Nimra Safdar 1 year ago
nimrasafdar #recipes

Easy Cheesecake Recipe

Dessert with rich creamy filling, quick and easy to make

The easy cheesecake recipe is very simple as you need only four ingredients for the filling and 30 minutes required for baking cake.


The ingredients for the easy cheesecake recipe are listed as;

•            Graham cracker crumbs (1 ½ cups)

•            Salt (1/8 tsp ) 

•            Melted butter (6 tsp)

•            Sugar (145g)

•            Eggs (2 large)

•            Vanilla extract (1 tsp)

•            Cream cheese at room temperature (452g)


The detailed procedure of easy cheesecake recipe is described hereunder;

1.           Take a pie pan and preheat the oven to 350oF.

2.           Now for making the crust, stir all the crust ingredients together (Graham, sugar, salt, butter) until combined well.

3.           Take the selected pie pan, pour the mixture of crumbs and press the bottom and also up the pie pan sides. (Make a thick layer of crumbs on the bottom by pressing them on the sides)

4.           Now prepare the filling, for this mix the cheese cream, and sugar with the help of a mixer at low-medium speed until plane. Now add vanilla and eggs in it and mix well.

5.           Now pour the filling into the crust, set the pie pan on a baking sheet, and place it in the oven.

6.           Bake the cheesecake for 20 minutes, after that cover the crust of the cake with aluminum foil strips and bake it for a further 10 minutes (total baking time is 30 minutes).

7.           Now remove the cheesecake from the oven and cool it at room temperature for 1 hour, when the cake is cool place it in the refrigerator for 6 hours (cover the cake until it is ready to serve).

8.           Easy cheesecake is ready to serve with extra fruit topping if you desire.

The easy cheesecake can be refrigerated for several days as well and you can also store this dessert for a longer time in a freezer.

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