A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

John Keats was an English poet of the second generation of Romantic poets. He died of tuberculosis at the very young age of 25. 'A Thing of Beauty is Joy Forever' gives a message that beauty never diminishes or fades. We can choose to see beauty in the most simple and common things around us. This write up is in line with same feelings.

2025-03-06 07:46:43 - Muhammad Asif Raza

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever” is a line from John Keats' poem Endymion. The line suggests that beauty is a source of joy and that its loveliness increases over time. It also implies that beauty will never pass away, but will continue to provide a sense of peace and well-being. The nature in its pure form is all beauty and there are innumerable things of beauty spread across the globe. A thing of beauty is an object of which loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness; but still will keep a bower quiet for us, and a sleep full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.

The phrase " a thing of beauty is a joy forever" means a beautiful object, natural or artificial, makes a person happy for a long time even if it's beautify fades, or put into different circumstances. It is always a source of enjoyment , happiness, and pleasure for a person or a group of people. We can choose to see beauty in the most simple and common things around us. But this beauty becomes a source of unending joy for us. In the following a beautiful write up from Mrs Shahnaz Haidery is being shared, which she has penned about the image in the following:-

Màsha Allah. Two white silky, ornamental like Peacocks are glisteningly and fascinatingly sitting upon the brown stem, slightly, straighten in shapes and softened and silken feathers are capriciously and sightly picturized conspicuously and nimbly. White pearls like two Peacocks are garnishingly and gloriously glancing the surrounded atmosphere chimerically and aesthetically pleasingly and are rarely appear and display ethereally and bleached versions of the classic peacocks are chimerical and shiney and glassily illustrated zestfully and celestially. 

Large sized and delicate peacocks are being influenced by loveliest and opulent jasmines like white flowers,which are grown in green creepers, and at the lower sides blue and slightly white colours shades of waters are being flowing flawlessly and groovily. Such white peacocks are unique, aromatic and glitzly and ritzly showed into the scene scrupulously in fairness styles also. Peacocks are usually colourful birds and rarely white in colours,such are depicted aureately and strikingly in verdant creations spectacularly and in pristine and Panoramic in designs and patterns also. 

The term Peacock refers to the Male Peafowl. Females are called "Pea hens" and are smaller and grey or brown in colours and in ardent patterns. Peacocks are Native to Asia, and the National birds of India, can fly to some extent. Peafowl, Pea hen and Peacock refer to three birds of the Pheasant family Phasianidae,( order Galli formes) . Male is called Peacock and the female is a Peafowl jazzily and groovily depicted at several places jubilantly and in dancing and raising their feathers in encircling and revolving styles gloriously and in flauntino operandi and shiney and twinklingly by all means of mellowness and divinely inspired to larger scale astutely and glaringly exhibited splendorly and fervently. 

Peacocks are included in the kingdom of Animalia, theirs phylum is Chordata, class is Aves, family is Phasianidae and tribe is "Pavonini" and characterized by large sized of tails and vibrate , to make a rustling sounds , they eat, fruits berries, grains, small ores. Mammals, reptiles, small snakes and insects . White jasmines flowers and blue colours of river and rocking and revolving positions of white Peacocks have beautified the artistic portraits depicted enchanctressly and insipidly and in winningly , the same scale felicitously in showering peace and beauteous sights of gloriness and sublimities of nature amiably and daintily also. 

"Genetic Mutation" such Pea fowls are called "albinos", Leucistic Pea fowls turn to white around the time Peacocks get their colors after one to three years. They are often provided by topping and amazeballs like positions of captivity, amazingly and amorously in grandiose and sumptuously. Peacocks suffer more than Peahens from lack of color. white peacocks are easily sacred. Like the dove symbolizes the Holy Ghost, for which the Peacocks are meant to symbolize "Jesus Christ" himself in Christianity. 

White and green and blue Peacocks exhibit comprehensive images and traditional aspects of customs and practices in benevolent procedures adroitly and exhibiting charms and wonders, gleamingly in Hinduism and Buddhism largely. Overall the white flocculant and Majestic Peacocks are glitteringly and classily exhibited beautifully and in Rococo styled upon the black trunk or stem charmingly and grotesquely also. Subhan Allah.

Best wishes to Beautiful flowers on FaceBook for sharing such a lovely Photo and Regard to Mrs shahnaz.haidery@gmail.com.

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