Manic Depression
Ayesha Arshad 1 year ago
ayeshaarshad #health

Manic Depression and Bipolar

Manic depression and bipolar, Is manic depression Bipolar, Characteristics of manic depression, Manic depression symptoms, Types of manic depression, Manic depression type 2, Manic depression and genetic, Manic depression rapid cycling.

People often struggle with chronic mood swings and intense shift in their behavior which stops them for doing their daily activities. It's called depression. The most common form of depression is is Manic Depression which is now known as Bipolar Disorder. This mood disorder is about two extremes either the depressed (Low) or Manic (High).

It takes a year to develop the symptoms of this disorder. However it shifts the person's behavior or response towards everything. It becomes difficult for them to carry out their daily tasks. The main signs of this condition are Manic and Hypomanic episodes and most people with bipolar disorder have to face depressive episodes. But this condition can be reversed with proper medication, Life-style and different therapies. Although research is going on but still there is not known cause of this illness.

Causes of Bipolar Disorder:

Although bipolar disorder is a topic of debate these days and vast research is going on still scientists are unable to trace the exact causes of this disorder. There is a wide belief that genetics (inheritance) plays a huge role in the transmission of this disease. The most common psychiatric disease that is heritable is bipolar disorder. Two out of three sufferers of bipolar disorder have a biological history. But it's one of the causes of it. Other factors include:

·      Change in Brain Activity

Although brain scans cannot diagnose this condition still some subtle differences in the brain size or activation are observable. 

·      Environmental Factors

Conditions like stress and trauma can trigger this particular disorder. For example, stressful events like illness, financial issues, death of a loved one can help to develop bipolar disorder.

Signs and Symptoms of Manic Disorder:

People with manic disorder experience various unusual symptoms and signs in their activity like lack of energy to do any activity, sometimes intense emotions, and change in sleeping pattern which causes undesirable effects on their life. These are commonly known as mood swings. These symptoms can last from every day to weeks or even months. 

Symptoms of Manic Episodes

·      In a manic episode a victim starts feeling very high, or extremely touchy.

·      Patients will start feeling more energetic and active than usual.

·      In this episode they will feel less need for sleep.

·      A depressor can feel racing thoughts in his mind like doing many things at one time without getting tired.

·      They can experience excessive appetite for food, drinking, or any other activity from which they can seek pleasure. 

Symptoms of depressive episode

·      The patient in a depressive episode will start feeling sad, down, or extra anxious.

·      They will lack the energy to do anything.

·      They can have trouble sleeping, walking, or moving.

·      They can experience dementia and start forgetting.

·      They will find it difficult to do anything or any activity or may lack concentration.

Some people can develop both symptoms together like feeling very sad and hopeless while at the same time feeling very energetic. 

Types of Bipolar Disorder

According to the National Alliance of Mental Health, there are four types of bipolar disorder.

Bipolar I:

It is the common type experienced by most of the patients. It involves more manic episodes with no depressive episodes. Although mania could get as severe as it could need hospitalization or a medical examination. 

Bipolar II:

People with bipolar II disorders are diagnosed with less severe manic or hypomanic conditions with depressive episodes. In less severe manic forms people can go smoothly with their daily activities of life. Although the person himself don’t feel any significant change in his behavior people in his surrounding can figure out the changes in his mood. If proper treatment does not follow then symptoms can go on to develop into a more severe form. 

Cyclothymic Disorder:

In this condition, the hypomanic or depressive moods can persist for two years or more. There are no diagnostic criteria for it but there could be a period of normal activity that would not last more than eight weeks. 

Unspecified Bipolar Disorder:

In this type, symptoms don’t match with the above-mentioned three types but it still involves episodes of manic mood.

Genetics and bipolar disorder:

Although scientists are still unable to figure out the causes of bipolar disorder they have figured out some of the risk factors from those genetics play a huge role in developing any person's manic disorder. The risk factor in persons can increase tenfold if the person has any family history. It means if your parent has bipolar disorder you have a greater chance to develop it. Genetics accounts for almost 60% to 80% of the cause of bipolar disorder. That means heredity is not the only cause of bipolar disorder. There are certain genes that cause or develop the chances of getting it. But there is no one particular gene that causes it. 

Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder:

Rapid cycling is a condition in which a person can experience frequent and distinct episodes of bipolar disorder. In one year a person can experience more than four episodes of mania. This condition can come and go in many years. It is not a permanent pattern.

Who Gets Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder?

About 10% to 20% of people suffering from this disorder can get a chance to get rapid cycling bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder type II are more likely to get rapid cycling. Bipolar starts to develop in the early 20s and happens before the 50s. 

Treatment and medication for Manic Disorder:

Proper treatment can play a huge role in the reversal of this disorder with medication and psychotherapy. It is a lifelong illness symptoms can come and go but long-term and continuous treatment can help manage symptoms. The most common medication includes stabilizers and anti-psychotics. To prevent the symptoms lithium or valproate are used as mood stabilizers. It reduces the risk of suicide or targets the sleep pattern of the person. If a person is only taking an antidepressant and not a mood stabilizer or is more prone to develop manic episodes, bipolar disorder is not mistaken for depression. 

Coping with the Bipolar disorder:

There are some ways to make it easier for the person.

·      Follow a treatment plan and stick to it strictly.

·      Structure your activities by following a proper routine for sleeping, eating, and exercising.

·      Incorporate healthy activities in your daily routine like jogging, swimming, and exercise.

·      Track your activities regularly and recognize your mood swings properly. 


There is no proper way to prevent it or reverse it but getting proper treatment at the earliest can prevent it or getting it worse.

·      If you're diagnosed with bipolar disorder few of the preventive measures you can do:

·      If symptoms are diagnosed at early stage episodes can be prevented from getting worse.

·      Call your doctor if you are getting any symptoms of depression and mania.

·      Involve your family member to watch the early signs.

·      Use of drugs and alcohol can worsen the symptoms try to avoid it.

Take your medication properly because you may be tempted to avoid medication but doing this only worsens your symptoms. 


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