Muhammad Asif Raza 6 months ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #education

Poem "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth

'I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,' also known as 'Daffodils,' is a poem by William Wordsworth. It is considered a lyric poem. The poem praises the beauty of the many daffodils in the hillside as they dance in the sun. The theme of the poem is that beautiful memories of nature can cheer one in later times through the power of imagination. This commentary on this famous poem has been written by Mrs Shahnaz Haidery

Poem "Daffodils" by William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth ( 7 April,1770 _23 April 1850 , was an English Romantic poet, who depicted the poetic dictions, reflected of spontaneous overflow of powerful passion. He practiced the artificial poetry of the pseudo classical age. His poetry is an expression of the inner urges of the soul in the soul.wordsworth was a revolutionary poet and his practice in his thoughts ,which galvanized his unique sense of philosophical social and political forces of his time. 

William Wordsworth wrote an evening walk , four years , he wrote his masterpiece," lyrical Ballads", that changed the Scenario of English Poetry to a certain romanticism , literally and logically. His poetic expressions, described the things in a convectional poetic medium and techniques . He aroused or reawakened the original perception,the poetic sense , have been obtrusively applauded by the readers to the larger extent radiantly and impressively. 

William Wordsworth was a dramatic poet, liked by the readers by the methods , those adopted in Augustan age. Wordsworth in 1800 wrote the famous ," preface to the lyrical Ballads" in which he developed his views of nature of the poetic process or poetic creation, the purpose of poetry and the language most suitable for it. In the poem , "Immortality ode, is one of Wordsworth's most controlled and illuminating's works. It deals with a child's stages of growth and development. 

William Wordsworth wrote several poems , his marvelous poems are as "Resolution and independence "," Lucy Cray", "Daffodils" and wrote many fantastic poems , those are being considered as huge milestones in English literature. Those poems are being known as the assets and wealth of the great poet of his innovative brain. 

At present , William Wordsworth has been zealously understood as the patron of the Romantic school of poetry, their precious values will be remembered as long as English literature will be lasted by effulgency and spellbound beauties of English language and a visionary integrity and a rhetorical force will have their own high splendor and all verbosity and theirs optimistic and liberality and revolutionary fervour and idealism , rhythms and melody music and symbolism and imagery , expression of the exalted, and spiritual rapture and masterpiece approaches of nature and landscapes will be existed.  

William Wordsworth's poem "Daffodils",is a beautiful poem of daffodils, yellow and white in colours enchanctressly and nimbly. Daffodils is fascinated poems, divided into four stanzas. It depicted the impression of the poet on glancing the daffodils  when he walked in the country side of England's lake District . The poet walked peacefully like a solitary cloud in the sky floating over hills and valleys. All of a sudden , yellow ,rows of flowers , made the poet to admire the beauties and charms and wonders, as well sublimities and Delicacies of yellow daffodils in sumptuous, alluring and peerlessly , stunning and satiny crepe and by all means of prettiness of glorification of mega stellar and charisma of nature, and beauteous styles of the growths of flowers affected the poet , to write a poem of daffodils in enchanted and in gorgeous procedures systematically and in an orderly ways , to express the lyrics jubilantly and in mesmerizedly manners also . 

In first stanza the Poet William Wordsworth, he wandered lonely and observed the clouds , those floating into the atmosphere, and embraced the vales and hilly areas and ridges prettily and charmingly. At such crucial moments he glanced the golden daffodils, those were awe some and inspired wizardly grown in solemnity, besides the lake beneath the trees and shrubs, and seemed dancing , revolving and aureately exhibited around by the blow of breezes in seductive and in pristine and spectacular in palatial and sublime and flamboyant in depiction gloriness and flavours of nature amiably.  

In second stanza the daffodils are blooming, shinning and fabulous in seeing, and twinkling and gleamingly depicted, on the milky way, such fragrant daffodils are grown at the margin of the bay in sprightly dancing and in swinging and changing their positions because of breezes. Gleeful and airy , cheery and breezy and zippy and chirpy styles of daffodils have been obtrusively glorified in plasticity and in flexibility zestfully and in wizard and whizzer ways as well as impressively in fairness styles also. 

In third stanza, the waves of the lake , and the daffodils which are grown adoringly and groovily, made the daffodils to revolve and twisted theirs positions, due to atmospheric pressure and the environment were influentially the daffodils to dance chimerically and robustly . In last stanza , the poet in his pensive mood he moved around and from his inward eye and glancing and observing the growths and blooming and glorifying , the seasonal colours and by water waves , tenderly and gently affected the daffodils to grow rapturously and conspicuously in engrossed and intrigued in all respects ostentatiously, closer to the margin of the lake bequestly and blissfully ardently as visible in twilled linings and tissue voile in beatitude styles immensely as well tantalizingly depicted ravishingly and superlatively also. 

In real  the poet William Wordsworth was overwhelmed by the beauty of daffodils. The leaves are bluish, green in colour and have a red midrib. Daffodils ( Narcissus pseudo cissus) bulb forming plant in the amaryllis family, widely cultivated , flowers are showy , trumpet like in shapes, those are grown in spring.

Daffodils are grown in n Northern Europe and are grown in temperate climates around the world. Daffodils are found in varieties of growths, in addition to the classic yellow in textures, and theirs petals are yellow, white ,pink or orange . Daffodils are included in kingdom of Plantae, Clade is Angiosperm, order is Asporagesles , family is Amaryllidaceae , Genus Narcissus.   

William Wordsworth's spouse was Mary Hutchinson. His relatives were Dorothy Wordsworth ( sister). Christopher words worth ( brother). Richard Wordsworth ( grandson) John Wordsworth ( nephew). William Wordsworth studied from St John's College Cambridge. 

William Wordsworth is best known for lyrical Ballads, co written with Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the Prelude a Romantic epic poem, chronicling the" growth of a poet's brain ". Wordsworth was an eminent, outstanding , scholarly minded, playwright and poet laureate from 1843 until his death on 23 April 1850. 

William Wordsworth wrote around 100 poems in creditable manners preciously. He is recognized as the father of Romantic poet who depicted laureate and is best known for lyrical Ballads in impressive and in flocculant, succinct and travagantly illustrated by all valour and zestfully glorified in his poetic dictions and rhymes and rhythms preciously and magnificently also.  

Best wishes and regard to Mrs for penning above commentary. 

The Central Idea, Main Theme and Summary of the poem "Daffodils"

A poem's core concept is the subject of the poem, or 'what it's about' if you like. While many shy away from poetry being 'about' something, at the end of the day, as it was written, the poet had something in mind, and that something, whatever it was or may have been, is the central concept.

The poem was composed in the year 1802. The title of the poem informs about the loneliness of the poet which he faces after the death of his brother. However, the endless view of the golden daffodils in a field across the lake filled him with joy. This view was the greatest gift of nature to him.

The theme of a poem is the message an author wants to communicate through the piece. The theme differs from the main idea because the main idea describes what the text is mostly about. Supporting details in a text can help lead a reader to the main idea.

The poem was composed in the year 1802. The title of the poem informs about the loneliness of the poet which he faces after the death of his brother. However, the endless view of the golden daffodils in a field across the lake filled him with joy. This view was the greatest gift of nature to him. The daffodils serve as a symbol of joy and inspiration, and Wordsworth's use of imagery and descriptive language creates a vivid picture of the natural world. Through the poem, Wordsworth conveys the idea that nature has the ability to uplift the human spirit and evoke a sense of wonder and awe.

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