Mental Health
Laiba Rafiq 1 year ago
laibarafiq #medical

Breaking Societal Norms: Championing Mental Health for All Genders and Orientations

Break norms, and support mental health for all genders. Men's & Women's Mental Health Months challenge stereotypes. Join the conversation!

Voice of all gender and sexual orientation matters, but societal gender norms snatch freedom of expression from people and put them on the brink of mental health disorders. Mental health is challenged, when men are considered to be self-reliant and women to be submissive in their emotions. Mental health is a human issue and a universal need. The well-being of every individual is far more important than societal norms. Awareness regarding mental health challenges societal norms, by fostering a culture of inclusivity and productivity in society, and paving the way for empathy, support, and open conversations.

Men's Mental Health Issues:

Men experience a lot of mental health issues. Consistence evidence shows that stereotype attributes like stoicism, restriction of emotions, and self-reliance in men discourage them from asking for help from families and peers. Unable to cope with mental health challenges they exhibit sudden anger, aggression, and risk-taking behaviors which were overlooked by their families and friends. Such normative attributes lead them towards depression, anxiety, and even suicide. So, it’s the need of the hour to work together in making this world a far better space for men by running campaigns and awareness sessions. Mental health awareness programs are indispensable to healing mental health disorders.

Is There a Men's Mental Health Month:

Mental health, the right of everyone, raises questions against conventional masculinity expectations. Men being the protectors of families, resist their emotions because of societal stigmas, which ruin societal peace and aggravate mental disorders. Every gender has its specific roles but to mask your emotions because of patriarchal society demands awareness sessions worldwide so, is there a men’s mental health month? Yes, June is considered Men's Mental Health Month, and it offers a platform to discuss the challenges and solutions regarding men's mental health challenges. Some people wear green ribbons in June to promote men’s mental health. Such events are not only important to realize the society that it is necessary to break the myths that men are self-reliant and strong enough that they can stuff down their emotions and are the only breadwinners but also give a message to families to listen to men when you see behavioral and emotional disturbances in them. Different health issues related to men like prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and heart attacks also assessed in such health fairs.

When was Men's Mental Health Month Created:

Men's Health Month, which was formerly known as National Men’s Health Week has been known since 1994. Like other awareness months, there is no specified creation date for Men's Mental Health Month, but various campaigns and awareness sessions raise their voices for the mental health of men throughout the year and encourage men to make timely decisions regarding their health.

Men's Mental Health Month 2023:

Men are reluctant to express but the effort of different platforms especially the Men’s Health Forum realizes the world to acknowledge men's mental health. Men’s Mental Health Week was celebrated from 12-18 June in 2023 and different health issues related to men were discussed “Men's mental health and the internet” is the theme of the year which highlights the positive and negative impacts of social media on the health of men.

Men's mental health month vs. pride month:

Mental health awareness surpasses the gender disparity. Every person has the right to express their feelings and emotions. Men's Mental Health Month, not recognized as well as other awareness months were, celebrated in June to hamper the masculinity challenges that society puts on the shoulders of men, and aware the men to take care of their mental health to run community and society. Breaking such social stigmas leads to a progressive society. In modern times, Pride month is also celebrated in June, to raise the LGBTQ movements and their culture. Stonewall riots, a series of liberation protests raised by the gay community gave a wave to Pride Month and it is still going on from 1969. Pride month supports the policy that it’s important to accept diverse gender identities.

Women’s Mental Health Month:

Women make up half of the world's population and are considered the backbone of society. They face a lot of mental health challenges from rearing a child to meeting societal expectations. Their mental well-being is of great importance in fostering a culture of positivity among generations. May is considered Women’s Mental Health Month. National Women’s Health Week is celebrated from May 10-16 and such events are of great importance in addressing women and society that they are not just caregivers but also want support from their families in difficult situations to save themselves from psychological issues.

Final Words

Society needs to accept that mental health is universally required regardless of gender and sexual orientation. Breaking the social stigmas, combating discrimination, and giving space and freedom of expression to every person, raise the beauty of the world and lead everyone towards prosperity.

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