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The Pillars of Knowledge: Exploring the World of Islamic Scholars

Islamic Scholars, famous Islamic Scholars, Ilyas Raza Qadri, Nauman Ali Khan, DR. Israr Ahmed

Islamic Scholar

Muslim scholars are known as Alim (singular) or Ulama (plural), such individuals have gone through the process of extensive training, research, and education in Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and other Islam-related fields. Ulama is considered a highly knowledgeable person regarding the teachings of Islam in every aspect. They play a vital role in different aspects of Islamic scholarship and Islam-related life. Some of the key considerations related to Islamic scholars are given below: Islamic law expertise Some of the Muslim scholars have been qualified to a level that they can give their verdict regarding religious rulings known as “Fatwas” on different issues. Such fatwas help Muslims to make their decisions in light of Islamic ethics and principles in their daily life. Training and education Muslim scholars undergo the process of rigorous training and proper education in Islamic studies. That includes extensive study related to the Quran, Aqeedah (theology), Hadith “sayings of our beloved prophet (PBUH)”, Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), and Arabic language. Some of them also pursue extensive studies and advanced degrees in the subject of Islamic sciences. Teaching Some of the Muslim scholars chose the profession of teaching. They serve as lecturers, educators, and teachers in the Islamic institutes that include universities and Islamic schools known as ‘madrassas’. In short, they play a vital role in providing education to young Muslims. Sermons or preaching the Islamic principles In the Islamic gatherings as well as in mosques the Muslim scholars give speeches and sermons to invite people towards their creator. In this way, they guide people and give them Islamic instructions for the betterment of their lives because Islam is a complete code of life. Guidance If a person is facing any kind of moral or personal dilemma he/she can seek guidance from religious scholars. Scholars can give such people religious advice for the betterment of their lives. Interpretation of Hadith and Quran Due to their extensive exposure to the knowledge of Islam, they are skilled in interpreting the Hadiths, sayings of our prophet (PBUH), and the Quranic verses. They provide explanations as well as context for the principles and teachings that are encapsulated within the sacred text. Writing and Research Various Islamic scholars have engaged themselves in writing articles, books, and scholarly research on different aspects of religion. Their research work in return helps Muslims to develop a true understanding of their religion. Roles in leadership In some situations, Muslim scholars are also given leadership roles inside their communities in order to pass judgments within the boundaries prescribed by Islamic principles. Such scholars serve as Qadis in different legal matters. Interfaith dialogues Some of the Muslim scholars also participate in discussions and interfaith dialogues in order to solve conflicting religious matters prevailing in the Muslim community. To promote mutual understanding and cooperation just to discourage the idea of an extensive sect system. Community service Muslim scholars also play a vital role in providing community services in the society. They provide humanitarian efforts and charity in the light of Islamic values like social justice and values of compassion etc.

Famous Islamic Scholars

There are various renowned Islamic scholars, who have earned so much respect because of their contributions in the world of Islamic scholarship. They have made countless contributions to the world of Islamic theology, philosophy, and science. Some of the scholars from different time periods are mentioned below:

1. Ibn Rushd (1126-1198)

2. Ibn Sina (980-1037)

3. Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328)

4. Al-Farabi (872-950)

5. Al-Ghazali (1058-1111)

6. Ibn Arabi (1165-1240)

7. Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)

8. Ibn Battuta (1304-1377)

9. Al-Kindi (c. 801-873)

10. Ibn al-Haytham (965-1040)

It is to be noted that these are only a few examples of notable Islamic scholars from the past. They all have left a lasting impact in different fields of Islamic knowledge. Their knowledge has basically enriched the scholarship of Islam and they have opened the doors of more research related to different aspects of Islam. 

