Muhammad Asif Raza 1 year ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #events

India- A Continent, A Country and A Nation

India celebrates its 77th Independence Day on 15 August 2023 as a country and a nation with pride and glory of glorious past and shining future. Any Indian national shall be very proud of his / her country and this Independence Day shall be celebrated as a sign of shining, rising and prospering India.

Republic of India is the most populace and 7th Largest by area country of the World. It lies in Asia as a dominant land mass in South Asia. She stands apart from the rest of Asia, marked off as it is by mountains and the sea, which gives the country a distinct geographical entity, since millennial. She is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the South, the Arabian Sea on the Southwest, and the Bay of Bengal on the Southeast. She shares land borders with Pakistan to the west; China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the North; and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the East. Sri Lanka and the Maldives are in close proximity in Indian Ocean and Thailand, Myanmar, and Indonesia are in maritime borders of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

India existed as a country since known history and is also known for its prosperity and riches, which were acknowledged far across the boundaries. Races have migrated to India in search of food and have settled here. This has given India diversity of races, culture, languages and religion etc. The richness of India lies in its history and the fascination in absorbing the diversity. India is thus a country of oldest civilization in the world where many ethnic groups are inhibited for years. India is a country of diverse civilization where almost 1650 languages and dialects are spoken by people of as many religions and believes. In spite of being related from different cultures, traditions, religions and languages; people here respect each other and have lived together with harmony, love and feeling of brotherhood.

This 15th August India is celebrating its 77th Independence Day. India gained Independence on 15th August 1947 from the colonial master Great Britain. The history of Indian Freedom Movement is testimony of the people’s of the land struggle to gain independence irrespective of their religion, cast, creed and region. The struggle for freedom is the great example of unity in diversity in India. Unity in diversity is the strength and power of India which has now been the most important feature identifying India.

India is famous for its rich cultural heritage which is because of the people of various religions. People belong to various cultures, which originates various lifestyles on the basis of their interest and belief. The diversity gives rise to the growth in various professional areas like music, fine arts, drama, dance (classical, folk), theater sculpture, etc. Spiritual tradition of the people makes them more piety to each other. All the religious Indian scriptures are the great source of spiritual wisdom to the people. There are rishis, maharishis, yogis, priests, saints, darwaish etc in almost all the religions following their own spiritual traditions according to their religious scriptures.

India is the home to people of various religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism, Christianity, and Parsees, all of which believe in the same Dharma and Karma doctrine. The Indian society is god-fearing by nature, believing in soul purification, reincarnation, salvation, heaven’s luxury, and hell’s punishments. People here celebrate their religious Days of Importance (Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, Good Friday, Mahavir Jayanti, Buddha Jayanti, Ganesh Chaturthi and so on) in a very peaceful manner, without causing harm to other religious people.

Hindi is a mother language in India however many other dialects and languages are spoken by the people of different religions and regions (such as English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Bhojpuri, Bihari, Punjabi, Marathi, Bengali, Udiya, Gujarati, Kashmiri, etc); however everyone feels proud to be the citizen of great India. People of India have consistently exhibited a praiseworthy behaviour of coexistence not just in own land but everywhere on Earth. The Indian unity in diversity concept has certainly resulted in the ethical and moral evolution of Indian National across the humanity in the globe.

India, over the last 76 years has made its name in many aspects as well respecting Nation for the glory of its Human Recourses and the potential they possess. India started to raise its national flag in sporting events right from the beginning. India emerged as a great land for players show casing skills and mastery in hockey even before independence as she won 1st Olympic Gold in 1928; and in 1948 just after independence. Champions also came forward in Athletics and other games. Cricket was introduced in India by British Rulers but Indian Nation has adopted it like its own national sports and today India is the power house of International Cricket.

India is rich in culture and traditions and it reflects in its soft power image across the globe. Indian Film industry has made its mark in this field as a well respecting nation. Indian Film Industry and its members are well known in all parts of the world. The Khans, Kapoors and Kumars of Bollywood are house hold names and millions of fan following not just inside own home land but all over the world. The Show Biz glittering world is a true reflection of India as a continent, country and a Nation with wide diversity yet united.

Today India is on a course of greatness and status that suits her size and history. India has played its due role in World affairs and thus has gained respect from all corners of the World. The economy is growing; the human resource is enriching in many ways and is accepted as a potent force cross the globe. Indian democracy is the biggest in size and is exerting its importance on world a stage as Indian PM and other ministers are invited for address on various world forums. India has large professional Armed Forces that send right message across the frontiers for maintaining peace of the region and even beyond. Today India is a considered to be a reliable partner in all fields of life; be it economy, science & technology, cultures and civilization etc. Any Indian national shall be very proud of its country and this Independence Day shall be celebrated as a sign of shining, rising and prospering India.

In the end an Indian Bollywood song is shared that shares the diversity & soft image of India in a true sense

یروشلم فی القرآن؛ از شیخ عمران این حسین اردو ترجمہ دوسرا حصہ باب  اول-Part-2

یروشلم فی القرآن؛ از شیخ عمران این حسین اردو ترجمہ دوسرا حصہ باب اول-...

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