Muhammad Asif Raza 3 months ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #informative

Autumn Vibes of November; F9 Fatima Jinnah Park Islamabad

Islamabad is Capital City of Pakistan, which is Ninth most populous city of the country and is federally administered by Pakistan Government as a part of Islamabad Capital Territory. The nature has bestowed our habitat Earth, with four seasons; spring, summer, Autumn, Winter, and all of them have its own colours, sounds and vibes. This write up is about “Autumn Vibes” feelings of nature in the month of November at F-9 Fatima Jinnah Park Islamabad.

Autumn Vibes of November; F9 Fatima Jinnah Park Islamabad

Mà Sha ALLAH. Four Majestic and winter scenes of F 9 Park , Islamabad, have been highlighted ostentatiously in glamorous and decorous, in mega sterlingly in elevated and in panoramic in pristine , depicted in verdant in exhibiting charms and wonders of winter season of F 9 Park in solemnity and in flauntino and damask styles travagantly have been highlighted ethereally in radiant , showy and brightly colored and delicacies of plants and trees in golden, yellow and red and green colours are grandiose and sumptuously showed in twilled linings and tissue voile in beatitude sights and garnished and intrigued wondrous views are blissful and felicitously and welcomely highlighted ravishingly and mesmerizingly picturized splendiferously. 

Weather, coldness, wet , rainy and chilly weather change the colours of trees and plants, enchanctressly and nimbly.climate turns the colours into golden.,red and yellow and purple in shades by the spellbound beauties of nature grandiloquently and ritzly as depicted into the F 9 Park in opulent and aureately picturized strikingly in blithesome and in mirthfully also. 

F 9 Park of Islamabad is known as Fatima Jinnah Park , of F 9 Islamabad. It is recreational park , named after Madar e Millat Fatima Jinnah, the younger sister of the founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It is named after Madar e Millat, Fatima Jinnah the younger sister of the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the father of two nations theory. It has covered 304 hectares (750 acres). It was opened in 1992, 32 years ago, its designer is Michael Japero and was inaugurated in the same year ,1992. It's entry starts at 10. 30 am to 11 pm. . It has covered 304 hectares ( 750 acres of land) .

It is just like New York's central park , it's master plan prepared by the Japan's international cooperation agency was revised in 2005 by Pakistan Architect Nayyar Ali Dada. F 9 Park is covered by extensive greenery, the park is bounded by a steel fence with entrance doors placed , at regular intervals , although only a few are routinely open and used. Park 9 is used for walking, and for outdoor sports activities. It was renovated and inaugurated as leisure Arena on 21 Dec 2019. It includes a sports zone with a standard length swimming pool , a gym and labs for table tennis and snooker. The complex also includes facilities for bowling, arcade games and laser and other games, and Mc Donald's, fast food restaurant and several clubs , like Aero modeling club , operated inside F 9 Park . It is established and operated in 2023 . 

Solar power plant was operated in F 9 Park in 2017, installed on an area of around five acres inside 750 acres . It is costed by $ 4. 8 million, which was provided by the Chinese government as a grant and supplied power for the offices of the Metropolitan corporation, Islamabad and capital Development Authority. Lakes ,rock gardens, and aquariums and fountains, walking track and beneficiaries are beings availed to tourists, travellers and hikers etc to freshen themselves by fresh and fragrant atmosphere in twilled linings and to feel relax and jovial by soothing and peaceful atmosphere by all zeal and valour in enthusiasm and credibly and preciously also. All four picturesques have depicted the charisma of nature amiably and in Georgette and taffeta mesmerizingly in fairness and comely styles fetchingly and jazzily and blessedly and affectionately also. 

Best wishes to All Residents of Islamabad and Mr Muhammad Ashar at Foto Talks on Facebook for making above 04 clicks. 

Regard. Mrs

#muhammadasharphotography #autumn #islamabad #park #capitalcity

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