Muhammad Asif Raza 1 year ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #events

The Israel- Hamas War; Zionist, Western Nations & Muslims in Religious War

The Hamas led Palestinian contained in Gaza attacked Israel on Saturday 7th October 2023, a Sabbath Day and Yom Kippur for Jews. It was a surprise and world is terming it a war between Israel and Palestine. Is this a religious war? The Christian West & Zionist Israel consider it so. However, the Muslims are divided on many fronts including territorial boundaries. What should be the responsibility of Muslims in this Israel - Hamas War?

The Israel- Hamas War; Zionist, Western Nations & Muslims in Religious War

The Abrahamic religions have a great significance in the world today and political battle lines are drawn based on religious reasons. Hazrat Abraham (AS) is said to be the founder of monotheism in Arabian Lands today who preached the oneness of God some 4000 years ago. Abrahamic religions are usually considered to be Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

His grandchild Hazrat Jacob (AS) also called “Israel-meaning slave of God (ALLAH)” fathered 12 sons including the famous Hazrat Joseph (AS). The 12 sons gave rise to 12 tribes of Jews by the time of Hazrat Musa (AS) who was handed over the holy book “Torah” and thus Judaism came into being as a religion with a revealed code of life. However, the Jews State came into reality many years later under the Prophet David(AS). The Jews state was demolished twice and it ceased to exist before the birth of Jesus Christ (AS).

The last of Jews Prophet was Hazrat Essa / Jesus (AS) who was revealed with the holy book “Bible”; but the Jews declined to accept him as prophet. Nevertheless, the Bible found followers outside Judaism and became a religion of its own as Christianity and they named their prophet as Jesus Christ (AS). The Christian State came into being after the conversion of Roman King into Christianity. With passing time all the western nations adopted Christianity as religion.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was revealed the Holy Book Quran in Mecca and he migrated to Medinah and established a Muslim State. This Islam spread throughout the Arab Lands and went to all corners of Asia and Africa. Today, the strength of the followers of Islam is about Two billion Muslims out of Eight billion world’s population.

Ironically, the world demography presents a clear picture of divide on the basis of religion although the territorial boundaries have been drawn on political basis. This is not just a coincidence but appears to be well orchestrated plan for a battle or war in the future. It all started a century ago.

The Islamic Nations were under a Caliphate namely Ottoman Empire and the map below shows the spread in 1913. The Palestine was part of a great mass of land named Arabistan. There were no territorial conflict, no restrictions on the movement of humans and none dis-contentment among masses. Then came Theodor Herzl, who was an Austro Hungarian Ashkenazi Jew, presented a protocol for the establishment of a Jews State in 1896. He is termed as father of modern political Zionism. He promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine in an effort to create a country “Israel” as known to World today. He died too early; i.e. 1904, but was successful in forming a movement that was led by other Jews till the desired result. 

The Zionist Jews movement gained a lot of momentum and the world powers who were mainly colonial masters as well, including USA; which in the beginning of 20th century was not a formidable player on world a stage. The great game was to be played in Europe, which was mostly Christians and Asia which was mostly Muslims. The WW-I was staged and the great Ottoman Empire was broken into pieces and many Muslim Nation States were formed. These also created territorial boundaries, thus free movement of inhabitants were restricted; and conflicts of various kinds emerged between newly formed countries.

The colonial masters might have vacated the colonial lands but they along with USA master minded certain plans to keep the freed nations under control; politically, economically and territorially. One such treachery was the establishment of Israel in the heart of Muslim’s Faith. The Holy Masjid e Aqsa is located in Palestine, which is also the first Qibla and is the 3rd most revered place of worship for Muslims. All the Muslims have deep emotional feelings for the Masjid which has special mention in the Holy Book Quran and also in the preaching of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The British government, 106 years ago; in November 1917 signed the Balfour Declaration, which laid the foundation for Israel. At the end of WW-I, then the largest political power of the world United Kingdom gave a declaration to Mr Rothschild, the leader of the Zionist Jews for a home land in Palestine; as shown below:-

The Muslim world was in chaos and they were engulfed in the battle for survival soon after WW-I; and the Palestinian were too feeble to tackle the giant trouble at their doors. The World Powers were engaged into a new game and their aim was to establish the vested interest in a well-designed method. They first rolled out an organization named League of Nation to control all the political international affairs along with trade and industry of the world. However, in 1939, WW-II engulfed the world; however, it mainly remained concentrated in the Europe with part of Asia and Africa. The WW-II ended with the emergence of United Nations Organization. The UNO was a tool that ensured establishment of Nation States and their recognition by the other states of the world under the umbrella of UNO. The main aim that has never been stated was recognition of Israel as an independent state despite the fact that a majority of Muslim countries denounced the formation of the Zionist Jews home land in Palestine. The West wanted a bogey state in the middle east for its vested interests; listen to current US President Joe Biden explaining in 1986

“United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect our interests in Middle East”

The main reason for the establishment of Israel with Jerusalem as capital was religious and clearly stated in below video:-

The UNO and the western powers have adopted few mantras and they have been repeating that over and over again and those key words are “Freedom, Liberty, Fraternity, Democracy, Human Rights and Negotiated Settlements”. They encouraged and supported all kinds of Non Democratic, Autocratic, In-Humane rulers in the Muslim countries and didn’t allow any sane effort for the cultivation of free speech and sane narrative building. They west funded all kind of extremist and fringe actors in the 3rd world countries including the Muslims. They managed to shove a narrative that Muslims are extremist, fundamentalist and non-human.

