Margaret Wolff Hungerford first penned this simple phrase "Beauty lies in the Eyes of Beholder", in her book Molly Bawn. The idea that beauty is subjective and open to multiple meanings and a variety of interpretations. So, a person who is observing decides what is beautiful and this write up from Mrs Shahnaz Haidery is in line with same feelings.
Beauty lies in the Eyes of Beholder
“Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” is an idiom that means different people have different ideas about what is beautiful. It can also be used to describe anything that is considered desirable or perfect. In 1878, Margaret Wolff Hungerford first penned this simple phrase in her book Molly Bawn and captured an incredibly complicated, deeply nuanced thought: the idea that beauty is subjective and open to multiple meanings and a variety of interpretations.
Beauty is the quality or group of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or the mind and loveliness is exploring the natural beauty of the things being viewed. Folk wisdom, poetic declarations, and developments in post-Cartesian philosophy have led to that familiar claim of modern aesthetics that beauty is in some sense "in the eye of the beholder." This focus on the viewer and on the interaction between the object and our perception of it has generated difficult questions.
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then the person who is observing gets to decide what is beautiful. A common saying is "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," which means beauty doesn't exist on its own but is created by observers. There are two types of beauty - Absolute Beauty, the kind of beauty to be found in nature, and Relative Beauty, the beauty that characterizes art. The sensation we have of beauty is our perception of the similarities and differences between how close the imitation is to the reality.
Beauty lies in the Eyes of Beholder is used to express the fact that not all people have the same opinions about what is attractive and charming. This write up in the following from Mrs Shahnaz Haidery is being shared for highlighting that there are numerous such beauty as shown in the following photo, spread in the vast nature and it demands some one with a eye for catching essence of the charm and beauty lying to be watched and appreciated.
Extremely beautiful, loveliest and charismatic , multi colored scene is glisteningly highlighted splendiferously and glitteringly exhibited fascinatingly and nimbly. Mountainous areas are blue and white in colours and are garnishingly depicted in plasticity and by flexibility , effulgency of frosted flakes and glares, icicles jade like and frozen ice bergs and glaciers are picturized dazzlingly and in excellent manners ardently. Snow White areas of mountains are illustrated zestfully and exquisitely.
Scenic August and engrossed sights are alluring and splendorly highlighted ravishingly and superlatively as well as impressively in richness procedures amicably. Lower sides and terraces of hilly areas are beautified by the growths of multi colored flowers adoringly and jazzily picturized in sonorous manners groovily and lustrously.waters are flowed down sides and join the main streams and fabricatedly are fallen into the lakes and rivers seductressly and prettily.
At both sides of the river varieties of flowers,like Hibiscus, prime roses. Ponies, roses ,marigold, lavenders and ponies and Azaleas etc are grown in solemnity and endearingly also. Stamens, calyxes and sepals, petals and buds and bloomed flowers and tall green straighten trees are robustly and aureately exhibited whimsically and wizardly exhibited bedazzlingly and bonny and bonzer in all respects ostentatiously.
Multi colored florets and bloomed flowers have glorified in surrounded areas in charomatic, gilded and glitzly picturized lustrously and brilliantly. Fragrant and finest designs and textures of flowers are garland and jade like are the best symbols of artistic creativities and the growths of flowers are fantabulous and gorgeous by the effulgency and by spellbound beauties of nature in flauntino and Rococo styled charmingly and grotesquely illustrated in Mega stellar and in top notch and amazeballs like by all means of mellowness brilliantly and shimmeringly depicted distinctively and mesmerizingly and sightly exhibited in excellent, strikingly, in verdant, fetchingly and stunningly showed in jubilantly and in beddable and comely, glassy and gleamingly depicted luminously and gleamingly also.
Flowers are precious gifts of nature which symbolize love, royalty, beauty, sentiments and adorations, mysticism and friendship warmly and in creditable manners preciously. Roses are the woody perennial flowering plants of genus Rosa theirs Clade is Rosids, sub family is Rosoidaae and family is Rosaceae graciously. Herbal products, medicines attars scents colognes lotions and creams talcum powder and hairs oil, cosmetics , soaps are made productively and proficiently, for trade reasons also .
Over all the entire scene is marvelously highlighted by several colours, shiny glowing and bloomingly , after the availability of chemicals, fertilizers, waters , sun rays and suitable fertile land surfaces are prevailed by the natural phenomenal lacqueredly , and sumptuously displayed and grandiloquently as well as captivated by glamours and delicacies of nature benevolently and effervescently exhibited prettily and charmingly by superiority and apostles of Almighty Allah's excellencies and magnificently also. Subhan Allah.
Best wishes and Regards to Mrs