Laiba Rafiq 1 year ago
laibarafiq #technology


Learn to create, monetize, and succeed on YouTube. Join the global trend and earn with our expert guidance. Start now!

A great deal of internet users all around the globe are also interested in earning via the YouTube channel. As all know, increasing the number of YouTube content views and subscribers can help you earn millions. Now 93% of internet users spend their hours creating content on YouTube. It eventually helped them gain millions and billions of views on their YouTube channel. Thanks to these views, they get paid every month in the form of dollars. Video creation and delivering your voice or point of view to the audience through this platform has become much easier. That’s why there is a massive increase in the number of YouTube channels. If you also want to be a part of this race and need proper guidance, here we are at your service.

Creation of YouTube Channel

First, for the creation of your YouTube channel, you need a Google account if you don’t have one don't worry. Setting up your Google account will only take a few minutes you just need your email and a strong password for the safety of your account from hackers. After adding your email phone and personal information with your password your Google account is finalized and ready to use. To make a YouTube channel you need to head towards and tap at the top right corner to sign up. First, click on the Google account option and enter your email and password. After logging in you need to tap at the top right corner where your profile appears on the screen and click on the option create a channel. The next stage is setting up your channel after clicking on the create channel option there comes a personal or a custom account choice it depends on whether you are needing an account for your small business, organization, or brand. Custom accounts are preferable for small brands or businesses while personal accounts are for your own personal content creation. Next after choosing the type of channel comes the name of your channel. Now when you set a specific name to your YouTube channel you can see that it creates another Google account that is exactly the same as your brand or personal YouTube channel name. You can easily scroll down your history of YouTube Channel from your account Moreover you can engage with your audience by replying to the comments under your videos.

Description of YouTube Channel

After naming your YouTube channel, you can customize your channel by adding your profile photo, adding a description to your YouTube channel. You can also add links in the description box below of your Videos links of your brand or of your social media account handles. Your YouTube description tells the content of your videos to your audience it is similar to the introduction of your website on an About page web. You can add the idea or message that you want to convey in your video using some keywords so that it can help people in a better way to understand your content. Always match your video description with your video title because it grabs your viewer’s attention. The use of keywords is very important in SEO as well as in your YouTube video description always search for those that are best for your channel.

YouTube Monetization

Monetization of your YouTube channel is the dream goal for every video creator. It helps them to get money from their YouTube content and they adopt it as their full-time Job. Now in the social market, there are many ways to monetize your channel in a sustainable manner. First, for the monetization program, a video creator needs to get certified with a thousand subscribers and a public watch time of 4 thousand hours in the past 12 months or three million views for YouTube shorts views in a time span of ninety days.

YouTube Partner Program

After following the requirements for monetization YouTube youth program helps to upgrade your channel. Achieving certain goals helps your video advertisements for making money. The ads between your video generate your revenue in your account channel which is divided between you and YouTube. You get almost 55 percent of the revenue from your videos while the rest goes to YouTube. Once you are done with your monetization requirements then you are ready to apply for the YouTube partner Program. You need to go to the YouTube earn page that tracks how much public watch and subscribers you have, if you get rejected in first time you have to wait for the next 30 days before reapplying for it. Once you pass your YouTube Partner Program you can turn on your monetization for as many videos as you wish after YouTube processes your content you get to know if your video has something that could be demonetized otherwise it's safe.

YouTube Income

After meeting all the requirements for monetization and setting up your Google Ad Sense account you need to agree to the rules regulations and policies of YouTube for your content creation it is an essential step to avoid any troubles with your YouTube channel. For monetization applications, you need to give detailed information about your content and channel to the YouTube authority. You ensure your creativity and originality that your content is free from any copyrights. Once YouTube assesses your application after your approval for monetization your channel is ready for making money from your videos.

License Content

Licensing your videos protects your copyright and also makes them available for other users for commercial purposes by other persons. One of the leading ways for monetization is selling viral videos. It involves the content creator making such videos that can be public stunts that have a high chance of getting viral in people and then selling to other broadcasting who use them in their advertisements campaigns. Content creators can generate more money this from such viral video selling than the videos they upload on their channels. One thing that Content creators need to remember is that they strictly follow the rules and regulations of YouTube when they are selling viral videos. They need to ensure that their content has all applicable copyright laws and possesses the necessary permission license.

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