The turn of century and millennium saw 9/11 action in USA and new world order was rolled out after that. The main focus was a threat “You are with Us or against Us”. Since then the world saw a new narrative where the might is right replaced the negotiated settlement slogan. The buzz word terrorism and terrorist was branded and Muslims were regarded as threat to world’s peace. The poster as shown below flooded the world of propaganda in huge numbers:

The west and the allies in other parts of the world adopted the buzz words and adopted hard measures against Muslims in minority under their reigns. Palestine and Kashmir are two glaring examples. The Non-Muslim countries unleashed many tyrannical measures to suppress the right causes of minority Muslims living in those countries. The real terrorist activities sponsored by despots and unruly countries of the world have been neglected like Israel & India. Here in a clip, the US electronic media (MSNBC) is showing its bias with Israel.

No one can deny the Holocaust in America; it’s the law. Similarly, you cannot acknowledge the NAKBA in Israel; it’s hypocrisy. This is the real face of Zionism. The Israel- Gaza War has now exposed the double face, bigotry and hypocrisy of the civilized world as well. Here in the following links the hypocrisy of the west can be seen. One is from France and other form Germany. Others are also showing true colors.

The Responsibility of Muslim Nations in Israel-Hamas War

The guiding principle for any individual or collective response for any Muslim shall come from Quran and the Teaching of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). There are five fundamental pillars of Islam, Kalma, Salah, Fasting, Zakat, Hajj; however, the sixth fundamental element that has been side lined in these times is “Jihad”. It’s the core of Islam, and many dictums have been affixed in Quran

. وَ مَا لَکُمۡ لَا تُقَاتِلُوۡنَ فِیۡ سَبِیۡلِ اللّٰہِ وَ الۡمُسۡتَضۡعَفِیۡنَ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ وَ النِّسَآءِ وَ الۡوِلۡدَانِ الَّذِیۡنَ یَقُوۡلُوۡنَ رَبَّنَاۤ اَخۡرِجۡنَا مِنۡ ہٰذِہِ الۡقَرۡیَۃِ الظَّالِمِ اَہۡلُہَا ۚ وَ اجۡعَلۡ لَّنَا مِنۡ لَّدُنۡکَ وَلِیًّا ۚ ۙ وَّ اجۡعَلۡ لَّنَا مِنۡ لَّدُنۡکَ نَصِیۡرًا ﴿ؕ۷۵﴾ سورۃ النساء

And how could you refuse to fight in the cause of God and of the utterly helpless men and women and children who are crying, "O our Sustainer! Lead us forth [to freedom] out of this land whose people are oppressors, and raise for us, out of Thy grace, a protector, and raise for us, out of Thy grace, one who will bring us succour!"

The above is just one reference where “JIHAD” has been declared Compulsory for all Muslims. The one who does not take up “Jihad” without reason will be sinful. However, Jihad is Farz e Ain for some and obligatory for some in certain situations.

The Main responsibility of the Jihad in Israel- Hamas War rests with Arabs as they are directly affected by the crises. The foremost responsible nation outside Arabs is Pakistan as the country was carved out of India / Bharat/ Hindustan to be a fort of Islam and is the only nuclear Muslim state of the world and has strong Armed Forces. No amount of reasons or logic can be given to shield away the Muslims of Pakistan, from this core fundamental religious duty to defend the Masjid e Aqsa and help the Palestinian from the cruel and brutal oppressions of Zionist Jews of Israel. All other Muslim Nations are similarly responsible for advancing moral, financial, and diplomatic and personnel support to the Muslims of Palestine.

The Book of ALLAH Quran and the teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH) don’t distinguish Muslims in cast, creed, colour and races; and addresses whole as people who believe or Muslims. The Quran says:

وَ لَا تَهِنُوْا وَ لَا تَحْزَنُوْا وَ اَنْتُمُ الْاَعْلَوْنَ اِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُّؤْمِنِیْنَ(139) سورۃ آل عمران

Be not, then, faint of heart, and grieve not: for you are bound to rise high if you are [truly] believers Quran has strongly guided against division on any basis as seen today in the world

وَ اعْتَصِمُوْا بِحَبْلِ اللّٰهِ جَمِیْعًا وَّ لَا تَفَرَّقُوْا۪-وَ اذْكُرُوْا نِعْمَتَ اللّٰهِ عَلَیْكُمْ اِذْ كُنْتُمْ اَعْدَآءً فَاَلَّفَ بَیْنَ قُلُوْبِكُمْ فَاَصْبَحْتُمْ بِنِعْمَتِهٖۤ اِخْوَانًاۚ-وَ كُنْتُمْ عَلٰى شَفَا حُفْرَةٍ مِّنَ النَّارِ فَاَنْقَذَكُمْ مِّنْهَاؕ-كَذٰلِكَ یُبَیِّنُ اللّٰهُ لَكُمْ اٰیٰتِهٖ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَهْتَدُوْنَ(103) سورۃ آل عمران And hold fast, all together, unto the bond with God, and do not draw apart from one another. And remember the blessings which God has bestowed upon you: how, when you were enemies, He brought your hearts together, so that through His blessing you became brethren; and [how, when] you were on the brink of a fiery abyss. He saved you from it. In this way God makes clear His messages unto you, so that you might find guidance

It is concluded that western Christian Nations and The Zionist Jews State Israel has imposed brutal oppressions upon the Muslims of Palestine for religious reasons and built and propagated a narrative of fighting terrorism. The whole of Christianity and Judaism are waiting and preparing for “Rapture, The Tribulation and Kingdom Age” and “Armageddon”.

It is compulsory for all Muslims to fight the war against Zionist Jews as a religious duty for no worldly gains. All Muslim must know that they are answerable to ALLAH on the Day of Judgment for worldly deeds. The closing of eye or looking other way or dilly delaying for reasons of loss & gains will not benefit any of the Muslim in any way. The enemy is cunning and ruthless; it will come to all, one after the other, as ordained in their screwed vision and mission statements.


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