The western world has been breathing the politics under democratic norms where people are associated with various concepts; such as conservatives, democratic, liberals and others. Here in this article Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin has expressed the concerns for liberals and asked for unison from right-left politicians. This article also takes a historical view on politics in Pakistan wrt the article of Alexander Dugin on western politics.
A Right-Left Union against Liberals & Pakistan
by Alexander Dugin (@Agdchan)
In the West, there are both excellent right-wing and very respectable left-wing figures. For instance, the AfD (Alternative for Germany) is a remarkable right-wing movement, and Sahra Wagenknecht is an outstanding leftist. In the United States, there are right-wing figures like Trump and Vance, but also leftists like Tulsi Gabbard and Kennedy. This pattern exists everywhere.
However, there are also globalists — like Mélenchon, who, in a critical moment, saved liberal Macron from the people’s uprising led by Marine Le Pen. Additionally, there are European far-right individuals who join forces with Nazis from the Azov battalion to fight against us. These far-right individuals conveniently ignore the fact that Zelensky is a Jewish liberal clown, a drug addict, and a pervert. How can these people be considered right-wing? They are merely service dogs on the liberal NATO leash.
This situation is mirrored in our own country. We have honest right-wing patriots, Orthodox Christians, monarchists, and even (God forgive them, they do not understand what they are calling themselves) “ethnic Russian nationalists” — who, in truth, are holding the front lines. Equally, there are honest left-wing patriots who are heroes of the Special Military Operation. But then, there is also the scum that attacks Putin from the right and Ilyin1 from the left. It is the same story everywhere.
Thus, both the right and the left can have reasonable, honorable people, but they can also have those who are not. However…
When it comes to liberals, it is a different story. There are no good liberals. All liberals are aligned with the world government and Western hegemony. Anyone on their side is an absolute enemy of both true right-wing and true left-wing people. This is because capitalism is pure evil and must be destroyed from both the right and the left, simultaneously.
It is liberals — people like Soros — who manipulate unaware “right-wingers” and corrupt, decaying “left-wingers” to serve their own interests.
We need a union of the right and the left against the liberals. This is what we need, both within Russia and beyond.
True right-wing and left-wing figures represent the people. Liberals, on the other hand, represent the comprador elite. There are no good liberals. A good liberal is one who is absent or, at the very least, a former liberal. There is no use trying to argue that not all liberals are the same — they are. The right and the left can be different. But all liberals are united.
1. Translator’s note: Ilyin refers to Ivan Ilyin (1883-1954), a Russian philosopher, monarchist, political theorist, and prominent figure in the Russian émigré community after the Bolshevik Revolution. He is best known for his conservative views and his advocacy for a Russian authoritarian state based on Orthodox Christian principles.
2. Available on
When the British Crown liberated the Indo-Pak subcontinent in 1947, it was merely a formal independence; because there was no significant difference in the lives of those who populated these lands and the reason for this was that the laws of the British Crown under which they kept India as slaves remained in force. And the great irony was that the same government employees remained in powers, who were employed by the British for achieving their purposes; Yes, only the faces on top positions changed; the British Crown’s men disappeared and the local man became president, prime minister, etc. The entire arrangement of the laws remained the same, but is still in force today.
But the most destructive was the system of teaching and learning i.e. education system under which the British kept the people of the subcontinent in the trap of mental and intellectual slavery. The wisdom required that the educational system should have been organized according to its culture and land and Pakistan; whose establishment was based on Islam as a religion; the system of state, government, politics, economy and law and justice should have been established for the pleasure of Allah Subhan Taala. But it didn't happen.
There used to be a king before the British on these lands; and his ministers and companions were employed; there were governors and nawabs and the rest were human beings who lived their lives; according to the religion of which they were adherents. It should be remembered that the majority of the commoners were Hindus. It can be said that among hundreds of gods and idols there lived Muslims who believed in one Allah. There was no progressive or free-thinking creature nor were conservatives or opposites (so called right wing or left wing) on a political and intellectual level.
After the occupation of India, the British introduced a unique educational system which was not practiced even in their own country; that education system was for slave India. The foundation and strength of that education system was that it was without religion and without God. It was firmly associated with science and the test of right and truth was placed on science. The weakness and disability of science is that its theories and laws are not based on ethics and morals. All kinds of religion were driven out by the teaching of science. Those who benefited from the British educational system were unloved vessels. Those educated people were irreligious whose standards of morals and civilization were set by their academic teachers. That standard of conduct and civilization was completely different from the world outside those schools. There were Bhagwan,, Ram, Deities and ALLAH in the outside world; and the entire efforts of those learned men were for the pleasure of the British crown.
The British government also created a political chess game drama for British India, starting with the creation of the Congress Party. Then the educated and ruling class approved by Crown formed various types of parties in politics and divided the people of the country. Those were basically non-religious people and were free from the restrictions of religion, but the people from whom they had to seek vote were God-fearing, so those educated people created an amazing style of politics, which has no other example in the world. Then the religious parties came into existence, which continued to take the name of religion, but remained content to run the British system of governance. In this way, an absurd system has been established in Pakistan, due to which the people involved in politics have gained monetarily and the hunger and poverty has only increased for commoners.
There is no right or left wing politics in Pakistan today. All are liberals without naming as such. The purpose and goal of all is gaining wealth and the acquisition of power. Today, all the ruling elites are wealthy and most of their wealth is kept outside the country. The country and the people are helpless and weak. All the sources of politics and power have become profitable and all those who hold the office of the nation are happy in the corridor of luxury. Hoping for the development of the country and the nation from them will be like a dream to bring down the stars from the sky. The only thing that can be done today is to enact a formal legislation to ban the acquisition of wealth for all in national power and official positions and to execute them even on the slightest suspicion. All the positions of the national duty in the country should be dedicated to public service so that only those who really have the spirit of public service may step into it.
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