Muhammad Asif Raza 3 days ago
Muhammad Asif Raza #events

Hello and Welcome March

The nature has bestowed our habitat Earth, with four seasons; spring, summer, Autumn, Winter, and all of them have its own colours, sounds and vibes. We have passed the last day of Leap Year February and this day is the 1st day of March; which is beginning of new Spring season. This write up "Hello and Welcome March" is about beginning of new hopes; fresh life emanating from mother nature. Spring is in the air, and so is the new month of March! Welcome, March, with all its beauty and wonder.

In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Hello and Welcome March


March (or Martius) was the first month in ancient Roman calendar, which consisted of 10 months only and January and February were added by Numa Pompilius in about 713 BC. March is now the third month in the Gregorian calendar and has 31 days. March is also the first month of spring in the northern half of the world and is named after Mars, the Roman god of war, because this was the time of year to resume military campaigns that had been interrupted by winter. Often, March's weather can be this ferocious. Have you ever heard of the saying, “March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb”? “Now when the primrose makes a splendid show, And lilies face the March-winds in full blow, And humbler growths as moved with one desire; Put on, to welcome spring, their best attire…” — William Wordsworth


The human race has gone through various cycles before making society and forming civilization. However, as the major part of humans have lived around rivers and remained dependent upon land for sustenance. Therefore, seasons were used for the calculation of the years and months were named based upon seasonal climatic conditions. The end of year has been winters and spring was the beginning of New Year. March is the 1st month of spring. “By March, the worst of the winter would be over. The snow would thaw, the rivers begin to run, and the world would wake into itself again.” — Neil Gaiman


As we know, Seasons are largely due to factors surrounding Earth's tilted axis as it revolves around the sun. There are four seasons distinguished by special climate conditions. The four seasons—spring, summer, autumn, and winter—follow one another regularly. The month of March marks the coming of Spring Equinox, when Northern hemisphere begins to move away from cold wintery weathers.

The word equinox comes from two Latin words meaning equal and night. The vernal equinox occurs in the Northern Hemisphere around March 20 or 21, when the Sun reaches the northbound celestial equator. The vernal equinox also marks the beginning of spring, which lasts up to the summer solstice, according to the astronomical concept of seasons. Charles Dickens wrote in "Great Expectations"; "It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."


One of the most enduring symbols associated with the Spring Equinox in Celtic traditions is that of the egg. Eggs, representing fertility, new life, and potential, were often central to rituals and customs surrounding the Equinox. This month of the year marks a period of exploration and new beginnings, full of possibilities and opportunities. Recognized as International Creativity Month and Self-Love Month, March encourages people to explore new hobbies, interests, skills, and passions. True Spring's best colours are usually warm greens, yellows, orangey reds, very peachy pinks and every shade of light brown from tan to palest beige. Elizabeth Gilbert said "After a certain age, time just drizzles down upon your head like rain in the month of March."


March born kids are very active and energetic all time, both physically and mentally. Mental exhaustion seems to never come to them. These adventurous ones do not let life go mundane. Neither they believe in thinking over the past, nor do they believe in anticipating the future. They dwell in the present. Florence says in "Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)" "And in the spring I shed my skin and it blows away with the changing winds," and The Flaming Lips says in "Can't Stop the Spring" that "You can crush the flowers, But you can't stop the spring." As a child we must know that "Let the winds of March carry you to new adventures" and "Each breeze in March carries the promise of a brighter tomorrow;" "March is nature’s way of saying, ‘Change is beautiful;" "In March, every bud is a silent promise of transformation;" "March mornings bring clarity, and clarity brings new beginnings;" "Let the winds of March blow away doubt, making space for courage;" "Growth begins in March, not in leaps, but in quiet, steady steps;" and the last piece for March born kids is that "The beauty of March lies in its quiet confidence to bring spring alive."

