challenge from an Israel's Professor, especially for Muslim scholars; “Of course everything I wrote here is based on common sense and logic, things that the radical Islamic world lack sorely. If Hamas were to analyze this situation logically, they would have no choice but to release all the hostages on Saturday. Unfortunately, radical Islam does not operate based on logic."
Mr Hillel Fuld continues to insult the human intellect on the basis of same MYTHs as exposed by "Ilan Pappé" in his book "Ten Myths About Israel". He says that and here he is right "Of course anyone with a half a brain understands that the artificial support of the Arab world for the Palestinians over the past few decades was a simple excuse to stand against Israel". (Because every Jew knows that Muslim world leadership are for sale). "The Palestinians, as the world likes to call them, are Egyptians and Jordanians, and now, after so many years of conflict, they are finally going home". Then the last line is comical; just in line with Jew's mentality of “golden calf", he offers "So, who wants to invest with me in some Gaza real estate?"
The world must awake and realize that the real threat to human peace comes from Zionist Jews. They plunder humans as they consider themselves as "God's Chosen" and all other humans as "Gentiles; Golems". They amass wealth from doing shadowy deals and interest based economy and then uses the same for purchasing loyalty and conscience of people who matter. They love to produce weapons but fear death so they fight only when it comes hard on them. Therefore they will always try to seek alliance (used Europeans Forces in WW-II to achieve their ulterior motives) and they will again try to entice US and EU again to come and do the dirty work for them to cleanse Gaza for their real state bonanza.
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