Laiba Rafiq 1 year ago
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Burn Scars - Post-Treatment Care Guide

Discover effective post-treatment care for burn scars. Learn immediate steps and long-term strategies for optimal healing and scar reduction.

Burn scars are not easy to handle. They affect the victim both physically and mentally. No doubt burn scars can have long term impacts but there are several effective treatments for these scars. Being a serious concern, only treatments are not enough. Proper post-treatment care is crucial for minimizing their effect on your skin's appearance and overall well-being.

What are Burn Scars?

Just before we get into post treatment care, let us understand what burn scars are. Burn scars are the scars made as a result of contact with chemicals, hot liquids, or fire. The type of scar developed depends on the severity of the burn. Only redness and swelling are caused by first degree burns. On the other hand, severe burns result in hypertrophic or keloid scars.

Post Treatment Care

In case of burn scars, you cannot set yourself free only after treatment. For complete cure you have to go for proper post treatment care. There are two different types of post treatment care:

1.      Immediate Post-Treatment Steps

2.      Long-Term Care Strategies

1. Immediate Post-Treatment Steps

You need to follow these steps immediately after coming into contact with the burn source. These steps include:

a.      Professional Medical Attention

b.      Proper Wound Care

a. Professional Medical Attention

Without any delay, you must rush towards the medical professionals for immediate medical care. This might include cleaning of wounds, and dressing. In severe cases surgical intervention is also involved. 

b. Proper Wound Care

After this immediate medical attention, you have to be very careful in protecting the wound. Make sure to avoid moisture, keeping the wound clean and dry. You must also be very regular in applying prescribed ointments or dressings. This promotes quick healing that consequently reduces scarring.

2. Long-Term Care Strategies

Once your wound is healed, it may leave behind stubborn scars. Do not worry at all, there is a solution to every problem. This solution is “long term care strategies” that involve:

a.      Emollient-rich Skincare

b.      Silicone Gel Sheets

c.      Massage Therapy

d.      Sun Protection

a. Emollient-Rich Skincare

Emollient rich skin care products are an amazing source of complete scar removal. These products nurture healing and minimize scarring. These products, infused with ingredients like shea butter and vitamin E. These ingredients play vital role in hydrating your skin and improve its elasticity, reducing the appearance of scars over time.

b. Silicone Gel Sheets

Consider incorporating silicone gel sheets into your skincare routine. These sheets create a protective barrier over the scar, effectively hydrating the area and promoting a smoother texture. Numerous studies suggest that silicone gel sheets can significantly reduce the size and thickness of burn scars.

c. Massage Therapy

Regular, gentle massage therapy can do wonders for improving the texture and flexibility of burn scars. Use a dermatologist-recommended cream or oil during the massage to enhance the efficacy of the process. Massage helps break down scar tissue and encourages blood flow, aiding in the overall healing process.

d. Sun Protection

Shielding burn scars from harmful UV rays is crucial in preventing hyperpigmentation and worsening of scars. Always apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to the scarred area, even on cloudy days.

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