Muhammad Asif Raza 8 months ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #global

Have we done our duty?

We the humans were created by ALLAH, who is the Creator of all the universe and all the creatures in those universes. He has ordained specific duties to all his creatures including Bani Adam; the progenies of Hazrat Adam (AS). Are we the followers of Islam performing our duties as envisaged?

Have we done our duty?


Had Pharaoh's wife waited until the age of Pharaoh was over, she would not have been mentioned in the Quran but she acted in the right time?

Had she waited for Pharaoh's condition to change, then she would never have deserved a house built by our Lord ALLAH for her in the Jannah.

 Even if Pharaoh's cousin had waited for the Pharaoh's change of heart, then, he would not have deserved the title of the believer from the family of Pharaoh; but he acted immediately at right moment of time.


 But we the living beings created for this time are oblivious of our duty, as if, our time will repeat for action in a life span. There is no achievement in cursing the time, present or past and crying for injustices to others and remain in active for good.

 Will we keep doing the same as the previous generation has done?

 The True Muslims don't choose excuses or ask for change in the scriptures, but they know how to find their action as per scriptures!! Weather they are in good or bad condition, they do actions for bringing changes to gain the glory for them


 To be glorified in the sight of ALLAH, and among the Saleheen, one has to earn glory in this life and in Hereafter by actions from each one of us and the glory of our deeds will be displayed across the globe, even if the whole world is against us.

And know that the One (ALLAH), who created us for the time, gave us our tools and our abilities and otherwise, He will not judge us for what we do not possess. So ask ALLAH to guide us the success.

So O Brothers in Islam! Let’s grab the opportunity that Allah SWT has given us and do not miss it. Let’s recall that the chances don’t knock too often, so let’s be among those who may change the history of the Ummah.

Greetings to all the Brothers and their families.

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