A Comprehensive Guide for Introducing Solids to Infants
meerab 1 year ago
meerab #health

A Comprehensive Guide for Introducing Solids to Infants

Here you can get complete guide about the nutrition of your infants, when to start solid meal, amount of meal and much more.


Babies are so dearest to their mothers. A mother always remains conscious about the health of her babies. As babies grow, their mothers change their feeding habits according to their needs. From 1 to 6 months, pediatrician do not allow babies to engulf any solids; instead, babies only feed on milk. At 6 months of age, breast milk is still essential. However, more is needed. In addition to breast milk, you'll need to start giving your baby solid foods as they become bigger. If you want you’re infant to breastfeed for as long as possible, wait to introduce stable meals until after or in between feeding sessions.

Do you know??? You should not give Cow's milk to your baby as it contains heavy proteins that the baby's stomach is not designed to digest. If your baby is not breastfeeding, you should give them formula milk that suits your baby. Remember, Cow's milk is for a cow's baby, not your baby. It is crucial to ensure that your infant stays healthy when introducing solid foods. Germs may easily be transferred from their hands to their mouths as babies crawl and investigate new things by holding them in their hands. Always wash your hands with soap before preparing food and feeding to prevent illness from spreading.

First Solid Meal of Your Honey:

When your baby reaches above the age of 6 months, they start learning how to chew food. The first solid food of your baby should be soft and healthy, can quickly pass through the guts, and is easy to digest, like mashed fruits and vegetables. It should be highly nutritious, and in starting, you should give them two to three tablespoons so that your baby's stomach becomes habitual of it. It might be possible that your baby refuses to eat the solid foods you offer him due to their flavor. They often take 2 to 3 days to adjust routine. Give them adequate solids, and do not stuff more food into their mouth because this will not make them healthy; this silly step can disturb their stomach.

Feeding Schedule for 6-8 Months Infant; Time to Introduce Solids:

At this time, you should start a half cup of soft solid food like soft rice and soft porridge, etc....… twice to thrice a day. Porridge is one of the best solid nutrition for infants, but it should not be too watery as watery porridge has no doles. But there is one important thing: introduce solid food into your baby's diet, but do not cease giving breast milk to his/her at this time.

Feeding Schedule for 9-11 Months Infant; Taste Buds Experiencing New Flavours:

As time passes, your baby develops more senses, learns new things and consumes more energy. Therefore, adding more flavours and nutrients to his/her diet is also necessary. When your baby reaches the age of nine months, you should give half to a full cup of soft and chunky food three to four times a day, along with breastfeeding. Try pieces of fruits and vegetables other than mashed. Try bite-size pieces that are easily chewed and easy to handle because, at this age, the baby starts picking the food. Count every bite size and choose the food according to the baby's liking. Moreover, consuming foods that are high in energy and nutrients is essential. In addition to cereals and potatoes, you should ensure that your infant consumes vegetables and fruits, legumes and seeds, a little oil or fat, and most importantly, animal foods (dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, and poultry) daily. Your child has the most excellent chance of receiving all the nutrients they need if you feed them different meals. Do not push your infant to eat a new meal if they gag or spit it out. Give it another go in a few days. You may also try combining it with another meal your infant enjoys eating, or you could drizzle some breast milk over it.


Introducing solid nutrients into your infant's life is a remarkable experience for a mother, filled with love and attention. A mother should craft a timetable for feeding her Honey. This will not only make your routine comfortable but also help your baby explore new flavours and seek the required nutrients as well. Ensure that you give your growing infant a complete and healthy diet. Keep enjoying every moment of your eye's apple…………. Stay happy!!!!.


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