Islamic Scholars in USA

In the United States of America, there are several renowned scholars, religious leaders, and educators who are working for the cause of Islam. However, all these scholars are from different backgrounds, they represent different schools of thought and traditions as well. Some of the notable Muslim scholars are mentioned below:

· Dr. Sherman Jackson

· Dr. Ingrid Mattson

· Dr. Hamza Yousaf

· Imam Zaid Shakir

· Dr. Yasir Qadhi

· Imam Zaid Shakir

· Dr. Ovamir Anjum

· Dr. Jonathan Brown

· Imam Sohaib Webb

· Dr. Dalia Fahmy

Nouman Ali Khan is another renowned Islamic speaker in the United States of America. He has served the Muslim community in unimaginable ways. He is a founder of an institute named “Bayyinah”, this institute is working to spread the knowledge of Islam. It is also providing different courses for learning the Arabic language. He has developed a very well-organized app known as “Bayyinah”. That contains a tafseer (deeper look) at different Surahs of the Quran in both audio and video forms. His work no doubt has had a very positive influence on the lives of many Muslims. He has converted the complex and complicated concepts of religion to very accessible and easy-to-understand forms. 

Famous Islamic Scholars in Pakistan

Mufti-Taqi Usmani

He is no doubt a very prestigious and respected Islamic author, jurist, and scholar in Pakistan. In the Muslim world, he is well-known for his expertise in the fields like Islamic Fiqh and Islamic finance. He is also known as an Islamic economist because of his expertise in the subject. He was a teacher in “Darul-Uloom Karachi”, where he used to teach students from around the globe. He played a vital role in the development of several Sharia-compliant products and they resultantly enhanced Islamic finance and banking around the world.

Dr. Israr Ahmad

Dr. Israr Ahmad was a famous Pakistani theologian, scholar, and preacher of Islam. He is considered one of the best scholars because of his struggles in promoting education related to various fields of Islam. He formulated “Tanzeem e Islam”. The purpose of the institute was to revive the values and norms of Islam in Pakistani society. 

Ilyas Raza Qadri

He is a religious speaker and a well-known scholar. He is linked with the Sunni Barelvi sect of Islam. He is recognized in the Muslim community because of his preaching of the principles of Islam, spirituality, as well as love for the Prophet (PBUH). 

Female Islamic Scholars

Female Islamic scholars are often known as Alima (singular) or Alimat (plural), they have played a crucial role in Islamic education and scholarship. They have made very important contributions to the field of Islamic knowledge. Some of the female scholars are given below: Dr. Ingrid Mattson Dr. Amina Wadud Sheikhah Fariha (Fatima al Jerrahi) Dr. Laila Al-Marayati Dr.Riffat Hassan Maryam Amir Dr. Farhat Hashmi Dr. Aziza al Hibri

Steps to Become An-Islamic Scholar

Well, becoming an Islamic scholar is a process of lifelong struggle. It requires so much dedication, hard work, learning, research, and spiritual development. Also, it demands a very deep connection of a person to the study of Islamic theology and its related areas of education. Some of the basic steps one can follow are provided below:

· Learn Arabic

· Search for a strong foundation in the basics of religion

· Be very decisive when it comes to choosing a scholar for teaching

· Emphasize the Quranic studies and Hadith learning

· Choose a field for specialization

· Sharing knowledge and teaching

· Engage yourself in extensive research

· Spiritual growth

· Ethical development

· Continual learning

· Authorization (seek ijazah)

· Community service

Even after following all the above-mentioned steps, one must keep in mind that becoming an Islamic scholar is a very lengthy and hectic process that needs lifelong dedication. It demands humility to a level that even after gaining so much knowledge there is always room for more learning. It is because the sacred book (Quran) is a deep ocean of wisdom so, even after spending years of learning there is always room for betterment and gaining more wisdom through the word of Allah. This is also very important to realize that learning the Quran is not a simple task so, engage yourself in seeking help from renowned scholars that might help you improve your understanding and build a very genuine connection to this sacred text. Last but not least one must try to uphold the moral and ethical standards that are the benchmarks for an Islamic scholar. 

Final Word

Religious scholars among Muslims are considered as the most respected figures in the Muslim community around the globe. Their guidance and opinions actually carry a lot of weight because of their knowledge. Within the scholarship of Islam, there are several schools of thought and different approaches, there are some conflicts as well regarding different issues among the scholars of different sects. At some point, the interpretation of hadith and verses is also varying. In addition to this seniority of Islamic scholarship varies depending upon the extent of a scholar’s knowledge. Some have gained more education and higher degrees in Islamic studies. 

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