March Quotes

In the following some quotes from unknown wisdom sources are being narrated:-


"Welcome March, where clouds drift away to reveal new dreams." — Unknown

"March teaches us that endings lead to beginnings, just as winter melts into spring." — Unknown

"The seeds you plant in March will bloom brighter in the months ahead." — Unknown

"This month whispers, 'Don’t give up—you’re closer than you think.' " — Unknown

"March teaches us to weather every storm with grace and patience." — Unknown

"Stand tall like the daffodils of March, unafraid of the challenges ahead." — Unknown

"Welcome March with gratitude for new opportunities and endless possibilities." — Unknown

"March encourages us to focus on the light breaking through the clouds." — Unknown

"Find the joy in March’s small moments—they often carry the biggest lessons." — Unknown

"Welcome March! A fresh chapter begins, and it’s time to shine brighter than ever." — Unknown

"Let the winds of March carry your dreams forward with hope and anticipation." — Unknown

"With the arrival of March, leave the past behind and walk toward the future with purpose." — Unknown

"The new beginnings of March are like the first ray of sunlight—soft, but full of potential." — Unknown

"Positivity flows through the air of March—let it fill your spirit and fuel your dreams." — Unknown

"Every March morning is a blank canvas—make it vibrant with your energy and determination." — Unknown

"Let March fill you with the energy to take on new challenges, leaving self-doubt behind." — Unknown

March Poems


“Hello and Welcome March” is a celebration of the transition from winter to spring, capturing the essence of renewal and hope that the month of March symbolizes. It highlights the physical changes in the natural world, such as the melting snow, the blooming flowers, and the warmer weather, while also delving into the emotional impact these changes have on people. The poem personifies March as a bridge that guides the world through a transformative journey, ultimately leading to a reawakening of life and spirit. This is a testament to the cyclical nature of the seasons and the constant opportunity for renewal and growth that comes with each passing month.


March Thought by Hilda Conkling


I am waiting for the flowers

To come back:

I am alone,

But I can wait for the birds.

Poem "Hello March" by Nathaniel B.

In the thaw of winter's chill,

March arrives with a youthful thrill.

Beneath the snow, green tendrils peek,

Whispering tales of the spring they seek.


March's breath, a painter's stroke,

Colors the earth, awakens the oak.

Daffodils dance, a golden hue,

Welcoming skies of the brightest blue.


Raindrops play a rhythmic song,

Mending what winter's wrought wrong.

March, a bridge from cold to warm,

Guides the world through transformation's storm.


In its embrace, a promise kept,

Of life reborn, from dreams that slept.

Hello, March, with your light so tender,

You bring a hope, so pure and splendor.

Poem "To March" by Emily Dickinson

Dear March, come in!

How glad I am!

I looked for you before.

Put down your hat —

You must have walked —

How out of breath you are!

Dear March, how are you?

And the rest?

Did you leave Nature well?

Oh, March, come right upstairs with me,

I have so much to tell!


I got your letter, and the birds';

The maples never knew

That you were coming, — I declare,

How red their faces grew!

But, March, forgive me —

And all those hills

You left for me to hue;

There was no purple suitable,

You took it all with you.


Who knocks? That April!

Lock the door!

I will not be pursued!

He stayed away a year, to call

When I am occupied.

But trifles look so trivial

As soon as you have come,

That blame is just as dear as praise

And praise as mere as blame.

A March Motto by Anonymous

Month of bluster, ice and sleet,

Silent wood and ugly street,

Winds that roar and flakes that fly,

Frozen earth and gloomy sky,—

Angry March, thy name to me

Like a battle-cry shall be!

"Forward, march!" but leave behind

Stubborn will and stupid mind.

"Forward, march!" and sing a song

As we stoutly march along.

"Forward, march!" away from sin;

"Forward, march!" the goal to win;

"Forward, march!" without a fear;

"Forward, march!" through all the year.

Poem "March Morning" by Edna Mead

A pale sun glints across the swirling drifts,

Bent trees are crackling with a silver load,

A wild gale shrieks in mischief as it lifts

A stinging screen of flakes across the road.


It seems midwinter still, and still the world

Lies wrapped in sleep upon the year's high shelf,

But March is such a rogue, his challenge hurled

In fury cannot hide his other self.


A softer azure tints the sky's cold blue,

Sometimes, for moments, all the wind is quiet,

Ice jewels melt to tears the rendezvous

Of ruffled sparrows teems with April riot.


Still roars the lion, but the lamb is bolder,

The madness has a subtle touch of play,

The night was Winter, but the Spring grown older,

Knows what a sham of Winter is today.

Poem " March Sunset" by Hilda Conklings

 Pines cut dark on a bronze sky . . .

A juniper tree laughing to the harp of the wind . . .

Last year's oak leaves rustling . . .

And oh, the sky like a heart of fire

Burned down to those coals that have the color of fruit . . .

Cherries . . . light red grapes


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