jd 1 year ago

The Circumstances which People Faced after 1971

There was a recorded discussion in the Bangbox Online studio that took place on December 07, 2022. The guest was Cdr. M Asif Raza(R). The main focus of the discussion was basically to discuss, there had a lot of oppression on the Pakistanis who were left in Bengal, According to those who stayed there, they were wronged a lot. Those people who were from Bengal were stuck in Pakistan and those who were Pakistani were stuck in Bengal, how much effect do people have when Bengal separated from Pakistan? and what are the circumstances people faced after the 16 December 1971 war?

Cdr. M Asif Raza(R) discusses the Circumstances in which People Faced after the 16 December 1971 war, he said, we were one country, Pakistan, and this land was our mother, and we divided it. I already told you that, so we had divide already done a dead body that had to be divided, some people are unlucky when they are affected and not when the separation is done. History tells us that when there is destruction/ partition/ divide between nations, people have to pay the price. When asked they said what was our fault? There is no answer to any question in history that when the tragedy happened, you were unfortunately there, because of which you will have to pay for it, when this type of tragedy happens, some people have bad luck, so they pay the price, while some people have good luck, People who do tragedies are without conscience, if someone benefits from someone's loss, then he will be without conscience, a person with a conscience would never benefit from someone's loss. If someone takes advantage of a nation's disintegration, how can it rest if its conscience is alive? it is not possible. If one is crying and the other is laughing, then it is a matter of bad luck. Don't waste your time talking about these people because these people can be the cause of someone's sorrow but not happiness. Telling the people, we have seen the time of destruction and that sensible nations learn their lessons so that they do not repeat the same mistakes. The meaning of this tragedy is not to insult anyone, don’t underestimate anyone, the status of the nation is beyond us. Schools’ syllabus is not in detail and cannot teach a small child the same topic in school. But we can teach this subject-wise topic at college and university levels. Whether you are becoming an engineer or a doctor or pursuing science or pursuing arts, you must study this subject. The 16 December 1971 war is a story; the 16 December 1971 war is the story of the failure as a nation. 16 December 1971 war is the history that we were not able to make our nation stand in one place. Tell what the enemy has done and what we have done mistakes in the past. Do not go through the mistakes of the past and tell the generation, today we have 5 provinces in this country, 4 provinces, and Kashmir, there are two separate areas in Kashmir, East Kashmir and West Kashmir and there is Gilgit-Baltistan in Kashmir. The area of Kashmir belonging to Pakistan is called Azad Kashmir and the area belonging to India is called Jammu Kashmir. This issue can again repeat the 16 December 1971 war, if we don’t control it. Finally, Cdr. M Asif Raza(R) said, this is the subject that should be part of schools and colleges' academic syllabus, but it is never taught in detail at the university level, future generations should not mistake like the 16 December 1971 war and learn lessons from the mistakes of the past.

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